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Everything posted by 04silveradoclone07ss

  1. hey mini mac what part of mass. im like 60 miles south?? and how much would shipping be about??
  2. well since i have a reg cab, my truck didnt come with center console, all it came with is a jump seat and a fold down console thing. i never use all the seats,,actually i practicly ever use the pass side.. but what i want is a center console from like a ss or other truck with it. i saw a picture of one in a reg cab. but it was in 06 chevy. did 06 come with ones in there already? if not how hard do you think it would be to put it in.? as far as i can tell the dashes look the same so i woul dthink it woul djust bolt up. and one more ? did any consoles come in tan? since my interior change will not be until later!~~~kyle p.s sorry about all the question
  3. yep you got the chevy lean... i have that when i fill my tank up...well at least mine isnt that high. and you can get a easy 4" withouth a c notch or a flip.
  4. well im still young and nows the time to be deciding. when i was little i wanted to be a doctor..then i realized it was a lot of school so thats a no-no. now im going to school for either mechanical enginerring or a history teacher. but i will have a side bussiness with cars. i saw another mechanical eng. here so i will definlty be pming him!!!!
  5. and then you wonder why the rent is so high!!!!!lol nice cars
  6. ya definlty... i rather have it smaller but hey we learn from our mistakes...
  7. i dont have the logo in that form. its a work logo that me and a buddy drew. you can use it just dont have the excaxt thing, and yes i might resize mine and make it smaller also. i would like to see one with a ext cab.
  8. i have those lights they look awsome!!!! good deals, to bad i woul dneed a new hood with the 06 grill!!!
  9. well if you take $12.35(all i have in my pockets) ill take that off your hands!!!. lol good luck on the sale...why you selling???
  10. wow, thanks alot.. cant wait. also the hitch would be great but i wont be able to use it with my roll pan~~thanks alot, kyle
  11. before you cut them up y dont you just get a set of 1999-02 lights?? they have the ambers and will fit right in????
  12. My dad owns an insurance agency, and he said that there is nothing wrong with it, i know many peopel that have done the same thing you are doing, good luck on the new mods!!!
  13. i beleive it was me, mine didnt have one but i thought i would steal it from my mom, stil undecided if i would do that. after all she did give birth to me lol
  14. yep it makes sense, kinda sucks that you have to cut up tailights
  15. what are amber repeters??? some british thing??? lol i would actully like to know it is like strobes?
  16. i have seen one ss with a reg roll pan on.and had the cladding like over hang. kindof looked batman mobileish!! but not bad. plus if you want weight saving get a urathane one and do like he did. or get the bser (wich is heaveir)..
  17. damn you want the h.p gains....well ill have to go on the dyno for that.. im guessing .00000000000000001 hp????? lol
  18. i was planning on doing it, but when i found out the cost, and to get someone to do the custom cladding on the cab, i decided against it.... i still would love to do it but. i like chevyman23's truck alot, more practicall then doing a whole truck up so much that your scared to drive it.
  19. not trying to strat a big fight, but why are the mods even asking us to do this??? they never asked us if we wanted the site changed, so why are they asking about something small like this? i think they should just do it and get it done with, not "lets see what people say and have people turn on eachother", (becuase thats were its going to go). just do something and get the ball rolling, i dont even care what happens anymore i just would like to see it.
  20. it shouldnt affect it, did you get to get any more weight off the truck??
  21. GOT A PROBLEM WITH CLONES!!! lol mines in the working stages??
  22. um the site is always going to be ss. no one is going to change that, we just want to see if the featured truck would be a ss or allow other things?
  23. what kim no pictures??? o well poor kitty's killed now...:*( lol
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