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Bush Or Kerry


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these threads suck!!!!!!!!!!


first: neither DUb or harrykerry have a SSS.


second: To quote W..."we are here with the haves and the have more's..."


which are you-have or have more


I only have an SSS...some have more and have superchargers...is that fair :jester:



Turbochargers in 2004, thats where I am voting.



:flag: the land of the free...for who ever can pay for it...



Not tryn to start anything but didnt bush get two DWIs? You post made me think about that.

most politicians got one or two...or they get out of em. good for W to admit his fualt and get on the wagon years ago...

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most politicians got one or two...or they get out of em. good for W to admit his fualt and get on the wagon years ago...

anyone in congress can get away with dwi's ect. they can get away with anyhting but like murder and serious things like that, perk of the job. i need to be a senator so i can speed and get away with it! :flag: god bless america

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Turbochargers in 2004, thats where I am voting.

:withstupid: YES YES YES - Where can I cast my vote?!


:flag: the land of the free...for who ever can pay for it...

That's just reality; financial freedom is true freedom - my experience with my ex-wife taught me that.


Mr. P. :)

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I'll add a serious reply here and go public in defense of Dub'ya - but I may not vote for him next election, I am undecided. I like George Bush as a person, a lot. I do not think Bush lied, I have come to the judgement that he made a qualified decision to invade Iraq based on *what he was told*. We all know now in hindsight that the input he was given from his staff/advisors was gravely flawed. It is now obvious that there are real problems underneath the upper levels of the presidency, problems (or problem people) that may have been there for decades. As a fellow American I would like to have seen Bush do more 'housecleaning' of the organizations reporting to him.


I do believe that whomever is sitting as Commander In Chief is ultimately responsible, and should be held so. The simple facts are that Bush took a course of action on bad input from his own organization, and that now America is really in a jam with the rest of the world. We now have really pissed-off a lot of people both domestic and abroad; and as much as I did not want threats like Hussein I certainly do not want my children and grandchildren to have to go through a 'terrorist war' like we went through a 3-generation 'cold war'.


My question, as a voter is: who can now get us out of that jam and get our own foreign relations machine working correctly? Kerry? Bush? Someone else?


Mr.P. :)

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one more thing....


with regards to the choice to go to war with iraq...


it takes a strong man to make a decision similar to the one bush had to make. a time will come when people realize that it is the right decision. this is what they call a defining moment...a moment in time when a leader is often critisized for the choices that are made....these defining moments are what make a country...we are being made stronger by standing up and defending ourselves. i sit here tonight safe becuase of the work of our troops. not only in iraq, but in the world wars of past...those that have passed, may they rest in peace. lets not tarnish their memory with bickering and protesting. lets stand behind their choice to serve this great country and protect it from those who wish to harm it.



There's a poster in my shop, it reads:


If you can read this, thank a teacher!!


If you can read this in english, thank a veteran!! :thumbs:

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Here's the bottom line. There is no human in this world that can lead the world to peace. Therefore no president ever elected can make any one decision that won't royally piss off another nation or his own people. It's just like the law of physics. For every action there is always a reaction. Decisons that effect one group positively will ALWAYS effect another negatively. So Bush has pissed off Germany, France, Spain, Russia.... The list goes on. Yet you didn't here France complain when went to war for their interests. All that I know is there are a bunch of psycho extremist running around our world and I don't like it. They have one goal in mind. To destroy everyone and everything that will not convert to there way of thinking. So who's going to make sure our asses are coverd. Not Kerry! He's just aiming to please. I'm not saying Bush is Mr. Perfect, but at least I know without a doubt who can't handle this job and won't get my vote.

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I am a proud member of THE UNITED STATES ARMED FORCES :flag: , And it would make me :puke: to have Kerry as my Commander and Chief. He is a weak minded man, He is willing to put our Armed Forces at the disposal of the UN :puke: . Shit lets just hand all of our secrets to the french :puke: . The french built saddams air defense system. :puke: If you wanna be a citizen of a country thats fate is decided by other nations vote kerry. If you wanna see your military go to shit vote kerry. If you wanna see domestic terrorism on a grand scale vote kerry. I dont know what you kerry people think but, The enemy we face has no concern for you, your family, your friends, or our country. They will stop at nothing, Until you, me, our country is DESTROYED. BUSH DROPS BOMBS :thumbs::flag: . BUSH WILL DO WHAT IT TAKES TO PRESERVE FREEDOM.

What is kerry going to try and reason with these animals? I say take the leashes off. We go to great extent to protect the innocent muslims and thier culture (i.e. mosques). These animals are hacking off our countrymens heads. :puke: They are attacking the innocent and our culture. Kerry will be the destruction of this nation.


Sorry for that random collection of thaughts, But I had to vent. I am voting Bush. :flag::flag::flag:


Oh and SSminneapolis, I have your back brother. Very well made arguments. :thumbs::flag::flag::flag:

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Here is some info that I had found about the Kerry Family...GO BUSH!!!! :flag:


BEWARE Maria Teresa Thiersten Simoes-Ferreira Heinz Kerry married

Senator John Kerry in 1995.

She only took his name 18 months ago and she is an "interesting"


of conflicts. If you thought

John Kerry was scary, he doesn't hold a candle to his wife! Maria

Teresa Thiersten Simoes-Ferreira

Heinz Kerry was born in Mozambique, the daughter of a Portuguese

physician, was educated in

Switzerland and South Africa.


Fluent in 5 languages, she was working as a United Nations interpreter

in Geneva in the mid-60s when

she met a "handsome" young American, H. John Heinz, III, who worked at


bank in Geneva. He told

her his family was "in the food business." They were married in 1966


returned to Pittsburgh where

his family ran the giant H.J. Heinz food company.


He was elected to the US House of Representatives in 1971, and in 1976

he was elected to the first of

3 terms in the US Senate. A Republican, he wrote a burning diatribe

against some of the causes backed

by young House member (John Kerry). Several years later, in 1991, he


killed when his plane collided

with a Sun Oil Company helicopter over a Philadelphia suburb.


The senator, his pilot and copilot, and both of Sun's helicopter pilots

were killed. He was survived by his

wife, Teresa, [TUH RAY ZAH] and their 3 young sons. 4 years later,

having inherited Heinz's $500 million

fortune, she married Senator John Forbes Kerry, the liberal junior

senator from Massachusetts. She

became a registered Democrat and the process of her radicalization was

set in motion.


Heinz Kerry is not shy about telling people that she required Kerry to

sign a prenuptial agreement before

they were married. John Kerry may not have check writing privileges on

the Heinz catsup and pickle

fortune, but he is certainly a willing and uncomplaining beneficiary of



A lot of hard-earned money, made through many years of hawking catsup,

mustard, and pickles has

fallen into the hands of 2 people who despise successful

entrepreneurship and who believe in the

confiscatory redistribution of wealth.


So how does Mrs. Heinz Kerry spend John Heinz's money? Just one


According to the G2

Bulletin, an online intelligence newsletter of WorldNetDaily, in the

years between 1995-2001 she gave

more than $4 million to an organization called the Tides Foundation.

And what does the Tides

Foundation do with John Heinz's money?


They support numerous antiwar groups, including Ramsey Clark's

International Action Center. Clark

has offered to defend Saddam Hussein when he's tried. They support the

Democratic Justice Fund, a

oint venture of the Tides Foundation and billionaire hate-monger George



The Democratic Justice Fund seeks to ease restrictions on Muslim

immigration from "terrorist" states.

They support the Council for American-Islamic Relations, whose leaders

are known to have close ties

to the terrorist group, Hamas.


They support the National Lawyers Guild, organized as a communist front

during the Cold War era.

One of their attorneys, Lynne Stewart, has been arrested for helping a

client, Sheikh Omar Abdel Rahman,

communicate with terror cells in Egypt. He is the convicted mastermind

of the1993 World Trade Center



They support the "Barrio Warriors," a radical Hispanic group whose

primary goal is to return all of

Arizona, California, New Mexico, and Texas to Mexico. These are but a

few of the radical groups that

benefit, through the anonymity provided by the Tides Foundation, from

the generosity of our would-be

first lady, the wealthy widow of Republican senator John Heinz, and now

the wife of the

Democratic senator who aspires to be the 44th President of the United



If voters will open their eyes....educate themselves ....and see the

real Teresa Heinz Kerry, they will not

appreciate her position as ultra-rich fairy godmother of the radical

left. They will not want to imagine her

laying her head on a pillow each night inches away from the President


the United States.


Hopefully they love this country enough to decide that the only way

these 2 will ever be allowed into the

White House is with an engraved invitation in hand.


Please don't delete this.....pass it on. Let everyone know these


are unfit to represent this great

nation. The uninformed will never hear the truth from the press, who

wants Kerry elected! Those who

buy the Kerry facade ... beware what you vote for..... You may regret

that you got it!

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