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AnAmerican Revolution

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"Revenge is a dish best served cold'' - old Klingon proverb


...Drain their oil ...
I've done that too (in my youth) but I was nice enough to leave the drain plug on the seat.


Sounds like someones going to get hurt and someones going to jail. ...

:withstupid: Exactly; take a lesson from Arizona Fathers' Rights: have a jail packet, attorney's retainer, and bail prepared in advance. And be prepared to do the time for the crime. Not trying to be a downer, but the fact that you are soliciting inspiration in a public forum where your posts and IP address have been logged and can be subpoenaed as evidence kind of means you are starting off on the wrong foot. If I ever ran a campaign of revenge nobody would ever suspect. If I ever did... :D


Because they are body builders - forge a letter to the US Customs Department asking for a permit to import steroids; include that you really can't afford buying these drugs on the street any more, and assure the government that it would only be for your strict personal use. Warning - anyone caught doing this by the Postmaster General will go to federal pound-you-in-the-ass prison.


Impersonate your mark and apply for membership (in their name) in NAMBLA (North America Man/Boy Love Assn).


If the mark lives with a spouse/girlfriend, from an anonymous phone call her up when you know he won't be there; ask "who's this?" and when she gives her name say "OH, you must be ______'s sister" and tell her that you're his gay fiancée. Continue without letting her interrupt saying that the mark is such a great guy to take care of her. Act totally surprised when she tells you who she is. Explain that it must be a misunderstanding, that you've been dating him for quite some time. You will have to give some time and locations where you were supposed to be together, be prepared in advance. Also be ready to answer tricky questions, such as personal questions about the mark. In later days, start calling at random times and just hang-up as the phone is answered.


Since your truck got keyed, two words - Expanding Foam (DRUG DEALER, I cheated on my wife, registered sex offender, Paroled rapist, Child molester, I love to kill cats).


Remove the wheel weights.


Put a can of shaving cream on a cold exhaust manifold (it will later explode). WD-40 will catch fire...


Remove a spark plug and drop a 3/4-inch long bolt into the cylinder.


Puncture the lower radiator hose with a small ice pick; the hose will immediately reseal itself until the engine is well above operating temperature and then coolant will blow out the hole.


Tie his car to something on his house (front balcony, hinge/doorknob on shed, corner post of front porch). Use a solid rope or cable, 40-50 ft is more than enough. Cover it with sand or something. The longer the run, the more speed he will gain...


Rock salt kills lawns. Permanently. Forever.


Ants and other spring time insects love honey - spill some in his mailbox, on his car, etc.


Mr. P.

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Mr. P... you are the best! I like the wheel wheights, and the tying to somthing.... porch would be hilarious! American rev... if you go with this one... you must film it! and then show us all... wait a second that make us accomplis', uhhh scratch that... good luck!


i'd stick with stinky stuff in cowl, wheel weights, zip ties and maybe some oil on the wipers or grease... I wouldn't bust the wing off... i think they are held on the bed with two bolts... maybe 7/16... i would try that b4 breaking it :flag:


some of this other stuff is sadistic....


you guys are sick! :jester:

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wow....this escalated huh? I dunno if you should do all this stuff because i think the way this will end is by one guy snapping and taking it to the next "level" and i would have to see someone on the forum hurt :shakehead: However these guy mean business and i guess you dont want to back down. So i would highly suggest some of the stufff we said earlier, oil in hood, oil on wipers etc. So get back at them just make sure your never by yourself and look around when your on your way home. oh yeah and keep us updated :pop::devil::pop: props to misterp and his much wisdom :devil:

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I did some thinking it over, i am gonna let it go, but if one more thing happens to any of my vehicles iam gonna flip. Plus i told the neighbor what they did and they said they would be keeping an eye on my house when i am not home, So i guess what i am saying is i am being a **** and not gonna do anything

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do something....just something funny, and non-malicious/gets you in trouble with the :dupe:. a little something so they can think of you on thier way up to thier little place

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You're not really being a pu$$y. You're actually being the bigger man by letting it go. Imo, anyone who goes after someone else's property is a big f-ing wuss. It's easy to fight something that doesn't fight back. I don't give a rats red ass how big someone is, or how many, they mess with my stuff I'm going straight to them. One at a time if I have to. And a 2x4 or a good kick to the knee will bring the biggest sumbitch down to anyone's level.




P.S. MisterP, don't let me get on your bad side. :crackup:

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man you alrady did a night in jail cause of this jacka$$, dont do more timeor have to pay for repairs cause you get caught, it is not worth it!


Set him up to get caught damaging your property, video dont lie.


This is my dream pay-back:buy his morgage and become a dick and first slip, kick his butt out! and move in :)

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they boy, hes back and forth i got him every other weekend, and some times at night during the week, i cant wait for fishing this spring, im taking him up to a buddies camp with me for a week and we are gonna go fishing, and im gonna let him shoot some guns the .22 of course, nothing to big,

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