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Everything posted by Kim

  1. It was raining, swerved to miss a dog, lost contol, went through someones yard and went down into a creek bed and hit a tree. Back wheels weren't even touching the ground. Took two tow trucks to get it out. Hit my head on the steering wheel, so I'm concussed. Have a huge cut right on my eyelid from my glasses, broke a knuckle, busted my knee real bad.
  2. Awwwww...look at the kitty.
  3. Looks real good. Lookin at your truck almost makes me wish I had kept my 2001 and turned it into a clone...almost.
  4. Wow, you're truck has changed alot. It's lookin really good. :cold:
  5. I think I hate you. No...not really. Looks good and I would probably have never noticed the dash cover if you didn't say somethin. One of these days, I will be able to get cool stuff for my truck
  6. Did ya miss me? I hate those damn rims. Everytime I'm close to gettin new ones something else comes up. Actually it's not too bad until about the last 3 hours. Time seems to stop after that.
  7. Looks like a cool car. How'd the car show go?
  8. I love your truck dave. I almost cry everytime I see the damn thing. Oh, and yes you got my vote.
  9. For the next few months, this is my office. I got a job as a security guard for a local construction site. Twelve hour shifts, but easy money.
  10. Kim

    Sss Girls

    I'm still around Quit my old job and been busy with a new one. And I'm doing much better now thanks to medicine. I'll try to post a little more, but i'm hardly on the computer anymore. See ya all later :cold:
  11. Thanks for all the support. It went pretty good with the therapist yesterday. I told her that I hit rock bottom and started digging to china. The meds r definently helping. I'm having some side effects from them but they'll eventually go away. The Dr. put me off work for 2 more weeks and I decided to go ahead and put in my 2 week notice. It's time for a new job...that has air conditioning. Thanks again guys.
  12. Well guys, I just got home from the hospital a couple of hours ago after about a week stay. Let's just say I was on the edge, a couple of friends knew it, they knew where I was, they came and got me, and took me to the ER. Thank gosh for awesome friends. I'm doing better. Not completely, but better. I start seeing a therapist on wednesday. They've got me on a depression medicine and a mood stabilizer. According to the doctor I was seeing at the hospital, I was in a very deep depression. I am worried about slipping back into it. But as one of my friends said...if I do, I have enough sense to me now, that I know when to seek professional help. Thank you to all that was trying to help me get through. You know who you guys are.
  13. I know that we used to be able to block certain users so we didn't have to read their posts. I'm either retarded and can't find it or it's not an option anymore. Anybody know????
  14. Well, some of you mayhave noticed, I haven't been on here much lately. One because my brother ****ed up my computer, but I finally got that fixed. And second cause I've been havin lots of problems with depression. I'm tired of shit and don't know if I can deal anymore. I've turned to the bottle and I hate myself for it. I've missed you guys alot. I see you all as brothers, sisters, and cool uncles. I don't want to name names incase I leave anyone out. But anyhow, I'm to the point where I need help. My friends try. I don't know, I'm just ****ed up right now. I don't know what to do. I'm tired of feelin this way.
  15. My tips are similar to corsa. I like em....just wish they stuck out a little more. Not sure what they are though. Don't say corsa on em.
  16. Well it sucks to be tbyrne. What the crap is a dashhawk????
  17. Well early wednesday morning(2am-ish) I got pulled over for the first time ever. And it was a good one too. 24 over the limit. It was worth it though. And I know some of you all are going to tell me how stoopid I am but I figure I'm allowed to have one stupid moment in my life. Hell I went 24 years being fairly good. Okay, here's how it went. After work we went to the Huddle House to get something to eat. As we were sittin there 6 police cars pulled in one right after the other. So we get done and go to leave and the cops r still sittin there eatin. We go get in our cars and go to the light to turn left and head home. Well the light turned green and I had a spontaneous moment. I tore outta there like a bat outta hell. My friend was behind me and she told me later that she could hear my truck screamin over her radio on full blast. Anyhow, as a tear out, I look over at the huddle house and see reverse lights from the cop cars. So I'm like, oh shit, and punched it to try and out run them. I'm almost to my road and my friend calls me and says turn off somewhere, cause there's two coming after ya. Almost made it, but one caught a glimpse of my taillights as I turned up my road. So he pulled me over in my neighborhood. When he walked up to the truck he said "Where ya headed in such a hurry?" I was thinkin...Well I was tryin to get away from u. But I said, Home. But anyhow, definently worth it. Cause it was fun as hell. Adrenaline, Yes! I was runnin from the cops and came sooo close to gettin away. Sorry stitches040, I know you won't appreciate this story very much.
  18. U didn't like mine when u saw it? It's okay, tell me the truth...I can take it
  19. Funny, but could u imagine how scary that must of been for him. Poor little fat kid.
  20. Kim


    Congrats I'll never forget the day I got mine
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