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Cab noise


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  • 2 weeks later...

LOL.....I don't have anything to compare it to (YET) but I hope it's not as loud as the money leaving my wallet. I'd have to cancel XM radio because I couldn't hear it. :D

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Unfortunately the whistling sound is highly addictive and there is currently no know cure for this condition.


However my wife is working hard for a permanent cure. Hiding the checkbook worked for a while but it seems credit cards make the condition even worse. Occasoinally there may be brief remmissions due the dust in wallet effect, but this is only temporary.


Don't be fooled by the apperence that the addiction has disappeared shortly after a added speed injection this is only a prelude to the need for even more speed. The only possible hope is for a full intervention by family and friends but unfortunately they all seem to be addicted too (the wife being a noteable exception).

I'm happen to be lucky enough to have avoided the condition so far and have hope for those of you that have succumbed.


Well i need to go for now I have to order some headers.

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