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Everything posted by 2006_superado

  1. "wtf people arent like you guys" judging by the responses here i would say peole are just like these guys!..lol. personaly i think everybody needs to out a little bit there either to aggressive, to parnoid, or have been burned before and won't let it go. if it were me i would of course proceed with caution, not exit my vehical and rolldown the window and gesture for them to pull up.. than ask "can i help you with something" and see where it goe's. the shoot first and ask questions later mentality don't fly with me, people should of course not trust a stranger but at the same time not instantly judge them to be a threat, and in return coming off with violence and or a bad attitude will offend someone that may have ment no harm. if i was ever on trial for anything i sure wouldn't want any of these guys on my jury!... this is america were supposed to believe that you are inocent until proven guilty by law... and i know i was raised to believe you shouldn't judge a book by it's cover. i think the whole world is down the toilet because nobody respects or trust each other anymore... imho. sorry for the it just bug's me.
  2. i agree with the guys above, i do a lot of buying and selling on ebay and if i bought something on the 9'th and paid for it on the 11'th it is now 10 days later i say contact paypal and ebay and notify them of the situation. i think he is definetley trying to back out of it no doubt.
  3. if i remember right some said they thought the quality is better? and i think they believe that because it is a complete kit that bolts up imo. the pacesetters are better then the old dynatech design again imo, not sure about the the new one?.. even if there sligtly better quality some how?, the pacesetters still have a better collector size (i'm going to run a full 3" system) i could'nt do that with the dynatechs they both have there pro's and con's but i think the pacesetters were better if you dont mind a little more effort to make more power and save a ton of cash. yeah see i knew it was for your complete system front to back, they were taking it as the dynatech system was cheaper then your pacesetter system, i just had to explain that there is no way possible that were true, if someone did everything you did with the dynatechs they would be well over $2k.
  4. did you hear the about it cause's people "FEAR and PAIN" and that it "AFFECTS there HEARTS" i mean come on now saying it disturbs your sleep is one thing, but to even attempt to sell this crap to the public is just moronic... the sad part is some people buy it btw ssaman, did you see my last post on page 2 i thought it was a good idea?.
  5. i would definetley have them cover the cost. if i paid for something that i like and was so nice that i was willing to remove it just because they don't, they should pay for it at the very least. is there any other way to fix the problem besides you just doing what they ask?. i understand it's very nice of you and respectful, but where is there respect for what you like or your investment?.. respect is a two way street. you shouldn't have to remove it just for them. is there another vehicle you can use when you come home late? are you too loud with it? if so maybe just change your driving habits when you pull up to your house. except i wouldn't tell them to move, i would just try to find a compromise that allow me to keep my exhaust and them happy at the same time. if there is absolutley no alternative and something must be physicaly altered on your truck... GET CREATIVE!.. if you can make some kind of Y-pipe (if you have duels) that sticks snugly enough into your exhaust that may help. i would need to know what type of exhaust you have to help you here?... for example with my exhaust i have duel 3" exiting in front of the tire about an inch apart, if i were to make a Y-pipe out of 2-7/8" pipe (or 2-3/4 and flare it a little) and have the short Y merge into a single 2" that would quiet it down a lot while still allowing the engine to run, and could be left in the back of your truck and stuck in a few blocks away (just dont rev it up cause it'll blow out lol) and that would solve it. and i would still have them pay to fab it up. if you need any other ideas or anything just pm me or reply here.
  6. if i remember correctly that was including your catback system, x-pipe, and cutouts right?. blackbeastSS spent about $700 or so if i remember right (feel free to chime in if you see this) i got my pacesetters for $375 coated (i've seen as much as $450) im not using cats, but even if i did there about a $100 each, so at the most your at $650 for parts and most muffler shops charge about $10 a foot on pipe (labor included) lets say you need 3' a side (which you wont) that's $60 that puts you at about $710 for a pacesetter set-up roughly. not including the install, which dynatechs have to be installed as well so that needs to be considered with the fact that wody is including (again if i remember right) the cost of his catback system, x-pipe, cutouts, and install.. how much would a dynatech system cost with a catback, x-pipe, cutouts, and shop install?.. i'd guess about $2200 or more?. my system will cost me less then $600 (no cats i install the LT's) and made to be a removable system so i can bolt back on the stock exhaust if necessary $800 if i wanted cats, around $1000 if i wanted them to install the LT's and if you count my custom catback (2- FM super 40's and 6' of pipe side exit) that cost me $220 i would be at a little over $1200 for a completley removable system... installed by someone else including a duel catback exhaust. a dynatech system will cost you at least that and no catback and you have to install your self. i'm not trying to knock the dynatech system or anyone who owns it... i'm just pointing out that no matter how you slice it the dynatechs are $600-$800 more then an equal system put together yourself. it all comes down to if you think there quality is that much better, or you think it's worth that much more not to order your cats seperately from the headers, and not taking it to a muffler shop?. to me it wasn't, but maybe to others it is? sorry about the long post, but someone had to explain, so the newbie dont get the wrong idea about the difference between pacesetters/dynatech's.
  7. i would use a "Prybar" LMAO! ... just bustin your B%#@$ if you don't have a set, you can get them at autozone or pepboys any autoparts store should have'em. if i remember right i paid less then $20 for mine for a set of 4. there realy handy for this kind of stuff and well worth the investment. otherwise you could stop off to a muffler shop and have them do it for cheap, but personaly i would do it my self and have a set of prybars for the money imo. also i'm still for getting a moist/damp towel and feeding/wrapping it around the header so you can protect it from damage.
  8. looks a bit out of place offset like that imo?. maybe 6.0-LQ9 on the back?. i think the one side and GMC on the other is a good idea. were all GM anyway how about his?.... ............................MAX on top of high out put with the underline. Vortec HighOutput this is the best i can do, if anyone can fix it better please do i personaly think this is the way to go? imo.
  9. the only thing you can do is try to make your system a bolt on and off thing like i'm gonna do, i can post pics when i get it, done but not sure when though?. oh yeah, nice name just remember i was hear first!... MuHaHaHahaha just joking ...but not realy...lol
  10. you'll be safe just warm up the engine like they said and then pry'em over a bit it'll work. if i were you, when you pry'em put a piece of rubber or a damp towel between the bar and the header so you dont ding or scratch up your headers/coating
  11. so something i did may actualy help someone?.. HA! thats way cool! the install was so simple there wasn't much to photo, i wasn't even sure they would be of any use, except for showing the two different styles. it's even easier then the older style i think. well anyway, thanks Mr. P. P.S. a small byline on one of the pics with my username would be sweet. then i can rub it in my wifes face! she laughed and said no one would need them and i was wasting my time with the camera and was getting it dirty for no reason... what a
  12. got me a new screen saver, and a service manual at the same time.. thanks!.. lol got me a new screen saver, and a service manual at the same time.. thanks!.. lol
  13. yeah i know but my truck makes me happy and who knows maybe i'll get a T-shirt to match with my next order you see, thats what i'm saying there realy cool.. i paid $34 for my T-stat, my very first order and i get a cool new hat!. btw Mr. P i took a couple pics of the install of my T-stat and was wondering if you wanted to add them to your how-to artical?.. i noticed someone asked about the pics for the new style install?. oh yeah thanks for the purge instructions. it was realy easy on my truck, took about 30 min's with the pics. i didn't have to remove anything with my volant, and i did'nt have to remove the hose either.. just unbolted the housing, cleaned it up with some solvant, oiled the O-ring gasket and bolted it back. heres the pics... edit: the first pic is actualy the last and the second is the first don't know why it did that?.
  14. well this is the first time i ordered anything from summit, and they sent me a new hat and catalogs.. yeah i know there just trying to hook me so i'll buy me more stuff... well it worked! i'll get my drop spindles from them when i get around to it, and when it comes time for some traction they got some cheap crager steelys that i can get with some slicks from them. and there shipping was quick too. let me know what you guys think of my free hat later.
  15. blackbeastSS told me about BYUNSPEED.COM where he got his, i got mine there too for $375 shipped and YES they are ceramic coated, only took 6 days to get to me in cali from colorado (i think that where they are) and there customer service was great as well, i would reccomend them. i think that sale is over now i think there $399 shipped still a great deal. and as far as added cost of install i took my truck to a reputable local shop, and they qouted me $160 to make it a complete bolt on and off set-up. basicaly i'm going to cut the pipe behind the cat remove the manifolds, install my headers, drive down there and there going to install flanges and pipe as needed and make it so i can put my cats/manifolds back on for warranty/smog/or fix it ticket reasons even if i added a couple of magnaflow cats and had them install it all for me, it would still be cheaper then any other bolt-on system, + it's going to be a full duel 3" system.
  16. nice find drako, i'm definetley going to get one in a few days! i'm just not sure if i want the crossflags/LS-1/mobile kinda leaning towards the crossflags though.
  17. yeah.. i thought that was the case.
  18. WOW... thats one sick looking set-up
  19. i thought that the tow/haul mode would only change transmission functions not engine settings as well?.. i had my tow haul set to shift firmer and higher then the normal setting. i may have to check into that with jessie if i decide to do a nitrous set-up later on. good news is i'm happy with my tune, and i didn't have to do any re-learns or anything
  20. VortechMAX HIGH OUTPUT on the front of the hat with the MAX in red letters, and 345hp on each side, and a little bow-tie in the back.. whats everyone think about that?. the sweathers and T's could be done the same. i just want to see this happen... SOON!
  21. hey holty, just to make sure i did it right you got my nomination yesterday right?... o4chase ftc was in the topic.
  22. so many deals on supercherger's lately! prochargers, powerdynes, magnusons, man i hate cause i know when i can afford one, there won't be any!.. always works that way oh well... you wouldn't take payments would you?..
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