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Everything posted by Kim

  1. What the crap does FTW mean. I've been seeing it on here and trying to figure it out for a week I give up
  2. I think he was asking if it is the factory piece? I'm going to go ahead and say yes since it came from gmpartsdirect.com
  3. Awesome find. Very touching
  4. Very pretty cat I love kitties, just incase anyone was wondering You're bad
  5. Holy crap Yenko...that's some scary sh*t. After looking at the pics of your truck I still can't believe my airbags didn't deploy when I wrecked. I pretty much head on-ed a tree.
  6. Holy Crap!!!! That's awful. I'm glad you made a full recovery. I wrecked recently. Thank gosh I was wearing a seatbelt, cause if I wasn't, it probably would've been alot worse. I made out with busted knee, broken knuckle, cut eyelid, and a wicked bad concussion(still have a knot on my head).
  7. Daammmm It is kinda cool though
  8. It's about time Welcome back
  9. Ummmm....I think i've had it for like a year and half, maybe two. Can't remember
  10. Some of you all need to lighten the f@ck up. Believe me, I know the consequences. Looks like it turned out fine to me...
  11. jose and jim beam balck...thats good stuff
  12. Sweet I've always wanted to send someone to sleep with the fishes
  13. I'd almost trade my truck for that suburban ss clone
  14. EEwwwwwww I couldn't get the link to open anything for me
  15. Holy crap I thought I was getting pretty good at it...I just suck compared to that.
  16. I asked for all kinds of stuff for the truck, even asked for a gift certificate to stylin' concepts or ebay, but didn't get anything for it
  17. Is this it???? It was next to the battery, and didn't have a cap.
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