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AnAmerican Revolution

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Geezus.. Grease on the handles is one thing. That washes off. A cut tire though? That's money you have to spend to fix it. What the hell did you do to them to get that started?


I dunno. If they're into cutting tires and shit, I would be more apt to confront them personally then to keep with the pranks (revenge), because you don't know where they're going to stop. Sugar in the gas tank? Keys on paint? Full blown demolition (sp?) with a sledgehammer?


I wouldn't trust them. I guess I'd have to be the "bigger man" and step down to protect something I've spent tens of thousands of dollars on. Just my .02



EDIT: Just read your last post about them already keying your 454SS. If it were me, THIS $HIT WOULD HAVE TO STOP! :mad: I'm not sure what was done to them to start this, but at that point the cops would be involved, unless I had done something worse to start it.

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Do nothing except take a flashlight with you at night a drain pan and a few tools.

Drain their oil and try not to leave any mess so they will not suspect it. They will drive off and it'll be too late by the time they realize somethings wrong and then their engines fried so they won't be comming back by your house till they fix their sh!t.

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Geezus.. Grease on the handles is one thing.  That washes off.  A cut tire though?  That's money you have to spend to fix it.  What the hell did you do to them to get that started?


I dunno.  If they're into cutting tires and shit, I would be more apt to confront them personally then to keep with the pranks (revenge), because you don't know where they're going to stop.  Sugar in the gas tank?  Keys on paint?  Full blown demolition (sp?) with a sledgehammer? 


I wouldn't trust them.  I guess I'd have to be the "bigger man" and step down to protect something I've spent tens of thousands of dollars on.  Just my .02



EDIT:  Just read your last post about them already keying your 454SS.  If it were me, THIS $HIT WOULD HAVE TO STOP!  :mad: I'm not sure what was done to them to start this, but at that point the cops would be involved, unless I had done something worse to start it.

:withstupid: this is just plain stupid if you can't take 'em then let the cops deal with it but don't go breaking peoples shit

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they dont have the balls to piss with my truck one reason being i got 2 neighbors that are state cops, 2nd i got a .45 and a shovel i doubt anyone would miss them, and 3rd, i got one mean ass freakin doberman that would tear them a new ****

wasn't the fact that they messed up your truck the whole reason you wanted to get back at them :dunno:

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they started it, we where in a bbar room one night, and the one shoved me and i told him not to but he kept doing it so i punched him in the face and we got in a big brawl cops called seperated us we spent a night in jail, and went our seperate ways and since then never talked ever again, but he started it, i am gonna end it

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Sounds like someones going to get hurt and someones going to jail. Calm down and think about it first. It's a truck!!! Do you really want to end up dead or in jail over a vehicle? Time to walk away IMHO.

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Actually, I just thought of a good idea. SET THEM UP!!! If you can, leave your 6.0 in the garage. But leave the 454 outside. See if you can bait them back with it. Set up security camera's so you have full evidence of it and then go to the cops to prove who did it. Keep records of every bill and incident date of prior mishaps to prove that they were the culprits of everything!!! :cheers:

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