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Everything posted by eeekroar

  1. Been packing on the pounds. Went from a large to a 6x within the shirt order.
  2. eeekroar

    Tune Up!

    You guys are silly, I run tap water, and never had any problems.
  3. Agree,My mother in law does the same shit! Putting on make up driving every morning. The worst part is when my father in law was still alive they had a motorcycle so she knows how dangerous it is. Some people never learn. I ordered a helmet cam before all this happened,which is suppose to be here Monday. What great footage that would of been. I am also getting the voice activated headset for answering calls, so I can phone in people trying to kill me on the road. Every ride it's like playing a morbid game to stay alive. I need a force field. Anytime someone almost clips me, it sends their car flying 300 yards in the opposite direction.
  4. Do you have cats? Are you running a Gibson exhaust also? Corsa exhaust sounds pretty damn mean!
  5. Dude, that was hilarious! SHHH don't tell no one, I'm defiantly a girly drinks drunk.
  6. Jeez man, if you that bored you can photo shop some stuff for me.
  7. I need a new mid fairing, if anyone wants a 100 yards worth of grass, I got it!
  8. My ass hurts, one of the few times I can say that, and not sound gay.

    1. eeekroar


      Well ,after thinking about it, it still sounds gay.

    2. jddmj
  9. I always have people in my lane, but they look up, and get back in theirs. Sometimes, they give me a sorry wave, and I wave back. The very short glimpse I got of her, looked like she was bent over getting something out the glove box, or off the floor. My Yoshi exhaust is loud as an F1 car, but if your in La La land you probably won't hear it. I had a guy almost hit me yesterday. He was bouncing up down, throwing gang signs, riding everyone's ass. My girl was behind me in the middle lane, he cuts in between us, rides my ass, then swerves back into the fast lane almost clipping my tire.
  10. First I would like to start off with, WOMEN, PAY ATTENTION TO THE ROAD AHEAD OF YOU! I was on the motorcycle going home doing about 55 in a 50. It is an old country road with a few blind turns. As I am coming around the curve I am surprised by a SUV in my lane. Not sorta in my lane, but about to run off my side of the road.I did not have time to slow down at all, so within a split second I had to chose the grass, or the SUV. I think to myself this is about to hurt. I turn off the road right before she hits me, and lay the bike down. My foot was trapped under the bike as I slid down the side of the road. Luckily, I wear Sidi Vortices, otherwise my ankle would have been demolished. The most frustrating part was she did not stop to see if I was okay, which leads me to believe she was on drugs, or just a selfish piece of Sh*t. At this point my adrenaline is pumping, so I muscle the bike up to see the damage. Broken fairing, and bent exhaust. Moral of the story is, Always ride with full gear. Sure,I look like a stupid power ranger, but I am a firm believer my stupid power ranger boots, saved me a couple grand in hospital/doctor bills. Allowing me to ride another day.
  11. Man those are some awesome pictures. I wish I had some nice graffiti art to take pictures in front of.
  12. Comparing BB to Wheatley, is like comparing blondes to brunettes. Personal choice, both will get you set.
  13. I believe you just missed Black Bear there. Why don't you get a Auto-Cal?
  14. Dude, just trade me for the scuba mask, and lawn chair already.
  15. Just get some new ones, Pacesetters coated- for $365, Non coated-$233. I highly doubt you will find a used pair, but if you do. Someone will probably buy them before you.
  16. If only it had a back seat............
  17. Welcome! That picture is great
  18. I guess I should make a facebook finally.
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