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Bush Or Kerry


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im gunna be different and go for kerry, personally. i dont like a president who probably cant even spell president. not to mention all the lies and what not with iraq. if you ask me history is repeating itself its jfk's time again! commies, terrorists. lraq, nam. john f. kennedy john f kerry. theirs other stuff and i dont feel like thinkin about. i love how cheny was the ceo of (i dont member the name of his company) and hes going to these other big companys and getting the laws changed in congress to put cash in his pocket. and as far as kerry being flip flip. he was for the patriot act BAD BAD BAD ACT!!!!!!!!!! im so super against it. i love how we had a balanced budget with the democrats in office and in congress. (clinton) and bush comes in and BOOM! no more economy, its gonna take 10 years to get back to where we were. and dont even get me started on out sourcing!!! the economy is so bad under bush that big companyts are taking jobs to other countries. no more american jobs..... dont forget war stimulates the economy. so what does bush do? goes to war with "terrorists" and iraq says WMDS! were all gonna die. yet there was bad intelligence and there was not a single wmd (weapon of mass destruction) found. and if you ask me this is a draft. but not really. he has reserves in action in iraq, the coast guard is in iraq, and the nation guard too. no to mention afgahnastan and packastan. hes sucking the resources of our military to foreign lands, what happens when theres something that happens here at home? were screwed! we wont have anything to defend us. im all for war people. but the way bush is operating this country ALL wrong!




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im gunna be different and go for kerry, personally. i dont like a president who probably cant even spell president. not to mention all the lies and what not with iraq. if you ask me history is repeating itself its jfk's time again! commies, terrorists. lraq, nam. john f. kennedy john f kerry. theirs other stuff and i dont feel like thinkin about. i love how cheny was the ceo of (i dont member the name of his company) and hes going to these other big companys and getting the laws changed in congress to put cash in his pocket. and as far as kerry being flip flip. he was for the patriot act BAD BAD BAD ACT!!!!!!!!!! im so super against it. i love how we had a balanced budget with the democrats in office and in congress. (clinton) and bush comes in and BOOM! no more economy, its gonna take 10 years to get back to where we were. and dont even get me started on out sourcing!!! the economy is so bad under bush that big companyts are taking jobs to other countries. no more american jobs..... dont forget war stimulates the economy. so what does bush do? goes to war with "terrorists" and iraq says WMDS! were all gonna die. yet there was bad intelligence and there was not a single wmd (weapon of mass destruction) found. and if you ask me this is a draft. but not really. he has reserves in action in iraq, the coast guard is in iraq, and the nation guard too. no to mention afgahnastan and packastan. hes sucking the resources of our military to foreign lands, what happens when theres something that happens here at home? were screwed! we wont have anything to defend us. im all for war people. but the way bush is operating this country ALL wrong!




:eek::withstupid::eek: Oh my God! You are smart!j/k Why werent you at the convention!?!?!?! :thumbs:

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work....damn work......plus im only 18. not a citizen (citizen of croatia, moved here wehn i was 2. and im gettin my citizenship. 08 baby! im votin) but im wtahcing the bush speech now, and im gunna compare it to kerrys, i liked kerrys it was very good. id dint like patackeys opening for bush a lot of holes and stuff....


and its the fact that (if i could) id vote for any one BUT bush, and thats kerry. but i like kerry too, honest



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not to mention all the lies and what not with iraq.

the liar you are looking for isn't Bush. that would be our wonderful allies that gave us miss-information. a decision had to be made and it was made off miss-information...and the truth about WMD's will come soon. i have friends that are serving over seas that have made some interesting discovers over there... ;)


history is repeating itself its jfk's time again!

why, so the enemy can sneak up to within shooting distance and try to bluff our way out of it...anyone remember the Cuban Missle Crisis...

i love how cheny was the ceo of (i dont member the name of his company) and hes going to these other big companys and getting the laws changed in congress to put cash in his pocket.

first of all if you are going to have an opinion make sure you know the facts. Halliburton...right that down. second: thats politics...

the patriot act BAD BAD BAD ACT!!!!!!!!!! im so super against it.

someday, if not already..that very act is going to save your life.

bush comes in and BOOM! no more economy, its gonna take 10 years to get back to where we were.

ummm....did you ever go to school. that is called the economic cycle. it has natural ups and downs. we were due for a downer, the duration was lengthened due to uncontrollable factors (maybe....9/11).

and dont even get me started on out sourcing!!!

ask mr kerry where the majority of the heinz products are made??? or look at the social programs enacted by the wonderful democrats that make everything fair for everyone...those things raise costs. higher costs makes is difficult to operate a business. businesses that are operating difficulty decide to move over seas becuase they do not have social programs that make things fair. thing is, things shouldn't be fair. if someone wants something they should work for it. unless circumstances do not allow for someone to work or limit their working ability they should not be receiving money from the government...but people that are perfectly capable do receive...they are just lazy...

there are no more american jobs...

there are plenty of jobs, if you can't find one...look harder...

hes sucking the resources of our military to foreign lands, what happens when theres something that happens here at home?

well, we are sucking the resources to go get these ****ers before they get us. and you ask what happens if someone goes down here? that is what the police and fire fighters have been training for...not to mention the national gaurds men and women that are still here training.


sad to say most people my age and younger are uneducated in regards to politics and government...i guess you and payne prove me right...


and while i am watching the President speak now...i see protestors sneeking their way into the Garden...sad to see how desperate the democrats are. :nono:


4 more years! GO USA :flag:

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