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GTO ending?


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Ive been looking around other forums and what not and basically understand that with the ending of the current platform the GTO uses, the gto will not be made anymore.. Yet, i have heard that with the platform that replaces it (i forgot both platform names, sorry) they will be building a new GTO... i really liked the 2005+ GTO's and was anticipating test driving one of the newly designed ones once they came out... but now i am confused, some say they arent bulding GTO's past 2006 and some say they will be building GTO's on the new platform... anyone with any info on these please share the info on what REALLY is going on!!

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They will stop production for a year or 2 most likely and return with an entirely new platform. Its about time IMO. The holden platform they were building them on was outdated when they started... its time to get some fresh engineering under the goats... I'm sure the next one is gonna blow everyone away.

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I find that hard to believe... Saturn is the one brand in GM's lineup thats keeping them in good position with the EPA and the Hummer brand has been huge for GM recently. Economically it doesn't make much sense for GM to be dropping lines like those already. You'd think Saab would be the first on the chopping block if anything.

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Not just the GTO. I read the L.A. Times the other day and they were talking about  getting rid of Pontiac all together, Saturn and Hummer is on the bubble too.  :banghead:

:icon_bs: Pontiac is not going anywhere any time soon. When we got the announcement that the GTO was getting cut along with Montana SV6, they announced the G5 would likely be here next year.


:rant: Also don't get me started on the media and GM those idiots would like nothing more than to see GM go under. Not going to happen by the way, waaayyyyy to much of the US economy is riding on GM. I'm not going to sit here and say that it's all rosey and everything is great however it's not nearly as bad as they like to make it sound. But the media loves to sensationalize things and make it sound like were on the edge of total destruction at any moment. Watch the pre-views for you local news tonight I would bet money that there is some story coming up about something that might kill you. Tune in at 11 for more :icon_bs:


What GM really needs to do to sell more cars and regain market share is for the media to quit attacking them at everyturn and talking trash about their products. So that the precieved quality of GM cars and trucks could come back up. When you have supposed "experts" telling you constantly that GM is crap and Toyota is great you'll start to believe it. Check out J.D. Power inital quality studies it's not true not even a little. I feel better now :chevy:

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Not just the GTO. I read the L.A. Times the other day and they were talking about  getting rid of Pontiac all together, Saturn and Hummer is on the bubble too.  :banghead:

:icon_bs: Pontiac is not going anywhere any time soon. When we got the announcement that the GTO was getting cut along with Montana SV6, they announced the G5 would likely be here next year.


:rant: Also don't get me started on the media and GM those idiots would like nothing more than to see GM go under. Not going to happen by the way, waaayyyyy to much of the US economy is riding on GM. I'm not going to sit here and say that it's all rosey and everything is great however it's not nearly as bad as they like to make it sound. But the media loves to sensationalize things and make it sound like were on the edge of total destruction at any moment. Watch the pre-views for you local news tonight I would bet money that there is some story coming up about something that might kill you. Tune in at 11 for more :icon_bs:


What GM really needs to do to sell more cars and regain market share is for the media to quit attacking them at everyturn and talking trash about their products. So that the precieved quality of GM cars and trucks could come back up. When you have supposed "experts" telling you constantly that GM is crap and Toyota is great you'll start to believe it. Check out J.D. Power inital quality studies it's not true not even a little. I feel better now :chevy:

:withstupid: GM will be back at the top again soon.
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Not just the GTO. I read the L.A. Times the other day and they were talking about  getting rid of Pontiac all together, Saturn and Hummer is on the bubble too.  :banghead:

:icon_bs: Pontiac is not going anywhere any time soon. When we got the announcement that the GTO was getting cut along with Montana SV6, they announced the G5 would likely be here next year.


:rant: Also don't get me started on the media and GM those idiots would like nothing more than to see GM go under. Not going to happen by the way, waaayyyyy to much of the US economy is riding on GM. I'm not going to sit here and say that it's all rosey and everything is great however it's not nearly as bad as they like to make it sound. But the media loves to sensationalize things and make it sound like were on the edge of total destruction at any moment. Watch the pre-views for you local news tonight I would bet money that there is some story coming up about something that might kill you. Tune in at 11 for more :icon_bs:


What GM really needs to do to sell more cars and regain market share is for the media to quit attacking them at everyturn and talking trash about their products. So that the precieved quality of GM cars and trucks could come back up. When you have supposed "experts" telling you constantly that GM is crap and Toyota is great you'll start to believe it. Check out J.D. Power inital quality studies it's not true not even a little. I feel better now :chevy:


I got to agree with the reliability factor, on my weekend trip down to jersey i did a little test to see what was broke down on the side of the road.








This was in a 5hr trip from mass to south jersey and these were not old clunkers either, ofcourse not the most accurate way to see what cars are reliable but kind of says a little something atleast imo about how some makes are not all that!

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Working in a dealer for several years you get to see what kind of warranty repairs are made. For a long time you saw the same things breaking, but over the past 5 or so years warranty repairs have been dropping. That shows in the amount of parts we sell over the shop counter. Basically it means that they're building them better.

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:rant: Also don't get me started on the media and GM those idiots would like nothing more than to see GM go under. Not going to happen by the way, waaayyyyy to much of the US economy is riding on GM. I'm not going to sit here and say that it's all rosey and everything is great however it's not nearly as bad as they like to make it sound. But the media loves to sensationalize things and make it sound like were on the edge of total destruction at any moment. Watch the pre-views for you local news tonight I would bet money that there is some story coming up about something that might kill you. Tune in at 11 for more :icon_bs:


What GM really needs to do to sell more cars and regain market share is for the media to quit attacking them at everyturn and talking trash about their products. So that the precieved quality of GM cars and trucks could come back up. When you have supposed "experts" telling you constantly that GM is crap and Toyota is great you'll start to believe it. Check out J.D. Power inital quality studies it's not true not even a little. I feel better now :chevy:

:withstupid: GM will be back at the top again soon.


You're right. I never took L.A. Times seriously anyways, I guess I just panic.

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