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Everything posted by Kim

  1. That's the only thing with a green cap that I could find
  2. If this is it, it is definently in the wrong spot
  3. No matter what situations life throws at you! No matter how long and treacherous your journey may seem! Remember, there is a light at the end of tunnel... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
  4. A while back I was at my friend Jan's house and I was looking at her car. I looked at her and said, "Yo Jan you really need to get some blinker fluid for you lights, it's looking really low." She looked at me and said, "Really? How can you tell?" I couldn't control myself and almost died laughing. If I could've held a straight face, I could of had her down at advanced auto asking for some blinker fluid.
  5. This has probably been a thread before, but oh-well I love tattoos, as of right now I have 9. These are my newest ones, but I've had them for a while. Just never got around to posting it. From top to bottom(wrist) they mean...danger, trust, loyalty, and friendship. Okay lets see whatcha you all have....
  6. When I first saw the picture of your dog, I thought it was a rabbit on a leash. I was like wtf I love snow. Can't wait for a good one here.
  7. He looses his dog I won't be able to watch it now. I always cry when something happens to an animal in a movie
  8. This is my favorite so far Sorry I don't have any ideas to add. The creative part in my brain is shut down for some reason
  9. Okay, I finally have a picture of my truck fixed. Sorry it's only one and its a cell phone pic, but my truck is filthy nasty dirty, and I can't wash it till the back window leak is fixed. But first, here's a picture of my truck that made the front page of the local news. And I didn't even know it till Kendra called and told me... Before... And the day I picked it up from the shop. In the pic it looks like the driver fender is still messed up, but it's just a refleccion from another car. And if anybody comes across some clear (sometimes called chrome) headlights, let me know. I found the bumper lights, and have searched ebay for the headlights. All I can find is the clear ones with colored signal markers and I found a set of completely clear, but the seller wants 200 bucks for them and that just crazy.
  10. Holy crap The last one was hilarious. Asians r very funny.
  11. Thanks P. I love picture instructions
  12. You hold in the power button till calibrate shows up in the mirror and then you drive in circles at like 5mph...I think...I'm going to fell really stupid if thats wrong
  13. Dag gone that a lot of snow. I like the snow. I can't wait for a good snow here. Dounuts in an empty lot. :cold: Mmmmm...snow dounuts
  14. exactly what I was thinkin. If I heard that thing idling next to me at a stop light, I'd be scared
  15. Kim


    Yay I'm glad you're getting the tbss instead of that other thing you were talking about
  16. I can't believe there's actually a thread in here about nothin but biscuits But hey, while we're on the subject, who has better biscuits...Lee's Chicken or KFC?
  17. That right there was funnay Next time I'm at the bar and i see a guy in a striped shirt and going to walk up to him and say, "Oooooooo...look at mr. junior vice president in his striped shirt...mr. bigshot...with a popped collar..." With any luck he'll pee his pants infront of everyone
  18. Awwwwwww....look at the kitty. Actually it's been more like this...
  19. I thought I was going to die when I read that one
  20. Thanks guys. It's good to be back. The ss is back home, yay! I haven't got pics yet, cause it's been raining here for like a week. As soon as I get pics I'll post em up though.
  21. Hmmmm....my SS is my dream truck. If I could afford more than this truck, I'd get another one. One would be my daily driver and I'd mod the crap out of the other. Other than the ss I'd want... New body style avalanche I want to buy my brothers truck back(I loved that truck, I can't believe he sold it) 2-door tahoe and one of these...
  22. Happy Birthday Have a good one
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