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Road Rage


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I'm a lover not a fighter. The ladies don't complain. 6', 180 dripping wet, I'm not throwing down with anybody anytime soon. I saw a funny bumper sticker on a piece-o-crap Totota Tercel the other day. "It's only a lane change." It made me smile at the totally granola dude who was driving....right before I pushed his import driving ass off the road into a retaining wall. It's not the incorrect lane changes that irk me but driving 45 in the FAST LANE! AUGH! I'VE GOT PLACES TO GO PEOPLE!





No, no I didn't actually push him off the road, but I sure considered it for a second. What a dumbass. He had about a mile of cars stacked up behind him.

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I hear ya "NUZMAN", I despise that stretch of HWY 380 between Denton,TX and the Old N. Dallas highway that run to Frisco,TX. Talk about left lane drivers!!! :crazy: That has to be the WORST stretch of road that- nobody knows the speed limit, and nobody can even spell COURTESY!!! I go to hockey games down there from time to time. I once passed about 10 cars in the center turning lane going around 75mph in a 70mp POSTED stretch (the left lane was traveling at about 60-65mph), like I said I'm an aggressive driver.... :driving:

Edited by Bad Bowtie (see edit history)
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NOTE TO SELF: If I see a big dude driving a SSS, do not under under any circumstances cut this guy off in traffic for fear of a can of wup-ass being opened up.


HA! Actually, it takes allot more than being cut off to set me off but if someone cuts me off, I give them the 1 finger salute, you know the one, your number one, then he yells at me to pull over cause he's gonna kick my a55, which I will more than gladly pull over for, then he swings at me or even gets into my face then thats the point where I will happily oblige his wish.

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Damn shaq! even though he's 7'1" 325 your not to far off. but how the hell do you fit in your truck man!


hahah, i only have about a max of three people in my truck at a time, the seat is all the way back.. i always put my daughter behind me when the kids are in with me but she is getting to the point where she is growing so fast im gonna have to start compensating... my son is finally getting tall enough to where he can ride in the front, he is only two years old and he is 4'1.. he is gonna be a monster when he gets older.. he's huge.. my youngest daughter is 1 and she is almost 38 inches and my middle child morgan is two and she is about 3'4 but her momma is short but she is still pretty tall for a two year old... and it doesn't help that my dad is 7 foot and my mom was 6'2... i just have a really big family..

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hahah, i only have about a max of three people in my truck at a time, the seat is all the way back.. i always put my daughter behind me when the kids are in with me but she is getting to the point where she is growing so fast im gonna have to start compensating... my son is finally getting tall enough to where he can ride in the front, he is only two years old and he is 4'1.. he is gonna be a monster when he gets older.. he's huge.. my youngest daughter is 1 and she is almost 38 inches and my middle child morgan is two and she is about 3'4 but her momma is short but she is still pretty tall for a two year old... and it doesn't help that my dad is 7 foot and my mom was 6'2... i just have a really big family..


Damn dude, start a family basketball team, HA!

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6'8" 300lbs


broke 2 NFL combine strength records

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i had one case of road rage, guy cut me off three times and challenged me to pull over, which i happily obliged...



After he rushed me in my x-gf honda prelude, i picked him up - 6'2 225lbs+ and threw him on top of his hood and his head broke the windshield... his girlfriend thought he was dead when he wasnt moving and proceeded to call the cops... cops let me go based on witnesses... final report, fractured jaw and mild concussion... i guess he learned his lesson... punk

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OH YEAH! Nothing compares to the RUSH you get after pummeling the crap out of some A-Hole that deserves it! When someone "challanges" me because of road rage and we pull over they tend to drive off once I step out of my vehicle because of my size, 6'2 325 lbs with a 56 inch chest and a 48 inch waist, but boy howdy do I LOVE it when someone has more balls than brains!

i'll vouch for champ he's a big guy


Champion201, I know what your saying, they talk big until they have to look up at the sky to see your face, I'm 6'1", 250lbs, 42inch waist, 52inch chest, 18.5 inch neck, size 13 shoe..........before they know it, they're getting pounded into the Earth's crust like a jackhammer owned.gif

i'm 6'1" 265lbs but i lost 10 pounds since i started to diet and exersize, back in my slender day's i was about 200lbs but thats to skinny for me.. i'm shootin for a solid 235 or so now i feel to wimpy when i'm skinny i like having some torque when i need it..


So, your a thick necked, big footed SOB who will NOT take crap from anyone just like me. Dont ya love it! I dont go out looking for fights anymore, even though I used to in my younger stupid days but I wil not back down from anyone. I do however tend to cut the little guys some slack cause sometimes I feel bad for hurting them, I try and talk them out of it, but if they take the first swing then its game on!

:withstupid: its funny cause every time i tried to fight with anyone they ran?.. one guy was my size so i dont get it.. the others were small frys that were talking a lot of shit and barking like chahuahua's (spelling?) and when i steped up they ran. another guy was talking shit to some friends of mine and when i got wind of it and seen'em i confronted him he got all scared and denied he said shit.. so i told him he was P@$$Y and that he should watch his mouth if he could'nt back it up, he then started to apoligize all the time standing a step behind his bigger friend! lmao :yellow_loser: i never go looking for a fight and if i can talk it out i will, but if theres no more talking and the other person deserves it, i wont be the one to back down... if i'm proven wrong somehow, i'd step up and apoligize. i think it takes a real man to admit when they f$#@ed up.. but if thats not enough then backing down like a coward is'nt my style, either...


I am of extremely average size. (6 ft, 185 lbs) Not much of a fighter either. :)

average american male is 5'10" so your on the taller side of the scale like me, just not really huge.

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stats -


6'8" 300lbs


broke 2 NFL combine strength records

Professionally trained bodyguard 15+ years

35 state ccw weapons permit

NRA certified pistol instructor

tactical response instructor

owner and founder of Bodyguard Training International

etc. etc.


i had one case of road rage, guy cut me off three times and challenged me to pull over, which i happily obliged...

After he rushed me in my x-gf honda prelude, i picked him up - 6'2 225lbs+ and threw him on top of his hood and his head broke the windshield... his girlfriend thought he was dead when he wasnt moving and proceeded to call the cops... cops let me go based on witnesses... final report, fractured jaw and mild concussion... i guess he learned his lesson... punk

damn dave, pretty impressive list you got there!


like i said before i'm not one to back down from anyone.. i'm more the "i'd rather die like a man then live like a coward" type.. but i ain't stupid either, if i ever got into a fight with a guy like you i would give it a shot and see what happens after the first few punchs back and forth... and if i'm not getting no where, thats when i'm gonna play possom!... :jester::crackup:

Edited by 2006_SUPERADO (see edit history)
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