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Posts posted by cwest94

  1. Just as the subject says. :)


    I got a promotion at work a couple weeks ago and my new job will be 4 10hr work days, would have three weekdays off (Mon,Tue,Wed) and work Thur - Sun. Of course I accepted the offer since it will pay more money and I would be doing some other tasks. I currently do phone support and email. I am at the point that I cant take dealing with phones anymore, people are rude SOB's when they call in and I'm sick and tired of it, been doing it for 6 1/2 years now. So my new position is just email support and server admin stuff.


    So I was just curious to know how many of you all work weekends and have weekdays off and which do you prefer? What have you found to be positives and negatives?

  2. I like this topic. I've had dogs all my life, and I prefer large dogs. Currently I've got a 2yr old Golden Retriever (turns 3yrs old next week) that I just got in Oct of 2007. I got her off of a breeder who only used her once for breeding, her loss was my gain. Before her I had another Golden Retriever and a Shepard/husky mix that I loved to death and mis like hell. I lost my Golden the day I bought my SS and my Shepard I lost 5 days before Christmas 2006. :tear: :tear: :tear:


    I'm thinking of getting another Golden, but a puppy this time, but I'm still thinking this one over. So for now I've got the one and I also have a cat that I call the devil :devil:



  3. LOL, I got this same letter in the mail today. I got all excited when I seen the part about extending the warranty for 7yrs or 70,000 miles only to see it was only for the instrument panel.


    I had to have a new one put in back in March of 2007. Thankfully mine was still under factory warranty at the time.

  4. let me put it this way.... you were at least 10 feet away from that tree when you realized what was about to happen, simply because you made a small mistake. now when you went into that turn to do a dougnut, i bet you didnt plan on hitting the tree. now take 5 feet away and replace it with a person.


    EXACTLY!!!!! You took the words right out of my mouth!

  5. Congrats on the new Malibu, I really like them. The chevy dealer by my house had a black LTZ with the 2 tone leather, SHARP!!! I to have heard nothing but positive things about them, I sure hope this means that GM will start changing the way they think. They are SOOOOOOO much nicer then the last gen Malibu, those things were ugly as dog sh*t. My dad had a 2000 that was nice, it just started to fall apart all over the place when it got 70k on it. :( I'm pretty sure the new ones are not the same. :chevy:


    Do you ever drive much on rt 48 in monroeville at 6:30 in the morning? I've been seeing a white one exactly like yours in front and beside me this week, just curious to know if it's you.

  6. Damn dude, this all sucks. I'm sorry to hear about your aunt, death is always hard to deal with and the holidays do not help matters any. Trust me, I know this from personal experience.


    I would have to say that ladies car is totaled as well, it's hosed.


    Seeing this makes me worry more about my grandma who is 91 and still driving.

  7. I also like to drive in front of all glass stores so I can see my truck reflection as I drive..lol


    Another guilty one here. :cheers:


    It's killing me right now because I have not driven the thing in almost 2 months. I wanna drive it, but I also do not want it to get dirty and get salt all over it.

  8. Wow man, that really is a bizarre story. Hope it all goes well for you when you meet, keep us posted. Oh, and sorry to hear about your mom, I know how it's like. I lost mine 3yrs ago last week, its hard at times to deal with. I've been in a pissed off mood the last couple weeks and everyone around me is scared to even look at me in fear that I'll flip out on them. :( It's hard to lose a parent when your both at a young age.

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