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Road Rage


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OK, i gotta make this quick . going out to my birthday dinner.


On nov 13 i was on my way to work at 6:00am im in the fast lane goin like 70 and something jumped out in front of me and i slammed on the brakes. Just at that same time some dick shit was switching lanes to get behind me,....well when he hit his brakes he started fish tailiing and allmost lost control. then he speeds up beside me and starts yellin and freakin out pointing and sayin shit and wanting me to pull over so i was like F U instead of sorry, which i was.


So anyways i desided to just fall back so dude wasn't harrasing me, which worked for a minute then he fell back and started in again(i was still in the left lane)then he sped up cut me off then stopped right on the highway and waited for me to go by him while he was still pointing and yelling shit.(i just kept on going to work). After that i forgot all about it.


Then on wednsday I was on my way home from work and i'm like 2-3 miles before my turn so decide i have tome to pass this semi and van before my tun without trucker guy (or gal) haveing slow down. So i'm like 1/2 mile ahead of this semi and i see the van come around and get in front of semi and behind me but a ways back. I thought nothing of it. Then i go trough town to my house and the van is still behind me but not on my ass.I'm just figuring it was somebody in the nieghborhood. so i pulled over to the side so they could go by and then i could back in the driveway, but they pull up behind me so i think it must be someone i know, i couldn't tell from all the glare who it was so i whipped the truck around so i could back in.


On my way in the driveway this guy gets out of the van and i recognize him as dick shit. So i stopped and started getting out , he sarts walking up and is to the truckand i said "hey i remember you" , wanting to appologize and tell him what was up. He says "ya i remember you too ya little ****er" .Then blam!! :smash::smash: ****stick uppercuts me to the jaw. Bastard allmost hit a home run. All i was capable of was putting my self in the truck and shut the door then i took off out of the driveway hopeing he didn't kick or punch the truck. I was still with it enough too think to stop and take his plate# Then i went to the cops then the ER for stitches and X-rays. Cops still haven't arrested the dude! what and the :banghead: Anyways i gotta go gonna be late. I'll check back later or tomorrow probly. Its gonna be a late night! :thumbs:

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well now he knows where u live......carry a gun.....or be like me i have a metal baseball bat in my truck at all times......beat his ****in ass if he comes on ur property again....then call the cops and say u were in fear of ur life and using self defense......

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If the Police don't do anything about it, make sure you keep all records of the ER visit and any follow-up visits and take pictures of your face with a time stamp on the camera/pics ... If after a few weeks there is no resolve with the Police, go to the City or County Attorney's office and show them what you have done thus far to pursue the situation ... If that gets nowhere, hire a Lawyer to write a letter to them ... (In the mean time review your laws regarding personal defense items and DONT violate any law in regards to weapons, if you choose gun, get training on basics, I would not advise this in the interim, gun for defense effectively takes a lot of training!!!!! ... Best example so far was a nice short bat that gives you reach and is not viewed in courts as a deadly weapon


Sometimes what a municipality won't do anything about, the County will if the Municipality dumps it ...


If after all of this official business, and documentation the guy comes after you again, and you swing-away or put him out, when you articulate self defense, you have all the justification in the world because you pursued politically correct means first ...


Bottom line, "He and they left you no choice but to defend yourself" ... If he is crippled as the result of you trying to stop his forward personal attack, or worse dead, well that's his problem ... It also helps you if a surviving family member sues you, if you back yourself up like this first ... and if possible, try to have a witness to your actions and STAY POLITE WITH HIM AND WARN HIM YOU ARE PREPARED TO DEFEND YOURSELF IF NEED BE ... DO NOT THREATEN HIM OR TAUNT HIM ... (YOU ARE THE SMARTER ONE IN THE END, WE HAVE A WORLD OF COURTS AND SUCH REMEMBER THAT, HE HAS RIGHTS BY LAW EVEN WHILE HE'S BASHING YOUR FACE IN ... BEING RIGHT IS NOT ALL IT TAKES, YOU HAVE TO BE RIGHT BY THE LAW WHICH TAKES SOME PREP) ... It would suck to end up in Jail for something this guy took to extremes previously ... It can happen if you go on the offensive :nono:

Edited by 11H (see edit history)
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Best example so far was a nice short bat that gives you reach and is not viewed in courts as a deadly weapon


that's where i think the maglight comes in handy too. one of the nice 14" - 16" ones. it's in your truck for an emergency.

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ya it defintly sucks. at school i have probably 1 of the best trucks there. (and its pretty much stock just new) and everyone knows my truck so all the people that i have problems with no it to. and that gets me scared sometime. so i always have a kinfe and my metal baseball bat in the truck. aslo through in a glove and a ball so if i ever get searched i can say "well the bat is for me to play around with and the kinfe is for work officer" plus this world is so crazy you never know who will follow you home!

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holy shit man some people cant let anthing go but I'm with n20pwr he knows where you live so watch your back.I would try and get some sort of restraining order if possible and also see if one of your neighbors witnesed the incident so its not just your word against his and then sue away my man.What a :yellow_loser: that guy is.

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that sucks he knows where you live, id keep an eye out for him and his vehilce , but if you do decide to do something you will be sure it is far from over. i would do what 11h said , that way you can seriouly hurt him him if need be. i think i would have gone nuts on him thought, i carry a kids 5 iron golf club in my truck all the time, not to mention a 6 cell maglite.

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I think I would have had to ram him...people do have balls but they forget there are a lot of people packing nowadays. We have CCW in Ohio and Ky has it too. I was always told if you shoot someone below the waist (nutz) it is assault as opposed to attempted murder if you hit them above it (don't know if it's true or not though). Good luck




P.S. It may not be a bad idea to find out where dick hole lives via a PI or some internet snoop service

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