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Everything posted by Bonj87

  1. i wish i could.. i just cant make you a decent offer on it. after putting a new tranny in when i wasnt execting to,.. just dotn have the funds for the procharger now..
  2. nice, after i find a tuner for my SS we gotta hang!
  3. something came up .. the bonjie is out.. next taker please...
  4. i dont get paid for another week
  5. NICE monday im stoppin by my body shop guy to talk to him about fixing some scratches and a small dent.. and maybe a cost of geting of of the gm orange peel
  6. maybe, but then again, they are the only 'family' park with an entire gay pride week thats not shut down or seperated from the impressionable kids.. i have to stop myself, i have this whole big anti disney thing about them to me they are the # 1 most evil company in the world.. but good for you to enjoy you job.. i do mean that, im not being sarcastic.. its cool to see someone that actually does enjoy thier job.
  7. look at my post about bonjie got headers.. i have the MSD wires, and mine do not touch my LT dynatech headers..
  8. no offense. but i couldnt work in that park.. how many pedo's have they caught there?
  9. heeheh you know i had to do SOMETHING in bonjie blue!!! someone finally noticed!!!! another shot..
  10. i wish i woulda had thefunds to get the cats coated, but in hindsight with the one pipe being too short, im glad i didnt. i have to get one pipe re fabbed anyway.
  11. thanks.. believe it or not.. its taken me NINE years to get this far.. and thats no joke
  12. I just got home.. the new heades are on!!! my exhaust is DONE.. well.. kinda.. one of the pipes was a little short, so i gotta have the local muffler shop make me a new pipe. we got it working, but one of the pipes actually has a SMALL leak. pics:
  13. meaning? they wouldnt work in the truck??
  14. yay!!!! is this a permennant thing frank?? is my tuner movin back?? i need my tune updated for my FLT tranny!!
  15. cool. then i officially call dibs!
  16. hey.. i dont know how soon you need to get rid of them, but i can buy them in 2 weeks, if you can wait?
  17. GTG in Illinois?? close to theBonjie.. for others to see his FLT..?>?? and Chris is comin out.. and Bonjie has Kappas that need lovin.. ?? Do I see a 30 minute jaunt to Brents for the Bonjie?? mmmmmmmmmmm MAYBE.. LOL and the Bonjie's headers WILL be in by then!! The Bonjie swears it.
  18. brad, if you want tonight (after my CST time of 10 pm), we can do a remote session using webex and I can help you out. ill be in chat after 10 pm CST
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