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New Moderator?


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Well hopefully this thread clears up my being here for some.


I didn't go to the bathroom last night, but my crap usually doesn't smell like roses!


My attitude may come off as cocky, but thats cause its a forum, its meant to be humerous and fun.


.................. :cheers: .......Just to clear this up, my post said nothing about YOU being cocky or thinking that your shit doesn't stink.......I just made a general statement due to the fact that inevitably, all forums "inherit" a person that thinks they are above everybody else....due to the fact that they have too much money, or think that they know-it-all....I've seen it on almost every forum that I've been on....but concerning SilveradoSS.com, ..I've always enjoyed this forum, and was even a supporting member at one time....I've never had any problems with anybody, (that I'm aware of), and most generally I'll sit back and lurk more than post...... :cool:

Edited by GetWithIt (see edit history)
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Well I don't know anything about the politcs and why or why not someone should or shouldn't be a mod. As far as the Silverado SS part, I think there are a few mods here that don't own a SSS. I see nothing wrong with it. Now if you were driving an F-150 I could see some feathers ruffled lo. Anyway like I said I don't know anything about all this. I just see another guy with an SS. Welcome :cheers:. I will say that being a mod I think you do owe us some pictures of your 2 SS's! lol. On a completely side note, if there is a merger it'd be cool to know, but I don't see anything wrong with it. Just a few more SS guys to chat with.



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Welcome Tim !


I grew up on a farm in Stanley/blaisdel ND ( just west of minot, BFE )


I go back every summer still.


Looking forward to meeting you this summer at the SD G2G

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I just watched your vid, fantastic choice of music I must say! None other than my favorite band, Audioslave!!!


Love the Island track footage too! Couple pics from Lebanon in there too... Ah the East Coast....


Thank ya sir. I plan on starting submissions for Part IV very soon. I take it you are homesick in ND?



On a side note, I hope we can put past disagreements behind us. Obviously none of us are here to fight, but you have to understand that it is a totally different world here then at TrailblazerSS.com. We are a very close nit family here, as you can already see that when you drop one apple, you upset the entire apple cart. Everyone gets along well for the most part, and drama does not go far at all. Let's wipe the slate clean, start fresh, and keep a cool head among ourselves......

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I take it you are homesick in ND?


Quite possibly the understatement of the century!!!


On a side note, I hope we can put past disagreements behind us. Obviously none of us are here to fight, but you have to understand that it is a totally different world here then at TrailblazerSS.com. We are a very close nit family here, as you can already see that when you drop one apple, you upset the entire apple cart. Everyone gets along well for the most part, and drama does not go far at all. Let's wipe the slate clean, start fresh, and keep a cool head among ourselves......



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Congrats for the promotion!!! i've been on here for 4 years and I've seen alot of stuff on this site that needed dealt with so i say this doesnt bother me in the in least if people want 2 be a mod just ask if it bothers people that much.

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