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Posts posted by Dylan06SS

  1. They both crapped out on you? at same time? do you have anything done to the TBSS

    How many miles?


    yup... still not too clear on what happened with the trans, but some bearing in the rear failed.


    I floored it from a stop and as I got thru the intersection it lurched HARD and then I just coasted to a stop... not a hint of any problems prior to that. Barely 7000 miles on the clock and all I've done is an exhaust, prototype CAI thats still being tested (should be able to show you guys soon :cool: ) and some very minor tweaking on the tune.


    I was talkin' to Jon about it yesterday... I suggest GM just start including a backup tranny with every new vehicle purchase.... maybe some kind of quick change transmission, we all know we're gonna need one... its just a matter of when. :jester:


    Nice part was they didn't give me a rebuilt trans... its all new... so hopefully I just had a weak tranny... if this thing can gernade a trans w/ basically stock HP I'm in trouble if I ever decide to get busy modding this thing heavily. :shakehead:

  2. They've confirmed a DNA match... he did it... so either his Ex-wife is lying or that guys a long distance shooter.


    Regaurdless of death penalty or not... he won't last a year in prison. You can't be a pedifile in prison... those ****ers get their skulls caved in as soon as one of the inmates corners em... so good ridance I say... I hope they make him suffer before they kill him.


    You can only imagine what that sick **** has been up to in Thiland for all these years...


    Pedefile + Underaged Prostitutes = ****ed up shit... that guys probably been up to some sick shit since hes been in Thialand. :puke:

  3. Truck looked and sounded good the other day when I saw him... kinda unusal getting your ass handed to you in your new ride, by your old ride. :jester:


    On an even better note... I already found the limitations of the TBSS tranny and rear end........ both had to be replaced this week... thank god for warranty work :banghead:

  4. Really disappointed with that episode...


    They can't for a minute believe that the hacked together "mechanical" woofer is capable of doing what they wanted... the ocilation was so uneven that the thing just tore itself apart. I think there was more vibration associated with the driveshaft fighting the cone than there was generated by the pulse.

  5. Nice job cleaning that baby up you now if only you could leave it parked in the garge it wouldnt get dirty when it rains


    Its staying in there untill I'm SURE its not gonna rain... and the sky just keeps getting darker so I may not get a chance to drive it this weekend :(


    Looks great man.  How much to do mine? :D   When you gonna start modding that bitch?


    My offer stands... you bring beer and lend a hand I will detail the hell out of your truck. You know how good I do on red... I've got tons of experience polishing those rims too :D


    I've pretty much decided the TB isn't gonna get modded. I'm shopping for a project vehicle and the TBSS just gets to be the DD and tow rig. I am however getting a couple of freebies from different companies I let do R&D on it so I'll get a couple of mods and that'll be it.


    ...hey ive heard of this product called DER you should really check it out!!! :D


    Hmmmm... maybe I should try it :jester:


    What do you use to clean the plastic?  Is there something better than Mother's Back-In-Black?  My mirrors are chalky from oxidation and polishing compound...


    I usually use black magic... but back-in-black works good too. Nice thing about DER is it just wipes off of porous plastics with soapy water :thumbs:

  6. FINALLY ITS CLEAN!! With the weather being so shitty lately around here its been over 3 weeks since the last time my baby saw any TLC. Full detail job from top to bottom, now lets just hope it doesn't rain or something :banghead:


    Snapped a few pics... nothing major... and I don't think I posted any pics of the painted calipers (so rice of me) Anyways, enjoy :cool:





















  7. All I ever needed to know about Hennessey I learned from Car & Driver in 2002


    in April 2001, according to a detailed Internet posting, one eager buyer sent his Dodge Viper GTS, with a check for $122,500, to Hennessey Motorsports in Houston. The check was for converting his stock Viper into a Hennessey Venom 800 Twin Turbo, and it was supposed to be delivered in 12 weeks. Later, the buyer sent an additional $20,000 to pay for a further horsepower boost to 1000. But the owner didn't get the car back in 12 weeks. In fact, some 10 months later, in February 2002, no work had been done on the car—and worse, according to the buyer, several parts had been removed from his stock Viper and sold off! This owner has since filed a lawsuit against Hennessey seeking the return of his car, his $142,500, and the usual "punitive damages."


    Then I went to Dun & Bradstreet, the financial research firm, where for $117 I purchased a comprehensive report on Hennessey Motorsports. For comparison, I also purchased a report on the well-known Lingenfelter Performance Engineering. The report indicated that LPE was financially sound, with no liens, lawsuits, or judgments pending against it. In contrast, the Hennessey report revealed that courts have four times ruled against the company and that there are 10 lawsuits currently in various stages and three liens. The D&B report also provided a "Financial Stress National Percentile" rating, measured on a 1-to-100 scale, with 100 being the best possible score. Hennessey's company had a rating of one. (LPE had a 79.)




    What amazes me is that despite being ranked that low on the D&B report... the amount of bad feedback on the net... the amount of people wanting a peice of this guy for ripping them off... people CONTINUE to bring cars to him and hand over $150k + UP FRONT!!


    Just proves theres a sucker born every minute.

  8. Get one that is made of steel.  Sir Michaels  :thumbs:


    That'd be a great suggestion.........


    if he didn't have an SS :P


    I don't think anyone that has molded in a pan has experienced severe cold... I know the pan on my SS never had a problem, but the worst it saw in winter was 50's, that... most of the time it was dealing with heat.


    My suggestion is that if you are unsure don't do it... it'd really suck to have to try and fix it if it did crack... just leave the seems... they don't look that noticable anyways IMO.

  9. Might want to do some research before jumping ship:




    GSM network is way to crowded right now and its only getting worse. T-mobile, ATT/Cingular, and a bunch of mom and pop operations are sharing the same network. You need to get on a provider that has a proprietary network + CDMA backup IMO.


    IMO switch over to Sprint, I had almost 10 months left on my Nextel contract when they merged and I was able to migrate over to Sprint, get the new customer discounts, and all I had to pay was a $35 activation/migration fee (plus the upgrade cost to the Treo 650) They gave me my wifes phone for free and a bunch of other discounts for switching over.

  10. Wow Kris... I'm really sorry to hear that. :shakehead:


    As any of the guys on here will testify I never had any problems with that truck, I wouldn't have ever sold it to you under false pretenses. I never had a lick of trouble with it except the slipping before I took it to The Toy Shop for the upgrades... and that only turned out to be a fried clutch and cracked accum. piston. that took a billet servo with it. After that it was flawless... even changed the fluid a couple of times just to be sure there wasn't any metallic particles in there that shouldn't be.


    I'm shocked that you've had that many problems in such a short time... hopefully Kendal and Mike can get you straightened out and you can enjoy the truck.

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