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Everything posted by Dylan06SS

  1. Interesting first post. No doubt it removes oxidation and light contamination, but I'd be highly surprised if it cleaned the surface to the same level a claybar would. Cleaner polishes are no new thing... they've been around a long time and I've used A LOT of them. While they may be good for removing oxidization and light contaminants in all the testing I've done I've been able to go back over them with a claybar and STILL pull up more surface contaminants. Any before and after pictures to demonstrate its correcting ability?? I see the description says it will remove light scratches. Just curious to see how much correcting ability it actually has.
  2. For a liquid wax I use mf... for paste I use foam.
  3. Feel free to tell your buddy I beat stock GT's like its my ****ing job.
  4. Nice dunkin' dougnuts sticker too
  5. One last bump... no one else want to go hang out with a bunch or really cool cars??
  6. DER was great simply b/c it produced EXCELLENT results with very minimal effort and was extremely user friendly. Its main drawback is that it was pretty limited when it came to correction of severe paint defects. Sadly DER closed up shop... I put a couple of calls and emails into them when I found out to see if they would be interested in selling me the formulas and rights to the product name, but that really never went anywhere. Shame too b/c I was preapproved for a loan at the bank for it... just couldn't get the owners on teh same page. As for Adams, the versatility and end results are far superior to DER with a relative level of easy use. I won't go so far as to say its AS easy as DER, but its pretty damn easy stuff to get phenomenal results from. A basic Adams kit would consist of Swirl & Haze Remover, Revive Polish, and Buttery Wax... those three products used in that order will produce GREAT result even by hand. Oh no way will it replace buttery, if not simply for the fact that Buttery is still a really great product, easy to use and competitively priced. Not everyone is down to spend $70 on a jar of wax that has a users learning curve. I still plan on keeping Buttery stocked in my supplies... unless customers are willing to pay me more for an application of Americana I'm not going to waste it.
  7. Easily worth $70... especially considering how many applications I'll get out of just this one jar. Compared to some other pastes I've tried in the past that have cost $100 or more (for less product) this is on par with any of those so far. I'm reserving any "better than brand X" statements until I finish beading tests and do a side by side, but at first blush the finish quality and ease of use make this better than products that cost 2x as much. Keep in mind b/c this is a high end carnuba product the protection will be much greater than any sealant and look 10x better... quality carnuba ain't cheap, this stuff is hand poured in small batches, and the ingredients aren't easy to come by, so thats why this stuff is a tad more expensive than what most people use on their car. probably 3-4 weeks ago after a guy hosed it and used a leaf blower near it in a parking lot. It since then got a dealer wash (against my permission) so the paints far from flawless right now. This stuff was applied over a base of Machine Super Wax (sealant) and a layer of Buttery Wax from the previous detail. I intend on stripping everything down and applying only Americana (2 coats) but this was just for preliminary testing and review since I won't have time to detail for a couple of weeks.
  8. None at all. Post wax hazing is typically a side effect of products that have a lot of synthetic polymers in them. Adams Machine Super Wax for example, b/c its pretty much a synthetic sealant needs to be wiped down again about 12 hours after application b/c it hazes. The haze is the synthetic chemicals releasing stuff as they cure... this stuff had no hazing to speak of. I love most Adams product, there are a few I don't use, but for the most part I recommend their entire line. There is a HUGE difference between over the counter mf and the stuff you can get thru Adams or a similar company.... only way to really show you the difference would be to have you feel one.... trust me when I say there is nothing softer than an Adams True Blue Microfiber polishing cloth.
  9. this was a quick application after a quick wash just to see how it applied and get some first impressions. Like all Adams stuff it smells good enough to eat, not that it has anything to do with finish quality, but it certainly makes an afternoon in the garage with this stuff a hell of a lot more bearable. Applied SUPER easy. Can't say how much of that is due to the cool included applicator vs the wax itself, but it certainly spreads perfect. Wax broke down to applicable with minimal agitation, and didn't start to setup until it was completely applied. Cure time was between 10-15 minutes in ambient temps in the mid 70's (shaded) Removal was really easy... stuff practically came off with a light swipe of the buffing towel they included, which was a medium length knap. Shorter than their true blue towel, but longer than your basic mf cloth. Overall extremely impressed (of course trying to hold my love for adams products aside) it really did hit all the marks, easy to use, finish is great, now the only thing left to do is build up another layer and do some beading & durability tests. So far I haven't gotten a clear answer if the appliator and buffing towel will be included going forward or if it was just for the first group who preordered it, but they are both excellent. The applicator is really comfortable in your hand and the MF is perfect for buffing a hard setting paste wax off the paint. Yes... this is a reflection shot Sorry a couple of those pics look so blown out... it was just so bright out... slightly hazy and the sun was brutal so everything was glaring like crazy. Better pics soon.
  10. One last bump.... so no one wants to hang out on saturday??
  11. You are correct sir. Its funny... theres dozens of products EXACTLY like this, that do EXACTLY the same thing, and have been around longer, but b/c the word CLAY is in the name it garners all kinds of attention. Turtle wax recently did the same thing with their "liquid claybar" Ice product. Fact is its a cleaner wax... not at all a replacement for a claybar, if anything its something you'd only use AFTER claying. As for the company, Surf City has a couple of OK products, but for the most part I've been underwhelmed by their stuff. No surprises here, but I much prefer Adams Revive Polish, and for those who were hooked on DER Real Stuff, Adams Revive is about as close to the red bottle as I've been able to find, its even the exact same color.
  12. Gawd... those fender vents are becoming so unbelieveably trendy, odds are those are just stick ons too, like 99.9% of the ones I see. I actually passed a new jeep wrangler the other day, still had dealer plates. Massive rims (24-26" im guessing) and those cheap stick on caddy copy vents... who does that to a jeep!?!?!?
  13. A few years back I was on a lunch break and in traffic I look over and this dude in a lincoln navigator was rubbing one out... ****ing freaked me out. I called the cops b/c I had a thought: "what if a schoolbus pulled along side him" Never did find out if they got him, but I did give em the plate and description. How ****ing horny are you when you're beating yer meat in broad daylight in your car?
  14. mark me down as a NO guys. Sorry, but I'm driving out to Palm Desert tonight for a little getaway with the wife, then this coming weekend I'll be out in Torrance at the Adams detailing clinic so the following weekend will be makeup time for all the stuff I'm not getting done this week/weekend. Have fun!!
  15. Zaino is great stuff, but in the past I've seen that the amount of options and possibility of combinations that make it great also make it intimidating to commit to for a newcomer.
  16. should be a permanent suspension IMO... him and A-roid can go inject eachother in the ass at Berry Bonds house w/ Clemens and the rest of the ****ing cheaters.
  17. I just get so sick of these dealership gimmics that claim to protect your paint from rain, sleet, snow, heat, nuclear bombs, and the boogey man permanently. Sealants are very much worth the money IMO when used properly. A quality synthetic sealant when applied to 'naked' paint should stand up for about 6 months, longer depending on if its garaged, exposure to heat/elements etc. The problem with sealants is that they tend to look very 'plastic' for lack of a better term. When you see paint thats been sealed next to paint treated with a quality carnuba wax the difference is very obvious. Sealants lack the deep, warm, wet, shine of carnuba products. The key is to strike a balance and use layering of products to get your desired result. For paint that I know will see heavy abuse, or may not be back in my garage for treatment for a long time I will lay down a coat of sealant first, think of it as you "last barrier". On top of that, depending on the color of the paint, and preference of the owner I'll layer other products... this way I get the "pretty" effect of carnuba while there is still an underlying protective coat when the top coat breaks down. Sealants are pretty easy to use as well... personally I use Optiseal on my wifes car and then top it with Adams Buttery Wax. For my paint I use Adams Machine Superwax (a polymer blend sealant/wax) and then top that with Buttery Wax and/or Brilliant Spray Glaze. Part of the fun in detailing is playing with combinations and finding what works for what situation, color, etc. If you're looking for sealant Optiseal is awesome... best part is how easy it is to use. Its literally a wipe on walk away product, no buffing off, no removal, just wipe on a thin layer and let it cure... thats it. Really a kickass product for daily drivers or if you're not all that big into appearance. I have customers whos cars are treated exclusively with it and I can see a solid 3-6 months out of it in daily driver type conditions before it starts to deteriorate. As for standing up to buffing/clay... no... if you take a cleaner polish or a medium claybar to the paint the sealant will come up, but basic washing, rain, heat, UV, etc won't break it down that quick. BTW if anyone is interested: http://www.glimmerglassdetailing.com/optiseal.html
  18. ADAMS FTMFW... you have PM btw guess what I have coming guys... http://www.adamspolishes.com/p-423-adams-a...-paste-wax.aspx
  19. Tell you what... send me your ice polish, I'll dump in some red food coloring and you can give me $20.
  20. great stuff... personally I use optiseal and rejex, PB was just as good, but I already had the others and didn't need 3rd dedicated wheel sealant in my cabinet.
  21. I personally like the Nomad concept, dump that on some 22's w/ a black paintjob and I'd be all over it.
  22. Don't waste your money. The "black box" is full of fillers and oils that only temporarily hide imperfections, not remove them. If you go to their site and read the descriptions its laughable, all they've done is jam a bunch of oily tinting into the product, charged you more for a black colored foam applicator and created a lame gimmic. Turtle wax is pretty much garbage across the board, this stuff takes it to a whole new level of LOL-ness. All they do now a days is come up with gimmics that look good sitting on the store shelf (Ice being a prime example) that don't do anything to really correct, protect, or provide depth, gloss, or warmth when compared to only slightly more expensive quality products. I can't wait to see the "RED FIRE" box set with red tinted wax, a red applicator, and a special red polish
  23. worthless piece and should never be used. ask any number of professionals who work w/ the PC and they'll tell you the same. while polishing your hand should be directly over the center of the pad, theres even a little finger groove there. by using the handle you place uneven pressure on the pad generating all kinds of issues and not making the most of your polish or polisher. just an FYI.
  24. I'd love to get my hands on this and lay it out... how sick would that be!!!
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