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Everything posted by SSenvy

  1. aww makes sense, keep the progress coming
  2. Is the truck being painted arrival blue? it looks more purple'ish. Love the progress pics though, its awesome seeing it from the start, and seeing it transform into something bad ass!
  3. When my front bearing went out i was having noticeable clunking/clanking symptoms before my ABS light came on. If you arent having binding/clank/clunk noises i dont think thats your issue.
  4. Whether its a new ford, dodge, chevy, 90% of the time people do not like the design at first glance through pictures. Ive yet to see in the last 10 years any design from the big 3 where majority of the people loved the trucks at first sight. They hate this, its too that.... and yet we are buying them. in 2003 when Chevy came out with the new fender design, i absolutely hated it. I swore i would never own a chevy with that fender...... guess i was wrong. The only thing i will agree with is that the design isnt a huge change from the last. As far as if i love it or hate it.... give it time.... They have to grow on you. Maybe it wont, but until i see some trim packages, and in person im not making any judgements.
  5. Every header install i read makes me want long tubes less and less lol. Glad they turned out!
  6. Very clean man. Congrats, hope she serves you well
  7. Kinda sad, Most Chevys silverado's 99-06 i look over at while in traffic at night 70% of the time, they have a check engine light on... kinda sad, maybe its an alaskan thing

    1. Show previous comments  5 more
    2. ric


      i had the gas cap issue too lol

    3. SSenvy


      well damn, its prolly gas caps then lol.

    4. Bad Bowtie
  8. I wanna see your truck with stockers on again! Truck lookin good though bud.
  9. I like option 2 the best, but for your theme, definitely option 1. They would look real good.
  10. He isnt active on his Asund1 account anymore, and thats where i talked to him, its been a couple years honestly. I also dont have his email.
  11. You got 1 clean truck, and yeah, its definantly quick! Looks like he wised up, and finally took care of the trans issues lol. stock tranny + SC"er = Russian Roulette. Glad its got a good home
  12. Just from talking with him On you tube. I was a you tube hound on Silverado SS"s before i got mine. Since he had 1, and lived in alaska, he answered a lot of questions for me. Nice guy He sold it like 4-5 months after i finally got mine i believe.
  13. He was Military, maybe he brought the truck from alaska with him to his new station post? Dunno. That trucks gone threw some tranmissions though( atleast 2 ) hopefully he got it right before you bought it.
  14. When i power washed My engine like an idiot, it ruined my knock sensors. It took 2 weeks for the CEL to start coming on, but once it started, it would come on about 30 mins after clearing the code without fail. Hope you get it figured out.
  15. Looks good man, definantly like the engine compartment stuff, im undecided on the mirrors. Would be cool to see the accent of mirrors from farther away. The quality looks top notch though, regardless. Nice job
  16. Right on, let us know If it fits out trucks, im definantly curious!
  17. I would have waited for the guy/gal to get back to their car, and had some words. I dont care if i had to wait 2 hours.... maybe im just sick lol.
  18. SOunds great. Seat of the pants feel, does it feel faster then your old supercharged setup?
  19. Im amazed you only lost by 1/2 a truck at a 45 MPH roll. Ive heard that is the sweet spot for tundras, and its IMO a weak spot for ours. Nice job =)
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