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So far I'm liking the cannon S500. Anyone own this camera. I guess i should have said that I upgrading from a Sony DCS-P71 Cybershot 3.2 MP. This camera seems to have a hard time focusing in certain situations.

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I've taken 3,000+ pictures with my Sony P72 which is a 3.2 megapix. Best Buy has it for $229. One of my favorite parts is the 640x480 movies, 15 fps and sound! Only bad thing I've found is it uses rechargable (lithium-ion?) batteries which last about 150 pictures and need to be juiced up. Not too big a deal since I always carry a back up set of AA's and put the weak ones in the charger right away.

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something a little more specific from ya'...lol

LOL. . .Sorry, VInce. I didn't suggest anything as I didn't know what price range you wanted to stay in. Here's some suggestions. They are all excellent cameras. It would just be a matter of personal preference. Check out the reviews and go down to your local Circut City/Best Buy for an actual look and feel. In the end it's going to be how the camera feels in your hand as they all will give you good pictures.


Canon PowerShot S-45

Canon Power S-50

Canon Power G3 or G5


Sony DSC - T1

This is a much smaller "pocket" camera with a HUGH LCD on the back, Vince. Last I looked it had the biggest LCD for a camera that size in the industry. That is a big plus when reading the Menu's and composing pictures.


Good luck, buddy. Let me know if you have any more questions.

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Currently Im using the Sony DSC-P100. Got it at best buy 2 months ago for $425. GREAT CAMERA! Plus, it matches my truck! :thumbs:




Sony DSC-P100


Thinking of getting the T1 (Lee suggested earlier) for work use. Its slim so it'd be easier to travel with. Plus, the LCD screen is H U G E !




Sony T1

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