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Everything posted by diggerdan11

  1. Here is mine, I actually have an LED bar too but since an Ahole hit me a couple months back i had to remove it and i have not put it back on yet, and i have not had any problems with the police, i actually got pulled over at night without the bar and they did not say anything about my tails, and that cop was a d%@k. the key is to not make it so dark your lights are worthless, you can still see a little red on mine. it looks just as bad ass but the cops hopefully wont bug me.
  2. That looks so great! I cant wait to get mine
  3. that sucks so bad i would be so pissed off!! but at least the car was not stolen or vandalized more
  4. So i just got moved into my home in Tucson, and the GF and i decided we had to get this puppy. She is a 3 month old Bullmastiff, and shes got to be the sweetest dog ever. Her name is Bella Here is a picture of her tearing up a stuffed beaver, if you did not notice her tag but im a huge fan of the Oregon Ducks, and its hilarious to watch her destroy a beaver (if you know anything about college sports you know what im talking about)
  5. looks good, almost like the real thing
  6. :wub: :wub: :wub: :wub: :wub: :wub:
  7. I have a Glock 19 and its nice but a little large for hiding. Im getting a Ruger LCP one of these days, my dad has one and loves it. I can put it in my front pocket and you would have no clue it was there. The only problem with the gun is it hard to find, there are lots of people on waiting lists to get one I might get the Ruger LCR instead though, here is a picture of it compared to the LCP
  8. hey i was just there too, it was about 3 weeks ago though, I think i stood in the exact same spots as you did because i recognize the view from some of my pictures
  9. i use a Maguires kit that i bought from a local auto shop and it worked great. It came with the clay plus the Maguires quick detailer for lubrication, and wax which i did not need but the kit was 20 bucks and it seemed to work great on my truck But i see from your ost that you hated it Im getting ready next week to clay bar my truck, my truck is covered in hard water stains right now, my truck looks gray ugh
  10. wow that looks so good, i cant wait to get mine done
  11. great find!! hopefully it is not too rusted out to make it worth it. A 327 SS has so much potential. is that a 67 or 68 always mix those up? looks like a 67 to me so are you planning on putting it back to stock or customizing it?
  12. thats so awesome, i remember when i got a big wheel it was so cool. Mine of course was not a 18v and i could not do plastic burnouts but still awesome
  13. yeah it was just a Z28 but it must of have a working SS ram air hood
  14. im not touching this with a 10 foot pole lol
  15. so i was driving down one of the main streets in Tucson when i came up next to what i thought was a mid 90s V6 Camaro at a stop light, it had dual exhaust but it was out one side normally V8 Camaro's have dual exhausts on both driver side and passenger side. So when the light turn green i gave it a little gas not any more than usual i was not planning on racing but he must have thought i wanted to because he slammed on the gas and started to go by me, then i gave it some gas but he had me by a few lengths. He then slowed and i caught up to him, the second i got along side him he punched it, i was a little late in giving it gas so he got a big jump on me, but when i hit the gas within a second i caught back up to him, but he started to pull away. He then slowed down and i caught up with him, it was only then that my gf noticed the Z28 badges. i was actually impressed that i was able to kinda keep up with him, my truck seems to have a good amount of power between 30mph and 50mph. The car had a few mods that i could tell, it was not a normal exhaust setup (never seen a dual out just the driver side before especially on a Z28), and it had a ram air hood, the thing that confused me is it was a camaro and it had a WS6 badge on the back which was the optional ram air on the firebird, so i was wondering if that ram air was actually functional, because i know that will ad a couple extra hp
  16. bought mine September of 06 with 16k miles on it for $28k. I still owe about $18k on it
  17. i would love to do that to my truck, i love the red that one of the main things i like about my Pontiac and my dads BMW are the red lights, they are so much easier on your eyes
  18. I agree they are terrible down here, some of the worst i have ever seen, never driven through New York or New Jersey. I agree with California being 4th worst (not a shock at all to me). Glad to see that Oregon is way low on the list, and that does not surprise me that Idaho is the best. I have not been too many places but imo the worst drivers i have ever dealt with are Las Vegas drivers, you should see what its like when kids from Vegas go to college in Reno, and it snows, OMG you are not safe anywhere you dont want to drive for fear of getting hit and you dont want to walk on the sidewalks for fear of getting hit, it was the scariest time of my life
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