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1 Fast SS

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Posts posted by 1 Fast SS

  1. My neighbor has his 1968 Chevelle up for sale, so I figured that maybe someone might be interested in it. But it's not an SS. He lives across the street from me in greenvalley (las vegas). It's a beautiful car! The whole thing is all orignal. Not one thing has been done to it, and it's super clean, no puddy at all! It's got a 350 in it from the factory and all the numbers match. Not sure of the mileage though. If anyone is looking for one, they can give me a PM. The car is worth $50 grand, and he's only asking $35,000 for it.












  2. looks good Terry still gotta get some funds to get you to do mine. would you be interested in do my plastic cover thats right under the hood where the latch is.....

    Yeah, I'm actually doing two of those right now. Just primed and put the base coat on them yesterday and today. I'll be starting the artwork tomorrow.

  3. That's why I said that it would take alot of time, plus the covers have to many groves on the top and the hole where you bolt it down to the intake. So it would be hard. I'll figure something out. The prob I have, is that I can't seem to make up my mind on what I want.

  4. Yeah, I'm still trying to figure out what I want on mine. I'm thinking about doing something like the skeleton coming out of the grave, but with the candy red skulls, and some chains. It's all candy colors, and takes alot of time and patients.





  5. I got bored waiting for a couple of covers to show, so I painted a couple of things. The first is my old hard hat, and the other is my Volant cold air tube. I've got other plans for the tube and my covers though, I just painted for now.








  6. Thanks guys. I have been looking all over the nation for a super position. There are some many on the net, and so many recruiters its nuts, but I think people don't want to pay travel expenses. That's the only thing I can think of. I've got 18 years as a super, and 22 years in construction, somebody out there needs me!

  7. I wish I could Justin. I was suppost to come to Wash. and work for one of my buddies at Express construction for a couple of months, but I got a call for an interview here in Vegas the day before I was suppost to leave. I was all packed and ready to go. So I postponed the trip for a week. I went on the interveiw, but they found someone else for the position. Not only did I screw up the Wash. trip, but didn't get the job here. So now I'm back in the same boat again. The economy for construction here in Vegas really blows man. Nobody is building much here anymore. If I could find something else where, then I would move there to work. I'm getting real tired of Vegas anyway. The heat in the summers are just a killer, but the winters are great. In the summer, it can get up to 122*+ and gets worse ever year. That's why I asked here if anyone might know of a company looking for a super, because this nationwide. You just never know.


  8. Well, I usually don't tell people my business, but I need work very bad. Things are getting very tough for me and the Mrs. If any of you might know of someone or a construction company looking for a construction superintendent, commercial or home building, please let me know. If anyone does find anything out, give me a PM, and I can send you my resume. The economy has struck again!



  9. Yeah I do, but since the post on the airbrushing, I've gotten tons of them, and couldn't view the sent items, but I think I figured it out. When ever I reply back, I just check the box to 1. add a copy of the message to my sent items folder 2. and track the message.


  10. Is there a reason why I can't view my sent items in my PM box? I've tried everything and nothing seems to work. Does anyone else have this problem? I can view them on other forums, but this is the only one that I can't. Can someone help please.



  11. Anyone looking for a set of Corsa tips? They only have about 200 miles on them. There are no scratches on them, except for under the tips, but I am going to buff those out. They are so small, you can't even see them. I'm letting them go for only $125 shipped.



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