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Everything posted by eeekroar

  1. I hear you man, no worries. What I meant was it seemed a lot of people wanted some,once the order had already been placed.
  2. You know how it went last time. No one will be interested until the orders is already placed.
  3. Thanks for making me jealous! Looking forward to watching this build!
  4. Damn man that sucks! Are you going to try another 6.0, or build a beast?
  5. Is there a minimum for the hats order?Also, will they be embroidered, or screen printed.
  6. Were you selling a smart car? We have a bunch of smart car haters around these parts
  7. I have Bilsteins. Honestly, I don't like them. I would try Edelbrocks, or Belltechs. That's just my opinion though. I know a lot of guys on here love them. I really noticed how bad they were when I rode passenger, without my contacts in so I could not brace for the bumps.
  8. HAHA, Mini Mustache! Is it a male, or female owner?
  9. At least it has a bullet proof gas cap,so when people shoot at him he can have the reassurance that he will be safe.
  10. Someone might be more willing to purchase if you post pictures up.
  11. Dude get a bike! I get over 50 mpg.... when I'm not at 12,000 RPM
  12. Tune, and Efans. Since you have CAI, and exhaust already there isn't much more you can do, besides keeping the rpms under 2,000 every gear.You could run some little 15 inch tires to cut weight.
  13. eeekroar


  14. It would look good with the silver painted white, It would be more of a white bike. Would also look good with the silver painted black. You could put white wheels on it, but they get dirty fast. I have white rims on mine.
  15. Do you plan on putting the R decals back on it?Are you going to change the paint scheme up any. It would look sick black and white.
  16. Everyone has their on thing that works for them so find what works for you. Not being strapped,lowered, or stretched holds us back A LOT! Depending on what size track you are at, you will either end in 3rd or 4th.If you change sprockets, you will get a little better bottom end.
  17. I usually hold rpms around 8k, and slip the hell out of the clutch. Lower your rear tire pressure. Lean on the tank.Start at 5k, and move up when you feel comfortable. The Gs will try to tear you off the back, so hang on,haha.If you strap your bike, and lower it you will be able to launch a lot harder. Let the clutch out to the point it is about to catch, then when the last light turns yellow. Pin the throttle, while simultaneously slipping the clutch.Make your you don't dump the clutch, because you will end up on your back. You should ride the clutch half way through 1st to keep it down.
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