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videotaped beheading


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The video can be seen on consumption junction


I'm reading the Qur`an and another book that goes with it. It's given me a better understanding of why no Islamic leaders have condemned these acts of Terror.


Very upsetting, I think we are being to damn nice to the people we are fighting.

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I saw that video today at work, and I wish I hadn't.

I know we are at war but what they did to him, how they did it is just ignorant.

He wasn't even a soldier, if you want to execute someone just shoot them in the head and get it over quick. That was very, well, so many words could stress how I feel about it.

It pissed me off all day at work, imagine if that were your son.

Those bastard have so much balls, hiding behind masks. I guess I am still upset about it. My heart goes out to him and his family, God bless his soul and his family.


I am pro military, and I feel wars are a must at times, we should have finished this war in Desert Storm. To many good people are dying, we either need to step this war up a few notches or get out and push the red button.



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I agree with all of you guys. I haven't seen the video, and probably wont... but I cannot believe the press (and the rest of the world) is making such a BIG DEAL about this whole "prison scandal" BS.


Send them over to a US prison. See what happens then.


I also get a kick out of one of the prisoners quoted as saying something like "I prefer Sadams torture to what the US dishes out - at least with Sadam I kept my dignity".


Sure, horrible physical torture leading to death is SOOOOO much better than having your ego's taken down a few notches. :nonod:

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I saw that today too..How sad. :nonod: And all the press seems to talk about is how we treat our P.O.W.s. It seems like the press just makes things worse sometimes.

I'll try to keep this to a short soapbox...


The media are just gore and violence mongers.


They are against us and they lie, I hope people start to realize that.

I don't watch the news. I've given them several chances but in the end I turn it off.


When the war started they were following the troops from battle to battle and showing the hardships they were facing. I watched 24-7, these guys were fighting for us. As soon as the media found some dirt on the situation they dropped the coverage of the soldiers and went right back to their political agenda. :fume:


The media is suppose to be an UNBIASED source of information!!!!


If anyone knows of media source I can trust (other than theonion.com :D ) please let me know.

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okay...here starts my rant. be prepared :D


i think that its aboslutely disgusting the way that the media chooses to cover this story and show that video footage over, and over, and over, and over..and then over again. its not something that should have ever even been public. yes it happened, yes its HORRIBLE and its disturbing on more than one level, but that doesnt mean that we need to be force fed this stuff every time we turn around. im sure that the poor guy's family doesnt want to see it every time they turn on the television, and they shouldnt have to be put through that. hell, i dont even want to see it when i turn on the tv anymore. its not "breaking news" and it shouldnt have been a headline. sure, cover the story if you have to...but the first time i saw the footage they showed the video all the way to the point where the guy pulls out the knife and gets the guy on the ground. and thats WRONG. no one needed to see that. what if people's children had been watching?? thats NOT what they need to be exposed to yet. they choose to censor everything else in the world from games to videos to songs on the radio all in the name of "non-violence" but yet they show stuff like this 137 times a day on the news. its disgusting, and it pisses me off. :fume:

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most people on here know my view's and i've just watched the video. i'm going to assume that video has been seen by the higher power quite a bit before me, yet it amazes me that there is anyone in that country still breathing. i think america could use a new sandbox. it's time to level that place. i can imagine anyone in the miliatary at this point would be even more furious about it than me and after seeing that happen i see no other thing to do then take out every breathing person in or around that country. :fume: it's time to not be nice...


for those enlisted, i'm sorry to see one of you taken down like that. :sigh::flag:

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The whole thing is very sad and I'm afraid it's going to get worse.

I dont think we should be in Iraq to begin with. What's worse, once (if) we get out there how long will it be before some radical religious uprising overthrows the goverment in place?

I don't want to get on a soapbox because it's sensitive to all of us and we all have our own feelings and opinions.

My heart and sympathies go out to the family of Nick Berg. :flag:



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The whole thing is very sad and I'm afraid it's going to get worse.

Yeah,no kidding, Wayne. What is worse is that Bush really got us into something that is now turning into another Viet Nam. If we get out we'll look like we're running from the terrorists. If we stay more of the same will happen. What's worse is that he got us there through lies. Even when he KNEW there were no weapons of mass destruction he went to war with those people. God I hope Kerry wins the election!!!!!

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they choose to censor everything else in the world from games to videos to songs on the radio all in the name of "non-violence" but yet they show stuff like this 137 times a day on the news. its disgusting, and it pisses me off. :fume:

I couldn't agree more...

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