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Posts posted by Dylan06SS

  1. 154 views and only 8 comments... geez guys... whats a guy gotta do to impress you jerks??  :jester:



    You'd get alot more comments on TBSS.com. :jester: How many of them would positive, I have no idea! :crackup:


    Nice vid, the exhaust note is badass! :thumbs:


    HAHA!! I know... I posted over there... I can only imagine the responses:


    "Too much smoke"

    "Thats not the right way to do a burnout"

    "Thats not real... you faked it somehow"

    "My TBSS makes more hp than yours"

    "You went with the wrong exhaust"

  2. Wet pavement was the best with the AWD SS... you could really hammer down and just ride out the side to side tire spins, then it would hook and launch.


    I used to punch it while heading onto the freeway during rain.. the 1-2 and 2-3 shifts would cause the back end to kick out a little bit... lots of fun.

  3. i was thinking about writing a insult/witty comment...but damn....the tbss looks badass!  :cheers: nice little video you put there. the exhuast note sounds really nice.... :sigh: i need FI....

    HAHA... I think I know where you were headed with that... but no... I didn't cause the need for a doctor run. They're not sure, but it might be gestational diabitis so she needed to be checked out, better safe than sorry... for now everything is fine.



  4. I was supposed to head down to a STS meet in San Diego today, but had some issues with wifey and she needed to be run into the doctors to check some things out (baby is OK in case you were worried)


    Got back and decided I needed to blow off some steam so I picked my brother up and we decided to go have some fun with all the torque... enjoy :driving:



  5. What have you got yours up too??? I've had mine to 130 and it was still pulling


    I haven't had a chance to really push it since the tune... but I've ridden in his porsche all the way deep into the 150 range and it felt like it had more. Off the line it doesn't feel all the quick but once that turbo spools up it just seems like theres no end in sight for that powerband. From a roll he'd own me... from a dig I think I'd be able to stay ahead of him for a 1/4, but probably not much beyond that.


    Anyone know what a Cayenne runs in the 1/4??

  6. well im hoping for about 700 + horspower , im building a 408 with forged bottom end new heads, i have the nitrous kit coming in a few days and im going to use a bigger t trim vortech . i have spent alot, 3k for tranny,  5-6k for the new 408, 4k on the blower kit ,another 1k on the new blower ( and that was a steal) and about 2-3k on bolt ons, and another 1k on all the nitrous goodies. and i have got a pretty good deal on almost everything ive bought, im sure it could hav been done cheaper though.



    Chase... don't ever add up those receipts... i'd hate to find out you commited suicide :jester:

  7. Winters coming and I am getting a little lazy plus its getting to cold to wash my truck outside. I have resorted to touchless car washes. I don't like the idea of the chemicals on my paint. I realize the it will strip all my wax off, but can it do any permanent damage to my paint? Does anyone else use touchless car washes?


    I'm not 100% clear on what chemicals a 'touchless car wash" uses... i've tried researching and never could get a straight answer.


    IMO find a good hand wash place that uses 100% lambswool or something similar. It may cost a couple bucks more, but better than letting machines or chemicals do the work.

  8. The reason he is so concerned with money at 63?? Probably b/c he is either uneducated, lazy, or a combination of the 2. If he had worked hard like an intelligent human being perhaps he'd have some type of retirement package to live on at this point in his life... or at least some form of savings.


    On the outside chance this guy worked for Enron, I'll withthold any further judgement... but it angers me that I work my ass off starting at 16 years old and continue to do so to this day (and will for the next 30 years +) so I don't end up like this guy, but when his money runs out its somehow the "job market" that is the problem.

  9. supercharged range rovers are really fast too.  jeep srt8 fast.


    No range rover is under 7 seconds to 60. They wern't built for performance. The blown one is the fastest of the pack and still slower than an stock SSS. You can get the regular range rover with the blower on it as well, but it might just break the 7 sec mark, but they are heavy and meant for luxury tourning and definately not for performance. The new escalade is actually pretty damn fast, neck to neck with an SSS. The only SUVs currently on the market that run in the same range as the TBSS aka 13 sec, would be the SRT8, cayenne turbo or turbo S and the ml63amg.


    Nice kill Dylan :thumbs:


    Thanks. :thumbs:


    I'm trying to tempt my friend Danny into running his Cayenne at the track agains me.... hes put some money into a turbo upgrade and some other goodies... but I think its mostly up top. I think my TBSS feels stronger out of the hole than his porsche, but theres only one way to find out for sure... I already know that his top speed is WAY beyond what I can do.

  10. Thats weird... any chance you bought some bad gas from somewhere?? I had a buddy describe a similar problem... took it into the dealer and they found all kinds of particles in the fuel system clogging things up... they said most likely from shitty gas.


    Its either that or the bag of sugar I dumped in your tank :jester:

  11. Like was stated above... 600hp on a budget ain't gonna be easy unless you find a sponsor or an amazing hookup on parts.


    A good chunk needs to go towards beefin' up the tranny b/c 600hp ain't any good if the tranny dies... so dedicate anywhere from $2000-$3000 for that (if not more)


    To get 600hp to the ground you're gonna need one of the big 3:


    1) Forced Induction


    2) Juice


    3) Stroker



    I really don't think its possible to squeeze that kind of power from the SS with just basic bolt ons... its gonna require you to spend some money and invest in bigger things.

  12. I'm having the engine cover on the TBSS smoothed and painted onyx black by Joe at Elite Autowerkz... he surprised me and reshot the silver areas as well with silver metallic. He just posted these pics up on STS and I'm in awe... can't wait to get it back.


    The starting point... pretty blah:



    What it looks like now:













    Still needs to be wetsanded and buffed according to him, but it already looks amazing :cool:

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