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For those considering a Yank

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Interesting thread. I base my purchases on customer service. If I were considering a TC, I definately would not buy one from Yank.


Borrowing a line from the lethal weapon movie, it sound like Pasish was: Fu^%ed at the drive thru.


It sad when a person relies on the manufactures experience to help them with decisions and that decision winds up be totally wrong. Then when confronted they get all defensive and don't want to stand behind their product. Doesn't say much for them as a company.

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I was with him up to the point he cut it open. From that point alone, I can see why Yank didn't honor any warranty claim. That would be like cutting a hole in your seat's leather to fix the heaters, then sewing it up and asking GM to fix it because it was really messed up.


He has another vehicle. Had he been a little more patient I am sure they would have taken care of him. I in no way back their un-responsiveness to his problems, something they are well known for, but he shouldn't have done what he did either. I understand why Yank didn't want to do anything after cutting.

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well i guess its a good thing i wont be doing any NOS or putting in a 408 turbo. I believe they were closed for 2 weeks because they were moving. I think customer service has its dummies and then there are also the good ones. Not backing Yank but hell you can find a dumbass anywhere.

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Yeah, cutting open may have been an extreme solution, but given that he had no other information from Yank other than call back in 2 weeks?? I'd have been ballistic.


You know, the whole story really makes Yank look like clowns, even if you take it with a grain of salt. The suggest a TC for Parish and then blow smoke up his tailpipe when it is shown to clearly be a bad suggestion. I didn't see where they ever addressed that issue with Parish.


It makes me glad that there are folks around we can demand ( I mean 'ask for politely' ) answers from.


Personally, I'd love to hear more about Matt's new TC :cheers:

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this isn't the only complaint i've heard about yank, but it's absolutely amazing to me to hear this story.


click here to read

Granted, I think Parish is just a little too proud of himself, but that's no excuse for Yanks Customer Service. Granted, after it's been cut open, he took things into his own hands, but that's no excuse for some of Mike's actions.

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one of parish's points though of his truck isn't just a pride issue, when you're the fastest people tend to try to copy/follow you and what you do. this is a very good thing to a vendor if you have your product on the fastest truck(s) because it makes the choice easier for others. i agree with taking it into his own hands part being a good reason to void the warrenty, but the other conversations on top of voiding the warrenty on a very expensive converter are just outragous. had this truck been his daily driver and he'd not cut it open, having to wait 2 weeks because the company is moving and won't do business again until they have completed moving? that's a bunch of b.s.. you can't give warrenties then be open when you damn well feel like it. if my daily driver broke a part like that and i was told to wait, more than likely i'd be awfully pissed and try to work around it also.

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Even if it isn't my daily driver... If I buy a part with a warranty, that warranty is worthless if it's inaccessible. Yah, yah, have paitence and wait for them to reopen, but I look at it this way: Would they allow me to pay them in two weeks for service just because I am moving? I don't think so...


Plus the whole bit of yelling at him... That idgit from Racetronix did the same to thing to me. Let's just say I am now going to make sure everyone knows about it who is looking at Racetronix. You can bet that if I get the kinds of questions Parish gets about his mods, I won't be saying positive things about Racetronix either.

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if the convertor was already screwed up, i don't see the big deal with cutting it open. Yank would have just done the same thing, then they probably would have called parish back and said they aren't going to cover it anyway.

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I'm right there w/ Mark. The converter is in two halves and thats how its accessed. When its ready to go, its welded together and painted. Jim had his yank converter cut open and checked for debris on his old truck each time he blew his 4L60. I assume he was doing the same thing on this one, except when it was opened, it was found to be messed up.


I don't think Yank should give him free service on the converter, but I do think they should have just replaced the needed parts at cost and kept a high profile customer. This was a chance for some good publicity but they handled it wrong. Mike @ yank's attitude stinks. I've spoken with him on a couple of issues and haven't been impressed with him.

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It just occured to me. Why am I reading this thread? I have no clue what the hell a Yank even is. A New York city baseball player? An ugly fish found only in Northern Michigan lakes and streams?


Say good-night Lee.

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