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quit smoking/dipping/drinking updates


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how is everyone who stopped smoking dipping or drinking for the new year or since doing

i quit smoking on feb 16th still havent smoked

havent had any alcohol since dec 17th 2006

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I gave up alcohol on July 11th of last year. I had about a total of 4 beers since then and have been totally dry since the 1st of the year. also i quit fast food the first, and also do not drink any kind of pop, soda, or what not, I only drink water, juice, milk. I feel better, but I can say I crave a COKE!! fast food isnt too bad, except I travel alot and its hard not to eat there. but I hang in there. as for the weight from fast food, shit I am packin it on like a mofo... welp gotta go walk the dog now!! :)

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Haven't smoked since I quit and I quit after 13yrs (10yrs of that was Marlboro Reds!). All I have to do when I think about smoking is remember how my lungs were on fire when I tried to play ball with my kid.


I quit cold turkey (which didn't make me a popular guy at the time).

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Haha, this thread is awesome. We sound like a bunch of atticks. Well, actually I am.


Tonight was my lastnight of after-care required after treatment.


May 11th will be my seventh month sober :cheers: <--Rootbeer.

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I quit smoking cigs. 5 years ago last march and smoking other about the same although I did light up some stuff I found in the front yard and thats no BS :P about choked to death though so no more of that :jester: and I only maybe drink 1 margarita a year if that. I just dont like to drink period.

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well when i was deployeed and came back I was doing good, but then i got back into my usual party routine on the weekends with the buddies and its picked back up to normal. I'm tired of drinking but for somereason i still drink. Cigs i quit when i joined almost 4 years ago, Drugs arent a problem, well because if i do do them i'm out the Military. I sure would love to stop drinking that would save me tons of $$$ not to mention i'd start loosing more weight with my exercise program!! We could be a support group!!! LOL

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Man New Year's resolutions......well let's see, I only smoke when I drink.... If I stoped drinking I would have the money for another SSS, so maybe that's motivation enough.... don't know like JayS said I am tired of drinking but it still happens..... Drugs na not for me

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My name is Jeff, and I am a nicotine addict.

I have stopped nicotine for 5 months, 9 days, 8 hours, 17 minutes and 52 seconds (160 days).


I've not smoked 3207 death sticks, and saved $669.84.

I've saved 11 days, 3 hours and 14 minutes of my life.

Edited by jdg (see edit history)
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point in case again, I go to this grocery store i've never been too, they have a GARGANTIOUS BOOZE section, me and my Roomy go in to look around and bam to our amazement they have stuff we drank in England there, things we've never heard of. So it only naturally drew us to make some purchases of BOOZE. God it pisses me off!!! Not to mention the big craze lately of BEER PONG, my friends play it every weekend and i'm like damn they go through 3 24 packs in like 3 hours!!! its re-damn diculious.

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