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Everything posted by fox_forma

  1. congrats man!!! I just bought a house back in April and let me tell you, once you start doing stuff to it you are in trouble, every day I am changing something. I am now working on the irrigation system that was a botched job from the beginning along with getting a load bearing wall looked at by a structure engineer so I can figure out how to open up my garage into a full 3 car. For basic stuff Doityourself.com is very helpful. Good luck with everything and have fun with it!!!
  2. I ran 4awg through this same spot in the thread below. Fit perfect down the rail. http://www.silveradoss.com/forums/index.php?showtopic=8123
  3. Laminate tops are pretty hard to bring back to normal once they fade off. WHat color are they? With the darker colors we saw a lot of counter tops drastically change tones if they weren't well kept up on. You might just have to deal with it for now, or if your really good with measuring and cutting, you can normally find slabs of different material countertops and do the work yourself (courian, granite, etc). You may even be able to find someone local who will do the measurements and cut the counters down to proper size and you would just have to install them. Might cost you around $1000 for something nice if you do most of the work.
  4. I would put a subi turbo motor in that sucka, it will be reliable and still be capable of some nice HP for cheap.
  5. you can send her on a nice vacation, like to my place You might as well just drop the ball and ask for marriage, shit you already promised, just get it over with!
  6. Hey Scoot, you can cleaned my SS while your at, I'll bring the beer if you don't mind boozin at 7am Nice score on the stang, been thinkin about picking up a fox body recently as a DD and just working the crap out of it.
  7. Have you had the inspection done on the house? Maybe you are not at that point yet but an inspection will let you know pretty much whats going on with the floor. I don't know much about hard wood flooring but I would think there are several factors that come into play. Especially the foundation of the house as well as why there would be moisture trapped under the floor. Good luck with the house if it checks out, I just bought a foreclosure as well and let me tell you, the more you work on the stuff that is obvious the more you come across other stuff you want done. Stick to a gameplan and go from there. I keep bouncing around from upstairs to downstairs and wish I would of just focused on one level at a time.
  8. not sure about that model but it sounds like the throttle sensor. It is normally connected to the ebrake which relays a connection to the CDI, if it fails it makes the quad think the brake is on and it wont let you rev up and instead kills the motor. It is also a sensor in case the quad gets stuck wide open it shuts itself down. Just a guess though because I have no idea about the Lakota, a lot of other atv's have this feature so it might also. You cna normally just bypass it but you may need to google it or something to know for sure. If it doesn't have the sensor option, either your carb is clogged up real good or your valves are way out of whack. When was the last time you changed the fuel or cleaned the carb? When was the last time it ran fine?
  9. Looking good, I assume you are going to a dry fit of everything, pull back apart and PC everything? Will be watching this thread as it progresses, I think a rail is my next purchase if I sell off most of my toys
  10. it just to bad LJ doesn't have a team to back him up. It was either he wins or the team loses With that said Lakers take the Championship, and I hate the lakers
  11. I dont know how accurate that really is because I have driven through all the worst states listed and I can say for sure no one in AZ can drive worth a damn and by far trumps the worst states!
  12. Figured I would update since its been over a month! I was suppose to close April 17th, the bank that bought my loan frigging sucks. I have been dealing with nothing but complete morons which just worries me more down the line. I had to keep sending in papers and records and such that I have now provided a total of 5x for the same shit because the Underwriter I got assigned is a complete moron. So we get through the bigger stuff and everythings set! Oh but wait the seller/bank decided they weren't going to do the roof to the house after we had a verbal agreement. I got word of this on Tuesday the 22nd. Well I figured no real big deal it was a long shot so lets just get all this BS done so I can get into the house Well after more BS Friday was to be the day i get the keys. Thursday I had to wire my final down payment to the title company and my mortgage company was to finish it off on their end the same way. Wouldn't you know they missed the 1pm deadline for the wire. No big deal, they can get it done Friday morning by 1pm I can still get the keys and have the weekend to move. Oh snap, they F'd it up again and didn;t get the wire done in time. So now I am praying I get in Monday as it will give me 3 days to move all my shit, fix and paint the shit in the house and other things. The sellers agent on this deal is being a PITA as well and not doing anything in a timely manner so come tomorrow if I don't get the keys to the house, the sellers agent is going to have a broken face and the mortgage Co that "Bought my Loan" is going to get a personal visit and it will most likely end up with me leaving the building by security! The past 3 weeks I have been stressed to no end and there is nothing I can do. My broker and Realtor were practically in tears when i met with them about I was told the settlement didn't happen this past friday. My broker has already pulled multiple deals away from this mortgage company and will not be doing business with them again. So how is everyone doing?
  13. Nuff said Out in the desert Monsoon Pretty cool dog
  14. Wish I could roll out for a session but I am in such a bind with trying to close this weekend on my house, everything that can go wrong has in the past month so far.
  15. Lets hope that sucka can keep up with mine Looks like you chose Laker Custom rears? If you ever want to go to a red fender set-up I would be more than happy to trade ya, those blacks would look better on mine!!!!!
  16. could always lower your truck more..........
  17. cant say much about t-mobile but they do offer some pretty decent phones. I have had verizon for about 8yrs now and won't go with anyone else. When I use to live outside of philly all my buddies who had different carriers always had dead zones and always were losing calls in certain areas, I never did. My trip out west I didn't lose service once, and there are very few areas here in AZ I lose it but that is due to being out in the middle of the desert riding or at the sand dunes.
  18. this I can prob make but I would prob just meet everyone at the pavilions
  19. I like it lifted but it looks good low too! Either way nice ride!
  20. So still not having any luck with this!!!!!! Someone has to be able to run the VIN's for me, maybe one of the board members who are law enforcement, I know we got a few?
  21. was your buddy 10yrs old? Thats how I use to draw when I was younger
  22. Yup still around, glad I could an inspiration in some way to ya!
  23. Good to see you stopped by, I think it was like 08 last time you checked the site. The TBSS is looking dope, hopefully you'll be around the boards a little more often to give some detailin advise and whatever else!
  24. wait till you get on sand, its a whole different feel to the gearing, i thought I was fine road testing mine, then came upon the sand and I was screwed for daily cruising
  25. 17/38? That is all top end!!! It prob is good if you just plan on just hill shooting it up a long ass hill but I have a feeling you will be coming back down to something like 17/41, or 15/38. I'm running 15/38 on mine and it is all top end, the 41 tooth will be going back on so I can actually ride it around the dunes. It was good for Comp Hill but couldn't just cruise around the dunes without it kicking my ass and almost running into the back of the quads I was following, had to have WOT the whole time. With you having such large carbs that also helps take away from bottom end but since you are making more power than I am it prob isn't as hard to lug around. Let me know what your final gears end up being, should be interesting.
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