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My Life Is Over


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Thank god you're OK, on the upside, the truck does look repairable! I've been there before, crashed my CBR pretty bad (3,000 in damage) and it made me feel pretty crappy. Toys are all reparable or replaceable, just keep that in mind. Keep your head up! :)

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HOLY SMOKE Thats bad but on the bright side, you didnt get too hurt.


Kim, you were one of the few people that really made me feel welcome when I first started coming here. If you need to talk feel free to either PM or email me. Your one great person, NEVER FORGET THAT!


Take care and like was said over and over again, the SS can be rebuilt and BTW, your life is NOT OVER You just hit one of lifes many "Speed Bumps".


A very wise man, my dad, who has since passed on, once told me, "In life too often people focus on the one door that closed rather than all the doors that opened"

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It was raining, swerved to miss a dog, lost contol, went through someones yard and went down into a creek bed and hit a tree. Back wheels weren't even touching the ground. Took two tow trucks to get it out. Hit my head on the steering wheel, so I'm concussed. Have a huge cut right on my eyelid from my glasses, broke a knuckle, busted my knee real bad.


Sorry to hear about your wreck. Glad that you are ok and hope you get better ASAP! As for the truck...well it can be replaced. Get well soon!! :chevrolet:

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Glad to hear you are ok...this could be a blessing in disguise. Hopefully insurance will cover the whole thing and you can move onto better things...like a nice used Silverado SS with a supercharger in the classifieds section of the forum! Maybe its a little too soon to think about the future though. I know I would feel horrible if I wrecked my truck.

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sorry to hear that kim. you life isnt over. yes it could be better but just remember that your life is never over until the man upstairs says so and by you still being here today especially after a accident like that hes telling you its not your time, you have just come across another bump in your life that you will recover from. Somethings happen for a reason though I never want to see someone get into accident it does happen.

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Holy Crap Kim ... Glad you only have Minor Injuries.


Remember, The truck is a piece of equipment, and can be fixed. That is why all of us pay through the nose with insurance. You paid for it, use it.


And your life isn't over. Take a deep breath and Keep your chin up ....

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