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Bush Or Kerry


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I think I'm gonna be smart for once and opt out of this discussion....


But, I will say one thing - GET OUT THERE AND VOTE !!! 


This was the only good advice you provided. And you didn't follow it either :jester::jester::cheers:

Yeah, well, if the only good fight to you is a fight where you always win, and you never have worthy competition, then we differ on yet another topic. :cheers:

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A couple of quotes from the article:


...some details of that financial support from Saudi Arabia were in the 27 pages of the congressional inquiry's final report that were blocked from release by the administration, despite the pleas of leaders of both parties on the House and Senate intelligence committees.


Hmm, now why would that be?


Graham also disclosed that General Tommy Franks told him on Feb. 19, 2002, four months after the invasion of Afghanistan, that many important resources -- including the Predator drone aircraft crucial to the search for Osama bin Laden and Al Qaeda leaders -- were being shifted to prepare for a war against Iraq.


Does that sound like an administration concerned with fighting terrorism and finding OBL, or one concerned with settling scores and getting ready to return favors to companies that will be: (1) Blowing up Iraq; (2) Rebuilding Iraq?

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THE ORLANDO SENTINEL: WASHINGTON - Sen. Bob Graham of Florida remains a potential vice presidential candidate for Democrat John Kerry's campaign, according to a source.

Kerry's vice presidential selection team has asked for "voluminous" information from Graham and is assessing the impact his forthcoming book on intelligence failures might have on the presidential race, said the source who has been involved in the discussions but spoke only on the condition of anonymity.... Now, according to the source, the Kerry campaign is considering the potential impact of Graham's book, "Intelligence Matters," which Random House will publish on Sept. 7.


Graham has been an advisor to Sen. John Kerry on national security issues.


His book is being written with the help of Jeff Nussbaum, a former speechwriter for Al Gore.


Graham's book will not require a review by intelligence agencies. Just more fables that were dispelled by the 911-commission report. Something I thought you had read.


More over I'm sure the Kerry campaign had a hand in the final edits :D And probably the only reason Kerry let Graham feel like he was actually being considered for VP...lol

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I got to qualify my reply by saying that I just recently left the USMC after 21 years, and I spent 6 months in Iraq and a year in Afghanistan.  I lost some very close friends there.  Also, I was in Kuwait and Saudi Arabia for 11 Months for the Gulf war, and I spent a lot of time in Somalia, Rwanda and East Timor throughout the '90's as well.

  That said; I think it's about damn time that we stop swatting at flies and I'm glad that we have finally taken the offense.  Iraq was directly supporting terrorism by providing cash payments to the families of suicide bombers, and they harbored Al Queda members, some of whom were involved in the 1st WTC bombing.  Additionally, they possessed and were attempting to acquire additional WMD.  That is a fact.  The question is not whether or not they had them but where are they now.  I am sad as hell that we are at war, but I am not going to roll over for these bastards and let them murder my fellow Americans without retribution.

  Yes, we are paying a hell of a price, both in lives and in money, for the years that we just allowed the enemy to attack and disperse.  Halliburton is not some evil corporate opportunist; our military has been relying on them for years to provide logistical support.  When Bill Clinton was president, Kellogg, Brown and Root (now Halliburton) handled all the support for Somalia and for operations and exercises in the Gulf.  They were used because they are already there, they know what they are doing, and they do their job well.

  If you feel you aren't seeing enough coverage about the injured Marines, Soldiers and Sailors then write a letter to you local news paper or TV affiliate.  Get involved and help the process!  I volunteer at the VA hospital up in La Jolla several nights a week.  You should give them a call, we could use the help.


Unfortunately you believe the lies that have been fed to you. Most of the money leads to Saudi Arabia, not Iraq. Fifteen of the nineteen 9/11 hijackers were Saudis. OBL is Saudi, for crying out loud. Do I need to go on? Read for yourself:

Saudi Funding of Islamic Extremists Undermines War on Terror


I know how difficult it is to see that 'Dad' isn't taking care of us, but he isn't, and it's time to wake up to the fact. Bush does not care about the average American. Please, people, please - wake up!!!


ApeStyle, expect a PM from me about the VA in La Jolla, I'd love to join you, or at minimum, get a contact there.

and you think Kerry does?


you've got to be kidding!

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THE ORLANDO SENTINEL: WASHINGTON - Sen. Bob Graham of Florida remains a potential vice presidential candidate for Democrat John Kerry's campaign, according to a source.

Kerry's vice presidential selection team has asked for "voluminous" information from Graham and is assessing the impact his forthcoming book on intelligence failures might have on the presidential race, said the source who has been involved in the discussions but spoke only on the condition of anonymity.... Now, according to the source, the Kerry campaign is considering the potential impact of Graham's book, "Intelligence Matters," which Random House will publish on Sept. 7.


Graham has been an advisor to Sen. John Kerry on national security issues.


His book is being written with the help of Jeff Nussbaum, a former speechwriter for Al Gore.


Graham's book will not require a review by intelligence agencies. Just more fables that were dispelled by the 911-commission report. Something I thought you had read.


More over I'm sure the Kerry campaign had a hand in the final edits :D And probably the only reason Kerry let Graham feel like he was actually being considered for VP...lol

It's unfortunate that you can't separate the message from the messenger. It appears that if you don't like the person delivering what is said, or who they work for, then the message is false, and you can discard it. :crazy: If that's how your reasoning works, I am very sad for you, but in light of what I have seen of you here, not in the least surprised. :rolleyes:

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MN - want to limit his posting to one a day on this subject? I'm sure we'd get overwhelming support. :D


With all that you say you read, NakedAv, how do you know when to separate fact from fiction? Is it by whom it's written by? Like Republican or Democrat? Or, is it just a gut feeling that says yeah, that must be right or I wouldn't be reading it in black or white? Or, as long as it's anti-Bush makes it right? Seems more like the latter.

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Ben Here is some good humor. And Naked AV I consider myself a reformed Democrat.... The party Left me, a time existed when the democrats were pro life, pro worker, pro family, pro America. Now they are Pro choice, Pro Gay, Anti Christianity, Pro Hollywood, Anti Family, Pro Metro Sexual.


The democratic party I once supported would have ate tree huggers for lunch if they were costing someone a union wage. Heck the Pollution Control Agency is responsible for most of the Manufacturing jobs we have lost. They make it so difficult to do business here companies are forced to move out to survive. In most cases the effect on world wide pollution is worse because of this.


What it takes to be a liberal Democrat


1) You have to believe the AIDS virus is spread by a lack of funding.


2) You have to be against capital punishment, but for abortion on demand, in short you support protecting the guilty and killing the innocent.


3) You have to believe that the same public school teacher who can't teach 4th graders how to read is qualified to teach those same kids about sex.


4) You have to believe that trial lawyers are selfless heroes and doctors are overpaid.


5) You have to believe that guns in the hands of law-abiding Americans are more of a threat than nuclear weapons in the hands of the Red Chinese.


6) You have to believe that global temperatures is not affected by cyclical, documented changes in the Sun, but is really affected by SUVs.


7) You have to believe that gender roles are artificial but being gay is natural.


8)You have to believe that businesses create oppression and governments create prosperity.


9) You have to believe that hunters don't care about nature but animal rights activists who've never been outside Seattle do.


10) You have to believe that self-esteem is more important than actually doing something to earn it.


11) You have to believe there was no art before federal funding.


12) You have to believe the military, not corrupt politicians start all wars.


13) You have to believe the free market that gives us 500+ channels of entertainment can't deliver the quality that PBS does.


14) You have to believe the NRA is evil, because it stands up for the Constitution, while the ACLU is good, because they attempt to create a new Constitution out of thin air.


15) You have to believe that taxes are too low but ATM fees are too high.


16) You have to believe that Harriet Tubman, Cesar Chavez and Gloria Steinem are more important to American history than George Washington, Thomas Jefferson, Dolly Madison or Thomas Edison.


17) You have to believe that standardized tests are racist, but racial quotas and set-asides aren't.


18) You have to believe that second-hand smoke is more dangerous than HIV.


19) You have to believe Hilary Clinton is really a lady and Rosie O'Donnell is really funny.


20) You have to believe that conservatives are racists, but that black people couldn't make it without your help.


21) You have to believe the only reason socialism hasn't worked anywhere it's been tried is because the right people haven't been in charge.

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911 Commission


" Our mandate was sweeping. The law directed us to investigate ''facts and circumstances relating to the terrorist attacks of September 11, 2001," including those relating to intelligence agencies, law enforcement...ect.. the flow of assets to terrorist organizations...."


2.5 million pages of document reviewed, interviewed more than 1,200 individuals in ten countries... I guess they forgot to talk to Graham... damn their sorry butts. Graham should have done the whole investigation himself and saved us a bunch of time.



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With all that you say you read, NakedAv, how do you know when to separate fact from fiction?  Is it by whom it's written by?  Like Republican or Democrat?  Or, is it just a gut feeling that says yeah, that must be right or I wouldn't be reading it in black or white?  Or, as long as it's anti-Bush makes it right?  Seems more like the latter.

I look at what positions they have held, their proximity to decision makers, what their span of control and access to information is/was - you know, stupid stuff like that. I know, kinda dumb, huh? :rolleyes:



...by whom it's written by....Like Republican or Democrat....a gut feeling that says yeah, that must be right or I wouldn't be reading it in black or white....as long as it's anti-Bush makes it right.


Why, Ben, how do you separate fact from fiction? I know how I do it, just like you said....I was wondering when you guys would figure me out.

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Ben Here is some good humor. And Naked AV I consider myself a reformed Democrat.... The party Left me, a time existed when the democrats were pro life, pro worker, pro family, pro America. Now they are Pro choice, Pro Gay, Anti Christianity, Pro Hollywood, Anti Family, Pro Metro Sexual.


The democratic party I once supported would have ate tree huggers for lunch if they were costing someone a union wage. Heck the Pollution Control Agency is responsible for most of the Manufacturing jobs we have lost. They make it so difficult to do business here companies are forced to move out to survive. In most cases the effect on world wide pollution is worse because of this.


What it takes to be a liberal Democrat


1) You have to believe the AIDS virus is spread by a lack of funding.


2) You have to be against capital punishment, but for abortion on demand, in short you support protecting the guilty and killing the innocent.


3) You have to believe that the same public school teacher who can't teach 4th graders how to read is qualified to teach those same kids about sex.


4) You have to believe that trial lawyers are selfless heroes and doctors are overpaid.


5) You have to believe that guns in the hands of law-abiding Americans are more of a threat than nuclear weapons in the hands of the Red Chinese.


6) You have to believe that global temperatures is not affected by cyclical, documented changes in the Sun, but is really affected by SUVs.


7) You have to believe that gender roles are artificial but being gay is natural.


8)You have to believe that businesses create oppression and governments create prosperity.


9) You have to believe that hunters don't care about nature but animal rights activists who've never been outside Seattle do.


10) You have to believe that self-esteem is more important than actually doing something to earn it.


11) You have to believe there was no art before federal funding.


12) You have to believe the military, not corrupt politicians start all wars.


13) You have to believe the free market that gives us 500+ channels of entertainment can't deliver the quality that PBS does.


14) You have to believe the NRA is evil, because it stands up for the Constitution, while the ACLU is good, because they attempt to create a new Constitution out of thin air.


15) You have to believe that taxes are too low but ATM fees are too high.


16) You have to believe that Harriet Tubman, Cesar Chavez and Gloria Steinem are more important to American history than George Washington, Thomas Jefferson, Dolly Madison or Thomas Edison.


17) You have to believe that standardized tests are racist, but racial quotas and set-asides aren't.


18) You have to believe that second-hand smoke is more dangerous than HIV.


19) You have to believe Hilary Clinton is really a lady and Rosie O'Donnell is really funny.


20) You have to believe that conservatives are racists, but that black people couldn't make it without your help.


21) You have to believe the only reason socialism hasn't worked anywhere it's been tried is because the right people haven't been in charge.

Whatever you do, MN C5, don't let any facts get in the way of your prejudices. :thumbs:

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