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Where Were You When.........


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I was in Texas with my family while I was on leave. I was due to depart for a routine 6 month tour on the 26TH MEU (Marine Expeditionary Unit) to the Medateranian. As soon as the second plane hit the towers I was given a call to make it back to NC as soon as possible to depart early. We were given orders to head directly to Afghanistan. We made it there in no time at all and immediately started dropping bombs. That is a day that I will never forget.

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i was at criminal justice in college, then after that i had to go get a drug test in oxnard for a new job. they had evacuated buildings in oxnard. after that i went home and watched the news. i was so pissed, i was ready to fight.

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I was sleeping in my condo. My wife at the time called me and told me to wake up and turn the news on. I blew her off because I figured she just wanted me to get up earlier than I normally did. Since I was awake, I got out of bed and saw the carnage. I was stuck in a state of fear, shock, and sadness all combined at once. It was an overwhelming experience that I'll never forget. I was working for the Disneyland Resort in their Security Communications Center (like a dispatch center). I immediatly got ready and headed to work as I imagined things would be crazy there. To my surprise, Disneyland had completely shut down all operations for only the second time in its history. That day was the most eery and frightening day I have ever experienced. It is amazing how it effected so many people, even those that were thousands of miles away like myself. I can only imagine the horror those close to the scene must have felt that day.

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I was at home sick this day (very RARE 4 me). I was asleep and my now ex-wife called me and woke me up, she said to turn on the TV, which I did. I was kinda out of it and thought it was a new movie coming out or something! Then I saw the 2nd plane hit LIVE while I was on the phone with her. I was AWAKE then and up shocked and in dis-belief!! Neddless to say, I was out of bed and had recorded 3-4 VHS tapes of Sept. 11th, 2001.


I will also NEVER FORGET. :flag:

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It was my second year in college and I heard my roommate saying "NO, NO, SHIT". I got up and came out and he was freaking out, I didn't understand what was going on at first until I finally started watching the TV and even then thought it was a HOAX, just didn't seem real. Then the second plane hit right as I was able to really focus and gather everything that was happening and it still just seemed like a bad dream. Flight 93 had went down not to far from my College I attended and then things just went bonkers on campus to top it all off. All the reserves that were on campus were in a rage and I thought it was going to get ugly but composure was held. Classes didn't exactly get canceled but everyone was allowed to leave if they wanted to. For the rest of the day everyone just sat around and watched TV and tried to learn as much as possible about what was happening. We had the OAK Grove right next to our house which was the center of Campus where prayers were held pretty much the rest of the day. That is one day I will never forget.

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I got up that day in my usual rotine and went to take a shower, i turned the radio on as always and i was still half asleep and didnt realize was happening and y they had the news on the radio lik that, so i hurried up got out and in to my room and saw wat had happened and as soon as i sat down the second plane hit and i still couldnt really put things together. so i got to school and walk in to my class (i was in the 10th grade at the time) everyone was trippin on wat had happened, y it happened ,etc,etc but for sure i wont be forgotten by anyone anytime soon i know i wont forget...



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I was at work operating heavy equip, about 2 miles from Philadelphia international airport, I was wondering why I did't see any planes for like 2 hours, Finially my boss called and said we were under attack. And today we started a new buliding right across the street from that very same building, WOW. I will never forget.

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I was in the Army then and driving to work with my roommate. I had a cd playing on the stereo so no news. My roommate kept getting a call from his girlfriend and after about the 4th time of her calling he finally answered it. He said that she wants us to turn on the news about some plane crash in N.Y. so we both ignored her until he said that she was crying....life in the Army wasn't the same ever again. We stayed at the hanger for a good 36 hours just listening and watching all the events that unfolded and we had to immediately set up guard posts and roving guards to secure the airfield...the MP's had the post and us aviation fellas had the airfield. Ft. Hood used to be an open post meaning that anyone at anytime could drive on and off with no id checks or anything..after the attacks all of Ft. Hood was closed off to everyone not mission essential. If you were in line to get on post then you were stuck and if you were on post you couldn't get off. I think we had only half of our whole battalion actually show up everyone else was stuck in line trying to get onto post. It was damn eary to look up and not to see one aircraft civilian or military in the sky. That was one long day that I will never forget

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