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putting my dog down tonight


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Like everyone else said, I'm VERY sorry you had to go through this. Unfortunately it's something most dog owners have to go through with.

My dog belonged to my ex. She's a purebred pitbull, shes actually a papered show dog. At the age of 4 she went through a vaginal prolapse and needed major surgery........She wasn't right after the surgery and we ended up having to take her to another emergency Vet that you can only go to if you're refered to them by a major vet. Literally 10 grand later, I have a super happy puppy (shes 7 now, but shes still my puppy!) thats happy to be alive every day and enjoys everyday. Dogs are like children to people, and shes my baby. About 2 years ago my ex and I broke up....we lived together another 11 months or so......and she moved out. She took her cat because she was allowed to have 2 cats in the apartment....but no dogs. She told me to put Isis down before BOTH of the major surgeries. I refused to, I believe in giving every animal a chance if I can, and I did. So when she moved out she said "Ok well I can't take Isis, enjoy!" and I've enjoyed every minute of it. She keeps me company day in and day out, she cuddles with me in bed at night, and she protects me. I love my dog, and I'm sure you love yours just as much as I do. Keep your head up, it's like losing a child, but I'm sure you gave her a good life. Feel good about that! There are many dogs that never had a chance at a life like your puppy had!

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Just this side of Heaven is a place called Rainbow Bridge.

When an animal dies that has been especially close to someone here,

that pet goes to Rainbow Bridge.


There are meadows and hills for all of

our special friends so

they can run and play together.


There is plenty of food, water and sunshine,

and our friends are

warm and comfortable.


All the animals who had been

ill and old are restored

to health and vigor.


Those who were hurt or maimed

are made whole and strong again,

just as we remember them in our dreams

of days and times gone by.


The animals are happy and content,

except for one small thing;

they each miss someone very special to them,

who had to be left behind.


They all run and play together,

but the day comes when one suddenly

stops and looks into the distance.


His bright eyes are intent. His eager body quivers.

Suddenly he begins to run from the group,

flying over the green grass,

his legs carrying him faster and faster.


You have been spotted,

and when you and your special friend finally meet,

you cling together in joyous reunion,

never to be parted again.


The happy kisses rain upon your face;

your hands again caress the beloved head,

and you look once more into the

trusting eyes of your pet,

so long gone from your life but

never absent from your heart.


Then you cross Rainbow Bridge together....

Author unknown



"The day you laid me down to sleep

you prayed to the Lord; my soul to keep

I know you had to send me on my way

but you sent me to a new; better;

and much brighter day

You sent me home; to heaven above

where I'm cradled in God's arms;

covered with His love

I understand what you did; you did out of love

and I'll return that love; from my new home above

My sickness is gone; and I'm free here to roam

I run and play in the meadows; here in my new home

We play here by the Bridge; from morning to night

there is no rain here; just warm sunlight

I know you all miss me; I miss you all too

but I'll always be with you; whatever you do

Please wipe the tears; from your weeping eyes

by remembering the good times; from days gone by

When you look out; into the dark of night

I'll be that bright star; your guiding light

We'll meet again at the Bridge one day

when we'll walk in the light; together to stay"

John Quealy

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I'm very sorry about your dog. I truly know what you are going through. I have to make the same decision very soon and it's been weighing heavily on my mind. My girl has heart disease. She was diagnosed last June with congestive heart failure. Actually, she was diagnosed two years ago as having an enlarged heart and Cushings. After a year and a half of dealing with coughing spells, fainting spells, fluid in her lungs, difficulty breathing, low blood pressure, loss of appetite, and incontinence, we finally have her meds balanced and all those things are under control. She's been stable since January but this past May, she started getting fluid in her belly from right-sided heart failure. Though her lungs are still free of fluid, the belly fluid is out of control. I've had to bring her to the hospital five times since May to have the fluid removed and three or four days later, it's back. The sad part is, except for that, she's doing really well. She's eating well, she is coherent, and still has that spark. That's what makes it so hard to think about putting her to sleep. I just can't bring myself to plan that day. But we can't keep tapping her belly every week because it removes too much protein so they can't take all of it out. She's on the maximum dose of all her meds and we've tried them all. I'm going to try to keep her comfortable a bit longer but one of these days, I'll be where you are.

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Condolences on your loss. I have been through this a number of times myself. It's difficult, but we somehow always get through it. Myself, I always love having a dog around. I currently have an English Bulldog too. He is 4 years old, and I've seen him through 4 surgeries already, 3 on his eyes, one on his hip. But he's a great dog. I don't like to think about when he might not be around anymore. But, like I said, somehow we always get through it. Hang in there...

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i appreciate the support!


mack, my 9yr. old english bulldog is lost without her. as soon as the doctor put her down, he knew something was going on. it was odd to see how he was acting.. he wasn't being himself at all. even though remi was the alpha female of the house and bossed him around as so, he seems to miss the sh*t out of her as well. he'll be receiving that special care though.



thanks again for the kind words.. all of you! :thumbs:

Edited by xlr82sxs (see edit history)
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Sorry to hear about your dog, its hard thing to do. I just went through this with my dog of 13yrs, I had to do the deed 6 days before Christmas day and it sucked. It's been almost 7 moths and I still think he is running to the front door to greet me when I get home, then I relize I'm just walking into a empty house. :tear: :tear: :tear:

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man im so sorry....i love my boxer as much as my family. she is my family. i had to take her to the vet this morning and drop her off to be fixed and i felt like a big D*ick leaving her there.


time will heal this. you'll get another one and love it just as much.promise.

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My mom just had to put our dog down recently as well and it was hard for both of us since I had just moved out west and the dog was there to watch after her. Odd thing was, our dog was at the vet a few days before she had to get put down and the vet said she was in perfect health. She was 14yrs old and still acted like a puppy but unfortunately there was a cancerous cyst in her stomach which burst a few days later and she was septic from it and had to get put down. Almost had to fly home and stay with my mom because she was so upset and didn't leave the house for a few days. Always hard to have something that is part of the family pass away at any time.


Truly sorry for your loss man

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