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Parental Rights For Teenagers?


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Those those of you that have or have had teenagers do have anything nice and sarcastic on parental rights that I can pass along to a friend's teenager? I thought this would be appropriate since most spoiled rotten kids like to go on about their rights.



Dan :crackup:

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In a deal like that I would play for real, not get sarcastic - I'd invite them to seek legal counsel if they think their "rights" have been violated. :lol: Let them discover on their own exactly how the world really works. But seriously if your kids are threatening you there are much more serious issues - you've really ****ed-up years ago and are now paying for it. :smash:

Edited by misterp (see edit history)
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In a deal like that I would play for real, not get sarcastic - I'd invite them to seek legal counsel if they think their "rights" have been violated. :lol: Let them discover on their own exactly how the world really works. But seriously if your kids are threatening you there are much more serious issues - you've really ****ed-up years ago and are now paying for it. :smash:


:withstupid: I'm with MrP. I have a friend who's kid is always playing the "I'm going to call Child Services" card when things are looking bad for him ... such as when the possibility exists he might be getting spanked by his dad.


I am so tempted to get involved when I'm there hangin' out ... but that's not my call. I'm not going to tell someone how to raise their kid ... especially when I don't have any of my own.


Oh well ... it is what it is ...

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:withstupid: I'm with MrP. I have a friend who's kid is always playing the "I'm going to call Child Services" card when things are looking bad for him ... such as when the possibility exists he might be getting spanked by his dad.


I am so tempted to get involved when I'm there hangin' out ... but that's not my call. I'm not going to tell someone how to raise their kid ... especially when I don't have any of my own.


Oh well ... it is what it is ...

Yeah I've seen a lot of that too, most times not that bad but once in a while kids that are like Lord of the Flies. I always tell the parent it's a b.s. deal, because it truthfully is, but I don't take my comments any further. Beseiged parents :shakehead:


What I would do in your shoes if I witnessed what you did: next time your friend's teen threatens to call child welfare make a point to *laugh your ass off* like it's the funniest thing you've ever heard. And if anyone asks why you are busting a gut, just comment on how naive/stupid the kid is to think that they could actually pull the wool over a child welfare agent who I'm sure has seen it all... I'm not one to stir shit but I will call bs when I see it. My 2-cents anyway.


Mr. P.

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Do what my parents did the one time, and only one time I ever threatened to call child services on them...MY Mom said "Fine, go ahead. Now put your shoes on, we are going for a ride..." I was like 8-9? at the time and spanking was just banned at most schools etc (mid 80's). They put me in the car and drove to a friends house they knew from our church. They then took me inside and showed me their house. The house was small...very small...alot smaller than our house we had at the time. My parents were by no means wealthy, matter of fact we were on the very bottom of middle class at the time. We had two cars, I had a bike, a nintendo (had just come out that year), and that was about it. We had decent clothes, shoes, food, etc. Back to my point. The house they took me to was owned by a couple that took in temporary children from child protective services. I knew this because they always brought some of them to church. They never forced them to go, but rought the ones who wanted out of the house on Sundays. Wow...let me tell you...I saw 8 kids living in a little 1,100 sq ft 3 bdrm home. They had one bike to share amongst 8 kids. Nintendo? Forget it...Each kid had like two pairs of clothes and that was it. Meal time? Yeah...you ate was put in front of you, they weren't going to ask you what you wanted for dinner. The house was modest and in retrospect, they were good people trying to take care of kids that werent wanted...but I didnt know any better and seeing how they lived, made me realize just how good I had it...seriously. I never threatened it again. But kids are kids and growing up is learning and I learned from what I did because of how my parents handled it. I think if they just hauled off and hit me, I would continued doing it. Now, the first time I called my mother a bitch in 7th grade...my dad did just hauled off and hit me...hit me so hard he knocked me through the dry wall in the bathroom...kid you not...that was also the last time I ever called my mom and bitch and aslo quit thinking my dad was becoming a wuss...lol.


Kids are hard and I have to agree that the same won't always work for every kid every time. And some kids just cant be helped because there are always outside influences you can not control completely. But I turned out ok, my friends for the most part turned out ok (except for one, I'll explain in a second), but just never know. I grew up with a friend of mine I met at church. His name was Matt. His parents were very conservative god fearing people. Well to keep it short, we parted ways in h.s. because of the road he was going down. He had been arrested for grand teft auto by 17 twice to feed a nasty cocaine habit he developed at ritzy neghbor hood h.s. He had an older brother and a younger sister. Well, he eventually became clean, got out of juvy, and got a job at the machine shop I was working at when we were 21. He was honestly trying really hard and doing good. That thanksgiving, his mom found him dead in his room. He passed away from a heart attack because all of the damage he did to his body and heart was too much when he was a teenager. Why am I telling you this? Because, I dont blame the parents...hsi older brother had grown up and become a pastor of a church. One becomes a pastor, one dies from doing drugs, both living in the same household I doubt it was all on the parents.


Now, I think something needs to be done about the teenager and it might involve some tough love and the parents ability to say no, mean no, and stick to it no matter what.

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found this on an old topic maybe it will help




The Child's Comments and Thoughts


My son came home from school one day,

with a smirk upon his face.

He decided he was smart enough,

to put me in my place.


"Guess what I learned in Civics Two,

that's taught by Mr. Wright?

It's all about the laws today,

The 'Children's Bill of Rights.'


It says I need not clean my room,

don't have to cut my hair

No one can tell me what to think,

or speak, or what to wear.


I have freedom from religion,

and regardless what you say,

I don't have to bow my head,

and I sure don't have to pray.


I can wear earrings if I want,

and pierce my tongue & nose.

I can read & watch just what I like,

get tattoos from head to toe.


And if you ever spank me,

I'll charge you with a crime.

I'll back up all my charges,

with the marks on my behind.


Don't you ever touch me,

my body's only for my use,

not for your hugs and kisses,

that's just more child abuse.


Don't preach about your morals,

like your Mama did to you.

That's nothing more than mind control,

And it's illegal too!


Mom, I have these children's rights,

so you can't influence me,

or I'll call Children's Services Division,

better known as C.S.D."



Mom's Reply and Thoughts


Of course my first instinct was

to toss him out the door.

But the chance to teach him a lesson

made me think a little more.


I mulled it over carefully,

I couldn't let this go.

A smile crept upon my face,

he's messing with a pro.


Next day I took him shopping

at the local Goodwill Store..

I told him, "Pick out all you want,

there's shirts & pants galore.


I've called and checked with C.S.D.

who said they didn't care

if I bought you K-Mart shoes

instead of those Nike Airs.


I've canceled that appointment

to take your driver's test.

The C.S.D. is unconcerned

so I'll decide what's best."


I said "No time to stop and eat,

or pick up stuff to munch.

And tomorrow you can start to learn

to make your own sack lunch.


Just save the raging appetite,

and wait till dinner time.

We're having liver and onions,

a favorite dish of mine."


He asked "Can I please rent a movie,

to watch on my VCR?"

"Sorry, but I sold your TV,

for new tires on my car.


I also rented out your room,

you'll take the couch instead.

The C.S.D. requires

just a roof over your head.


Your clothing won't be trendy now,

I'll choose what we eat.

That allowance that you used to get,

will buy me something neat.


I'm selling off your jet ski,

dirt-bike & roller blades.

Check out the 'Parents Bill of Rights',

It's in effect today!


Hey hot shot, are you crying,

Why are you on your knees?

Are you asking God to help you out,

instead of C.S.D..?"


Send to all people that have teenagers or have already raised teenagers,

or have children who will soon be teenagers or those who will be parents someday


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Good first post goober...

Thank you.

So my dad's favorite was "what you want and what you get are two different things". I just figured it was his was of saying that the things you need are more important than what you want.

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In a deal like that I would play for real, not get sarcastic - I'd invite them to seek legal counsel if they think their "rights" have been violated. :lol: Let them discover on their own exactly how the world really works. But seriously if your kids are threatening you there are much more serious issues - you've really ****ed-up years ago and are now paying for it. :smash:


It's not for me. it's for a friend who's having issues with his teenager and can't understand why. Perhaps the word poignant is a better choice. Mr. P. I often find that something with alittle humour and is very poignant works! Do you have anything?





P.S. To make my point perfectly clear.....................




One entry found for poignant.



Main Entry: poi·gnant

Pronunciation: 'poi-ny&nt sometimes 'poi(g)-n&nt

Function: adjective

Etymology: Middle English poynaunt, from Anglo-French poinant, poignant, present participle of poindre to prick, sting, from Latin pungere -- more at PUNGENT

1 : pungently pervasive <a poignant perfume>

2 a (1) : painfully affecting the feelings : PIERCING (2) : deeply affecting : TOUCHING b : designed to make an impression :

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Thank you.

So my dad's favorite was "what you want and what you get are two different things". I just figured it was his was of saying that the things you need are more important than what you want.



My old man used to tell me "just wish in one hand and shit in the other...then see which fills up the quickest".

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