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Everything posted by Kim

  1. I like this one better.... And I'm sending this one to silver springs, nevada for desertss
  2. A guy in town made mine for me. He took a picture of the SS Silverado on the tailgate, put it in his computer, and made if from that.
  3. I can't wait for this years meet I don't get anymore vacation time till May, so please wait till then. Where's J.Yates at????
  4. Welcome to the site and enjoy
  5. That is cool pet I want one now....wait my cat would probably eat him
  6. This is the only pic I could find of my other truck It was a pitiful truck, but oh-well....2001 2wd, 4.something. I miss the looks of it though.
  7. That's funny Here's a link to another thread with a different video in it....vid. Let me just go ahead and say....Poor kitty
  8. Happy Birthday!!! I'm drinking some Jose Cuervo for ya right now ;)
  9. Yeah, that cat would be gettin it's butt wooped if it was mine. It's a funny vid, but that would get a little annoying
  10. It's been almost a month and still no race What the crap Are you waiting for all the snow to melt
  11. It sounds liek it's pissed off. Cool truck
  12. "Some" my a$$ Are you saying all When you consider that PMS has been used as a defense in felony crimes, I think that might be a "YES". So when I get my first ticket and take it to coust, I can jus plead PMS Sounds good to me And back to topic....that's awful that she would do that to ya P. What a sick way to "test" you.
  13. No, you got it all wront...it's mountain-ass.
  14. Mmmmm....snow dounuts I need one more good snowup here so I can do some morre. Cause itr' s just soooo much fun
  15. Kim

    So is the laptop fixed???? Where have you been? I miss seeing you around, cause you crack me up : )

  16. Alright people. Awhile back I found someone on ebay making itty bitty SS silverado emblems. So I bought one and decided it would look cool on a zippo. And it does. But I'll never use, cause as soon as I do, I'll lose it. It's never even been filled with fluid. I wish I had more than one, but oh-well. Maybe I can find some more so I can do this again. If you want in on the drawing, please post in this thread. But only once please. I'll have my mom pic a random # and that will decide the winner. If she picks 1, then I guess I get to keep it. Ha...J/K. I'll announce the winner Monday(3/5) after 12pm. So if you want in on this make sure you add your post by 12pm(est) monday(3/5). Good luck to all
  17. Yay, Jon's back now too Glad to see you're still around. If you get a new truck will you please make it as cool as your VHO
  18. If the sunglasses weren't there it'd be so much easier. Sorry P, but I'm going to say its the same girl.
  19. Kim


    Why did Ponch have to get old, ugly, and fat
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