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I got banned from the Titan forum

1 Fast SS

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good members and bad ones are like beer - the bitter head floats to the top and thats all what most people see and taste.  the problem is not a lot of people know how to poor beer and all they get is bitter HEAD.  lol  Once they got the mods swingin the bat they didn't care if you had anything constructive to say even though most of it was crap like my truck is better than your truck garbage.



mmm... beer.



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Hey SoBe at least we don't have Troll police.  :troll:

of course you do. if i started calling out every member and posting rude stuff i wouldn't last long here.


BTW who says the SS is the TOP? nice opinion. I've beaten one big deal.


"You guys have to try and KNOCK US off the top, we werent stepping down to crack the poor TITANS ASS" ?? whos knockning what crack ass? what? I think i found a Turd. You sound very self centered. it ok.

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Think you mis understood me.... knock us off the top .... I was refering that knock meant kind of like cracking on us, picking on the SSS, kind of like the Saying dont knock it till ya try it...


You can be a Titan Advocate..... Thats cool ...you paid for your truck and I am sure its great.


Just as long as you realize the potential of the SSS , the aftermarket backing and the cold hard number these trucks can put down...All things you cant deny.


Not saying the Titan isnt good for you ........ or that you'd be better off with a SSS but The perfomance nod goes to the CHEVY....


A good question I have for you:

You have a few mods ...? Correct... So the SSS with the Same mods all other things being equal.... Do you think your truck would win?

Edited by H8R (see edit history)
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When did we call out or bash your trucks or any of that? All we did was state a opinion and some of your titan people got offended in some way and started calling us trolls and banning us? We didnt really start anything we were just curious so we set up a topic about it....I admit maybe a few things we said came off rude to yall but its not reason to react in the way that yall did by immediatly banning us, maybe if yall let some of us stick around we coulda of resolved things but w/e.....your welcome here and you dont really have to worry about us banning you since were not like your buddies...



Onyx :cool:

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i have never in any post said that the SS sucked nor that it was in anyway inferior please dont marginalize my comments with other peoples comments. You on the other hand have which i do not appreciate. Sure the SS stock for stock is faster not sure who told you otherwise. i'm sure it wasn't me. you should go run and find him. please dont prejudge me based on the truck i drive.

Edited by SoBeGraphics (see edit history)
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When did we call out or bash your trucks or any of that? All we did was state a opinion and some of your titan people got offended in some way and started calling us trolls and banning us? We didnt really start anything we were just curious so we set up a topic about it....I admit maybe a few things we said came off rude to yall but its not reason to react in the way that yall did by immediatly banning us, maybe if yall let some of us stick around we coulda of resolved things but w/e.....your welcome here and you dont really have to worry about us banning you since were not like your buddies...



Onyx :cool:


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just to let everyone know the administrators on the titan site closed most of the SS threads, one guy on there had called us a bunch of assholes and how we should trade our trucks in for real trucks, i was about to ripp into his ass, but they closed them

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