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Everything posted by diggerdan11

  1. Here is a bad Pic of me and My GF with Matisyahu. It was awesome i won tickets to a private show of his and there were only about 30 people there, got is autograph and talked to him for a bit, he is a real down to earth guy Here is a pic of my puppy belle about to play some Halo lol. She dropped the controller right when this picture was taken More Bella
  2. Everyone is allowed to post pictures here, there are even a few dawdge owners on the site lol Nice lookin truck
  3. Holy Crap!!! I want those guys on my team. I love Beer Pong (except for the fact that i don't drink beer)
  4. I Think we should Vote Ted Nuget Supreme leader of the world, he could take care of these problems
  5. http://www.msnbc.msn.com/id/32583149/ns/us...rime_and_courts man this makes me sick. If I had my way when they found these people I would have just found a rope and a tall tree and got it over with.
  6. About the same here too, but its only been 106 in Tucson so a little cooler than Phoenix but once you get pass 100 there is not much of a difference. We have not been getting the major monsoons this summer to cool it down ugh
  7. just wondering if anyone has seen the movie District 9 yet? I have heard from a few people that it was really good, and it has been getting good ratings and reviews. Just wondering what you guys thought
  8. Awesome Movie!! Classic Quentin Tarantino! Definitely recommend it, Brad Pits character is great
  9. I have the same headlights, and they are not black crystal like it says, they are clear. I had the same problem with them leaking too and i re-sealed them and now they work great
  10. Personally I kinda like the color, but thats it Everything else is
  11. I have a 360 and I got it because of Halo and thats really it, most of the games I play (when i have a chance to play that is) are for both 360 and PS3, so Halo was the main factor in my decision. I think the best part about the PS3 is the blue-ray
  12. Sweet Im sure I will see you out here. I think we are planning a G2G in October or November ( when it cools down) for all the Arizona members. I just dont know if I can be seen with a Decepticon lol
  13. Nice, Does not even look like the same car Id drive it, if i could afford a DD a mustang like that would not be that bad
  14. Hey I had it today for lunch too..............i have no idea how i ever survived without an In N Out Burger. Im all about the Double Double Animal Style and Animal Style Fries............Can life get much better? I submit that it can not!! I was starving ounce and was able to pound down a 4X4 Animal Style, Animal Style Fries and a Milk Shake!! Im Glad to see KFC made the list, im a little bias lol. Also Chapotles at number 2 was a good pick they have very good food too
  15. wow thats a tuffy! It would be hard watching all your friends and family and loved ones die whill you continued to live, but on the other had I would love to see what the future holds, like way way off in the future
  16. Maybe you should change your name to 8 UR HMI/STNG
  17. Crap i should have read the fine print I just paid mine when i got one when i first moved down here. I tell you after getting one i will never get another one. I can see them from a mile away now, im always on the lookout for them
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