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Everything posted by Dylan06SS

  1. Really depends on your immediate areas. Around here GSM services (ATT, Tmobile) suck but CDMA (sprint, verizon) are killer. I've been with sprint (converted from nextel) for damn near 8 years now. Wouldn't change for anything, been really happy with my service.
  2. As usual I'm a maybe... comes down to me being able to free up enough time to drive out. You guys don't mind a little grocery getter tagging along do you?
  3. Yep... it was the stock bumper taken off of my SSS when I did the rollpan.
  4. Rear bumper is still the best looking part of that truck
  5. Hes good... I was meaning to hit you up too... the detail I did on your camaro may be winning me a contest for 'best detail' I'm always around, hit me up. HAHA... I didn't know that was you man. LMK where you want those pics sent and I'll email em. Yep... still detailing, whenever you're ready LMK.
  6. I can't believe this toolbag stole my video http://www.youtube.com/comment_servlet?all...v%3DaIktB1EgR7U EDIT: LOL... he changed the description.
  7. Yer still around huh Fox... you just inspired me to dust off the booty sig
  8. I had seen it actually browsing around Youtube. Good job. I'm trying to get a TBSS video underway, but you know how that goes.
  9. yea... I know... I have forsaken my first internet home. between work, detailing, and all the other sites I'm on I just haven't had time.
  10. my name Dylan.... D. to the O-G... used detail trucks by the whole fleet (excuse my lame Jay Z reference) Thought I'd pop in and say WHATS UP? to my old truck mates. Someone shot me an email... looks like some jackass re-up'd my SSS.com video and is trying to take credit Anyhoo... nothing new in the zoo... my old SSS is still cruising around locally here exactly the same as when I sold it. I think its on its 3rd or 4th owner since I unloaded it, but she still looks good. Still rollin' the TBSS for now... but contemplating the jump to something else. Heres how it sits now: Anyways... just saying whats up. I like to pop in from time to time to make sure you guys are doing OK without me
  11. Are you implying I have an impulse control problem? Fully loaded GT w/ the 6.0 is right at $30k out the door (yes, I have started shopping)... could probably be talked down below $30k... the sticker is only $33+/-... so add on the turbo kit, even if it is expensive, and you'll still come out ahead IMO. yep... the GXP is gonna be I N S A N E ! ! ! http://www.autoblog.com/2008/03/15/new-yor...s-402-hp-and-a/
  12. Its not bad, but I'd prefer the PC over the megs polisher. If you really want to get the best one for your money look into the Ultimate Detailing Machine. Just as good as a PC, but with all the little annoying bugs worked out. http://www.glimmerglassdetailing.com/uldema.html That will be the machine I go to if/when my PC ever dies. You're making the right choice going DA polisher first b/c a rotary can do some real damage if not used correctly. Wrong. In order to 'burn the paint' with a DA you would actually have to TRY and do it on purpose, most likely by holding the pad perpendicular to the painted surface at which point I'd be more concerned about the orbital motion causing a dent than I would be about burn. A paint burn happens when heat builds up and the paint is literally cut down... b/c a DA polisher moves in a random orbit the chances of getting one contact patch consistent enough in a small area to burn the paint is damn near impossible. Its easily done w/ a rotary as the pad surface only spins in a constant rotation w/ no orbital or dual action motion. You could literally hold a PC over one spot w/ the OPM maxed out using the most aggressive foam pad you can find and a polishing compound and never build up enough friction to damage the paint.
  13. SS wins IMO... at least mine did anytime I ran up against a ram.
  14. http://www.airpowersystems.com/g8/g8_itt.htm The beauty of the G8 already being out as an aussie model means all the "honeymoon" period shit has been handled and these kinds of things are already tested and proven on the platform. Its taking A LOT of restraint not to just drive down to the pontiac dealer right now and pick one of these up.
  15. Yes... I use it on my wheels. It seems to last approx 1-2 months w/ a single coat... and by last I mean I can literally just hose the wheels off and they're clean. Nothing sticks to them with a coat of Rejex on em. If you're going to layer I'd suggest doing it over a 2 day period. Rejex has a 30-40 minute cure time (I believe) and I wouldn't recommend putting anything over it for about 8-10 hours after application. For paint sealants I like Optiseal MUCH better, its much more versatile and allows you to use as a base or seal over the top of other products depending on your desired result. Rejex on the other hand MUST be your bottom layer... it will not apply over any waxes or anything.... I only use rejex on wheels and things like headlights/tail lights. BTW: be sure to strip wash, clay, and polish your paint before applying the rejex coat.
  16. Rejex is a product I HIGHLY recommend for sealing your wheels (painted or chrome) headlights, tail lights, etc. I don't however like it on your painted panels... doesn't finish very well. Has no depth to it and on black it seems to cloud the finish a little (viewed under hallogens) So I'd say use it on your non painted surfaces.
  17. I'll let you know when the first litter of these truck/suv/SS babies are born so you can come pick one up. Looks like Chachi put you up on STS too.. You need to talk to him about your feature man... you and I can get together, do the writeup and photoshoot whenever you're ready. Just need to check with him about when he wants to put it up and anything in particular he wants to focus on with the pics or article.
  18. meh... its alright... 4 shots... not bad... guys at sport truck must've really liked it b/c its rare they do more than 1-2 shots of anything at a show unless they really like it. Congrats. For the record I got to pretend like I owned Chases truck for 2.5 days while it sat in my garage... then the fun was over It was nice opening the door and seeing 2 shiney black SS's sharing my cozy little garage. Chase I think my TBSS may have a crush on your truck
  19. I was already planning spending my money on beer and prostitutes before this thread was started
  20. HA... forgot all about this thread. I should have a ton more valuable info to impart soon... I'm taking the leap to rotary buffing and learning to colorsand. A guy whos work I've admired for a long time now has agreed to teach me everything he knows about color sanding and high speed rotary buffing (for a nominal fee) and we'll be using the TBSS as the canvas for him to show me the goods. I'm pretty excited to start learning, this was all brought on by the fact that Chase's truck just wasn't turning out as perfect as I'd like... I've finally hit that wall where a DA polisher isn't going to be able to do everything I need it to... time to get serious. Just need to build my collection of supplies and tools including an ultrasound paint depth meter and then I'm on it. This shit ain't cheap!! The upside is, if I get good at this I'll never have to accept factory orange peel again... smooth paint here I come!!!
  21. Sick chase... sick!! Why don't I ever get calls when this shit is going on?? I would've happily headed over to lend a hand or at least hold your beer for you while you worked
  22. Welcome to the dark side my friend
  23. They're the same pan... my truck is on the right w/ the BSER filled in... Adams2003 is on the left w/ the BSER installed the "standard" way.
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