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Everything posted by Kim

  1. Well, I guess I'll go back to the place in about a week and talk to the guy. But to be honest with ya...I'm scared. Not of getting it redone, of the dudes reaction. He's cool, but I don't ever want to see him mad. But it never hurts to try. I'll just take one of my guy friends with me to protect me
  2. Kim


    DAMN...free post..... Awwww...look at the kitty Is it wrong to get a free post in you're own free post thread
  3. Look something shiney. Why do you have Oobie Goobie over there under your name????
  4. It was a stencil. He did the other ones with a stencil too. I don't know, maybe he's getting old and his hand isn't as steady as what it used to be. I liked going there cause they do alot of work with the local dog pound to find the dogs foster homes and rescues in different states, but I guess I'm going to have to start making a donation directly to the pound. This is the first one that I have been unhappy with. And you can't tell in the pics, but he missed some spots too. If you saw it in person, you'd be like ahhhhh , what the crap happened? thats what cool about it i just want to see that scar below the star..... My arms have several scars on them I worked at a vet clinic for about 5 years. Got scratched and bitten by lots of dogs and cats
  5. Finally hit 1000 This might be a good reason to call into work sick and go celebrate
  6. I got another tattoo last monday, and I think it's pretty crappy. The dude that did it has been doing tattoos forever and did 3 of the other ones I have. And they all turned out fine. But this one is awful. You can't really tell in the pics, but he missed abunch of spots. And got some blue in the black and vice versa. I think when this heals, I'm going to go to a different shop and see if they will re-do it. I got my eyebrow peirced too. Been wanting to do it for years. The first pic is a close-up(kinda blurry). The bottom left point is bigger than the rest The second pic is further away. No it's not that crooked(just a little), I couldn't get my wrist straight. Oh yea I took this pic in the mirror so it's backwards.
  7. :crackup: :lol: So sad, cause it's so true. i thought it was 5 million people 1 dna........ our family tree is a stick. I thought that was Mississippi
  8. Kinda like walking into a room and forgeting what you walked in there for I do that like 200 times a day
  9. Bought a used 2003 in august of 2005. Got trade-in on my old truck of 11k, loan from the bank for 16k for 5 years, comes out to $365 a month. And I've got a really high interest rate cause my credit sucks. The dude at the bank told me he wouldn't have even given me the loan if he didn't know my parents.
  10. :crackup: :lol: So sad, cause it's so true.
  11. Kim

    im lucky

    You gotta love cool cops. I've had a few follow me around for awhile, but I have never been pulled over since a started driving. But yeah, my luck will eventually run out too, cause I drive like a freakin maniac most of the time.
  12. I never had a problem with it when I was a kid, but am pretty sure I'm getting it. I hope it doesn't get any worse. Luckily I don't have to worry about school and I have a job that keeps my mind occupied. I never want to have to take a pill for it, cause I don't want to be a zombie.
  13. Thank you vmax2fast ...I had a good laugh out of this thread
  14. Welcome to the site and enjoy
  15. Kim


    I live paycheck to paycheck. When I do get some extra money it doesn't last long. I can't save money at all.
  16. Kim

    Hello Guys

    That poor fellar really wanted a zippy link Welcome back!
  17. Kim


    24 in april...no hubbie, no kids...don't really want kids
  18. Here's one on ebay... click.
  19. I'd BUT it as well, but I like those little openings for storing things. Sorry Kim, I had to! I'll assume you bought the DVD player because your HU cannot play them right? I'd be interested in a changer if you have one. Okay...now I feel like a 'tard. bump for an awesome deal Or is it already on ebay??
  20. Kim, I'm sure I can get the zip-up hoodies. I'll check on the cost and the blue stitching and let you know. Stewart Any word on price yet...I want to try and hit my parents up for an early birthday present.
  21. Kim

    Wind noise?

    Now that you said that you'll have to open them for some reason or another every other day Kim, did you have that valve shroud painted blue??? Kinda...I took it out and painted it myself
  22. I agree. Even though I really want a radix, I will never get one cause there is no way that I could afford all the other things that are going to break. I say get the cover and if you have anything left over go ahead and do the tranny upgrades(since, from what I've read, they suck on a stock SS too). Tranny is next on my list to be on the safe side. Yeah, I just marked radix out.
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