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Girl Problems, looking for Advice, Can anyone help?

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Ha yea right...I hear you guys, I know being patient has its rewards. But there is just one other thing that bugs me,. Why do people look at me like I am a drugy and a user? I just had someone at a truck stop in Indiana come up to me and ask me for drugs and if I would go smoke weed with him. I told him I don't do that crap and he walked away and then 5 minutes later came back up to me and asked me again for drugs and weed. I looked at him like are you nuts or just stupid?

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Here is my take on this whole thing. I've always had a way of flirting with chicks and never had a problem meeting them. But I was also a man whore and always seemed to end up with the wrong ones. Why? Because I was always meeting girls at bars, clubs, etc. You want a nice girl? More than likely you won't find her at a club or bar. Want a drama free girl? You won't find her by "being a dick" or ignoring her.


The best way to find someone for a long term relationship is through a common bond. Find someone with similar interests. Figure out something you really like to do and do it with others. That will open the door to a conversation. Also, be a gentleman. I have a buddy that is very similar to you with the whole no approach/pickup game, working a lot, but not totally the same. He could not and would not approach girls at all. He had no game at all on the pick up. But if I got them to come over to us and start talking he was the man. He never was a dick, ignored them or played games. He just said what was on his mind, was himself, made a few jokes and treated every girl like a lady. I saw more "good girls" throw themselves at him than you can imagine. You'd be amazed how far being a gentleman will get you. It might not get you laid that night or the next. But in the end it will pay off. Also, girls get hit on all the time. Don't be like every other dude that thinks they are a player. Be unique. Stand out. My same buddy never took girls out on a "typical date". He would take girls to the dog park with his dog for first dates, so he could see their reactions to his and other dogs. His dog was like his daughter so for him so for him it was a good test. He would take girls out for a ride on his bike through the canyons, out by the beach and then have dinner at a hotdog stand. He figured he would do things he liked and if the girl didn't like it, then they weren't meant to be. For a while I dubbed him "the cyber pimp". I would go over to his house and he would be chatting with six or seven girls at the same time. He would ask girls stuff that you would never ask a girl at a bar or in person after meeting them for 5 minutes. But the girls would answer and he dropped them one after the other based on their answers. The best parts of it, he didn't have to buy them a drink, he didn't have to pay a cover, and he didn't waste more than a few minutes. In the end he met a chick on myspace. They met up to hang out as friends. They kissed for the first time after a month and four months from the day they first met, they got married and it will be eight years this December. All because they had a common bond and were friends first.

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Here is my take on this whole thing. I've always had a way of flirting with chicks and never had a problem meeting them. But I was also a man whore and always seemed to end up with the wrong ones. Why? Because I was always meeting girls at bars, clubs, etc. You want a nice girl? More than likely you won't find her at a club or bar. Want a drama free girl? You won't find her by "being a dick" or ignoring her.


The best way to find someone for a long term relationship is through a common bond. Find someone with similar interests. Figure out something you really like to do and do it with others. That will open the door to a conversation. Also, be a gentleman. I have a buddy that is very similar to you with the whole no approach/pickup game, working a lot, but not totally the same. He could not and would not approach girls at all. He had no game at all on the pick up. But if I got them to come over to us and start talking he was the man. He never was a dick, ignored them or played games. He just said what was on his mind, was himself, made a few jokes and treated every girl like a lady. I saw more "good girls" throw themselves at him than you can imagine. You'd be amazed how far being a gentleman will get you. It might not get you laid that night or the next. But in the end it will pay off. Also, girls get hit on all the time. Don't be like every other dude that thinks they are a player. Be unique. Stand out. My same buddy never took girls out on a "typical date". He would take girls to the dog park with his dog for first dates, so he could see their reactions to his and other dogs. His dog was like his daughter so for him so for him it was a good test. He would take girls out for a ride on his bike through the canyons, out by the beach and then have dinner at a hotdog stand. He figured he would do things he liked and if the girl didn't like it, then they weren't meant to be. For a while I dubbed him "the cyber pimp". I would go over to his house and he would be chatting with six or seven girls at the same time. He would ask girls stuff that you would never ask a girl at a bar or in person after meeting them for 5 minutes. But the girls would answer and he dropped them one after the other based on their answers. The best parts of it, he didn't have to buy them a drink, he didn't have to pay a cover, and he didn't waste more than a few minutes. In the end he met a chick on myspace. They met up to hang out as friends. They kissed for the first time after a month and four months from the day they first met, they got married and it will be eight years this December. All because they had a common bond and were friends first.


Yea if only I could do that. My problem is just getting a girl to talk to me. I mean I say hello, I be kind and nice to them. I bring up something appropriate to get a conversation going and they just blow me off like I don't matter. No girl seems to want anything to do with me.

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To be honest man, it might be your career, to me it sounds like your looking for something serious/long term, however any relationship that would have anything to do with longevity is going to be rough if your constantly on the road. Sometimes your personal life gets put on the back burner for ones career. I know if I were single now, it would be rough for me to find someone worth being with due to the crazy amount of hours I work. Also what works for me like 90% of the time is, quite looking.....let it happen naturally. Every girl I have ever been with, I have met when I wasn't looking for anything, when I tried I failed miserably lol.

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To be honest man, it might be your career, to me it sounds like your looking for something serious/long term, however any relationship that would have anything to do with longevity is going to be rough if your constantly on the road. Sometimes your personal life gets put on the back burner for ones career. I know if I were single now, it would be rough for me to find someone worth being with due to the crazy amount of hours I work. Also what works for me like 90% of the time is, quite looking.....let it happen naturally. Every girl I have ever been with, I have met when I wasn't looking for anything, when I tried I failed miserably lol.


I agree. Along with my previous post, I dated for about 4+ years after becoming single, then I decided I did not even want to date anyone anymore, then my wife popped up.

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ok Ive read alot of the post from others and you, you definately lack confidence, experience and swagg! but thats ok, your trying to go straight for the 10's, dont do that, YOU NEED PRACTICE!!! go after some girls who that you could really take it or leave it and practice your game there cause hey, if they shoot you down, who cares lol, besides in this lil experiment you may surprise yourself and find a girl you click with without even realizing it. If your gonna go out and prowl with some buds, dont bring more then 2 and try and bring friends that dont have as much of a shot as you, you wanna be the catch of the group, it will definately be a stroke to your broken ego when some girls talk to you and show no interest in your lacky friends. and as everyone else said, show some dam confidence, and being a lil cocky doesnt hurt just dont over do it

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well if thats the case, you need to change up your look, ask a chick friend for help, not a girl you like but a friend or a sister whatever, but it has to be someone that has a social life way better then your own. ask em to help with shoes, haircut, clothes whatever need be, cause by the sounds of it, your look isnt working, but a chick can help u fix all that. If all else fails, walk up to some chick at a social event, and tell her your a virgin, who knows mabey she will want to steal your V card, sounds nuts but I used to know girls that preyed on that


Ha yea right...I hear you guys, I know being patient has its rewards. But there is just one other thing that bugs me,. Why do people look at me like I am a drugy and a user? I just had someone at a truck stop in Indiana come up to me and ask me for drugs and if I would go smoke weed with him. I told him I don't do that crap and he walked away and then 5 minutes later came back up to me and asked me again for drugs and weed. I looked at him like are you nuts or just stupid?

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honestly wat ive found out about girls ( specially attractive ones) they are used to attention and guys coming up and talking to them. wat i do with those girls is make eye contacte once with them kinda give them a little like hello smile and look away and DO NOT look at her agian. it drives them nuts because there used to that attention and when there not getting it they wonder why and will usually start a convo with you and then you just got to hold your ground and be kind of a dick to them. that turns them on and then they want to make you like them. i try to make them come to me my man. and thats how you do it.


honestly wat ive found out about girls ( specially attractive ones) they are used to attention and guys coming up and talking to them. wat i do with those girls is make eye contacte once with them kinda give them a little like hello smile and look away and DO NOT look at her agian. it drives them nuts because there used to that attention and when there not getting it they wonder why and will usually start a convo with you and then you just got to hold your ground and be kind of a dick to them. that turns them on and then they want to make you like them. i try to make them come to me my man. and thats how you do it.

You need a cosmo. Got to study the enemy lol.


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^^^ This...

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After reading all this I would say IMO you feel rejected. I'm 5"10 300 lbs. I've been rejected. But man I talk to every female I might be interested in. Wether we end up friends or I just get shut down. I've found women respond well to a happy guy that can make her laugh. If she's laughing she's happy. And really if you approach a woman with the attitude that what ever happens happens instead of being nervous it will probably go smoother. I wish you luck sir.

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Yea I see nice girls quite often and most of the time, they are working at a job like a truck stop or a store. Thing is I know it is not good to just get them to stand around and talk so that is what makes it hard at times. Like I want to talk to them, but I dunno what to say sometimes and even if I so talk to them, I do want to be too personal and also don't want to distract them from doing their job. I know they would not like it if they got yelled at for standing around talking to me. I would not want to be the one they blame. So I mostly just keep quiet and keep to myself. Girls are a very powerful force

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If they are at a certain store or gas station that is in your area make it a point to go to that one everytime, become a regular at the store, if its meant to be it'll work its way out.


Sounds like you could be trying to hard also... just be yourself

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Another approach that has worked for me is catch her eye and if she seems interested, just walk up to her, give her a compliment and give her your number. Just tell her if she is interested in chatting, hanging out, whatever to give you a call. If she calls you know she is interested. If not, no loss. Plus the more you do it, the more comfortable you will get.


I should also point out that its been statistically proven that of all compliments, women are most likely to respond positively if you compliment their lips.

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