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Everything posted by 04silveradoclone07ss

  1. from what i have heard is a chip is good it will get you the basics of what you want done. but if you want something "GREAT" get a tune. they can do things chips could only dream of.lol IMO wait a little while and get a tune
  2. well guys i was looking for your advice. i bought these lights off a member here and havent put them on yet. i just want to see if you like them. im not to crazy about them, i think its to much chrome. (looks kinda ricey a little to me) butwhat im palnning on doing up front is blacking out the street scence grill and grille frame plus the ss bumper. so there will not be any chrome up front once im done except the light. how do you think that will look??? idk im still confused, i dont like alot of chrome, i like blacked out. should i wait and see once all the bodywork is done to make my mind up?? also im throwing in a picture of my new ss wing. thanks tonman. and a clip of my 40 series. is not alot since i only had a few seconds of film space left. well hopefully you guys can help me out...~~kyle old new wing exhaust
  3. defintly bringing back a old topic, but i just had to say that i refound this post a little while ago. i forgot what my 50 sounded liked, thought it was good, then i thought to myself i never did a comparision!to my super 40. so i listen to this then whent outside stood right next to tailpipe and started it up...all i can say is wow. it felt like it shook the ground, and had such a DEEP tone. (i know flow master dont flow to good thou) but i love it. and this is only from a 4.8 cant wait to hear it from a 6.0. maybe a cam will make it sound better?? o well just had to say that it made me fall in love all over.lol
  4. o that must suck!!!! i wonder what he did to get that payback!!
  5. i will see what i can get. i will talk to him thursday at work
  6. my buddy had the same problem with his, he bought a new "pigtail" for it and burnt out again. he bouht a wiring harness from ebay, all it really is, is a relay to equal the power out. he is using 100w bulbs and doesnt have a problem. if you want i can get the ebay sellers name for u
  7. red, looks real nice plus its his build number of his intimidator ss. since they only made 933 of them.
  8. ill take another one! plus i like that pic with the soilders
  9. really nice, was that the kit that sumone was selling for 100 bucks?? good deal on that looks great, i thought it would be shinier but its just right, i might get ride of my speed mesh polsihed and get a black chrome and paint the lower girlles black, you hardly see them anyway...looks good drako
  10. what about painting them black? im getting the street scence polished ss bumper grills, and might paint them black if i paint my top grill black. i like the blacked out look too. but good luck with finding something nice~~Kyle
  11. Happy b-day kim, (where is she, havent seen her in a while?)
  12. looks good, want to come up to mass and paint my calipers??? lol nice job
  13. sublime always in my cd player! really like there style just picked up their 20 greatest hits cd. i preety much like anything excepts classical. rage against the machine is good, what about tool?? they have some decent songs
  14. ahh thats funny jeff! were did i get those?? well u can find them from me if you have a set of stock lights with the ambers deleted, other than that i dont know the company is sonar i belive??
  15. what about something like these?? i dont know if u want all clear or just amber delete, these might be for sale or trade for amber deleted ones(theblacked out amber). ~~Kyle
  16. none taken, i only said that because i thought it was a joke (kinda) look at my post i siad i thought it was still a joke, but when he said this is no joke, i had a 50/50 of maybe he did? o well, hopefully he didnt cry wolf and tomorow if he does roll it he doesnt come crying to us..lol
  17. damn i wanted ur hood, i even checked if the rolled truck had mud flaps liek urs and it did, thats just wrong
  18. roof defintly looks caved in look above the window. idk might just be me.
  19. damn new it was to good to be true..o well off to the junk yard to find a crashed ss
  20. is it fixable! man i feel so bad for you. when i saw the post i thought it was a joke! kind of still do, but thats just sick if your joking about killing a ss. well if u want to sell that goodmark hood pm me ill try to help u out. sorry for your loss..
  21. looks awsome, i might want to get my ss wheels black, i really love the black on black. keep up the good work
  22. these tips work wonders!!! i used all of them and my relationship lasted a total of 20 mins!! lol kinda long but preety damn funny, good find
  23. you got all that out of a 4.8? wow there is hope for mine then
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