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Everything posted by 04silveradoclone07ss

  1. really the quotes i got were like 35 bucks, hey 11 isnt bad if i decided to sell it again ill know what to look for~KYle
  2. whats so good about gas alley. ive heard so much about it, and i was thinking of joining anyway so maybe ill see it soon!!
  3. over time as it builds up it can hurt the paint, but what i do because my truck is the same as yours is i go to a touchless car wash, have the high pressure blow off all the grim then i run it throught the car wash. but now the weathers is warming up so its back to hanwashing for me~Kyle
  4. thats good to hear that. thats why i have no problem buying from people on this site, everyone is like me and doesnt want to get screwed!!
  5. i will keep you in mind if i decided to sell it again. the only thing is that every one interested is in texas..so far from me and shipping is ridiculous because of its odd shape, but i will keep you in mind..
  6. SOLD sorry everyone but it was sold last night.....and the buyer was...me. i decided to buy it from my freind. but im still unsure if im going to use it so if i dont it will be back here for sale!! but thanks for the intrest~~~Kyle
  7. i agree 100% with you, dont get me wrong it looks good molded but if i ever hit it, too fix it i would have to cut it out put a new one then repaint it all over i rather just bolt it in let it follow the tailgate lines and be done with it.... and the dash cover i think i will do when im all done with the exterior.
  8. luckly i have a hook up at the dealer so i will go and see him. my mirrors are power just lack the signal....
  9. im looking for a set also!!!! so if there is more than one offer someone can pm me with these i need a stock set to tint!!!!
  10. anyone know how to attach it, it only has holes on the top not on the side, wont it flap in the wind???
  11. ill let him know but. he i think hes looking to get a little higher.
  12. very nice...were the hell do find enough road to go 120... evrytime i get going i always see a cop...some people get all the fun lol
  13. well the price is up in the air...give me your best offer and i will let you know..
  14. i still do this in school. i have some teachers that have actually given me credit for "trying". i rember one time i was supose to answer a question on a book we were suposed to read in like 3 day. of course i didnt and instead of answering the question of "do you beleive that the protagonsit of the story deserved what had happend?" i had no idea they didn even give me a clue of who the protagonsit was so i knew the teacher liked peanut butter and jelly sandwiches so i wrote about how to make the best in the world!! i actually recived a 85 and a good try on the side!!!
  15. well i just got the roll pan in today...and wow. its so nice. i cant wait to put in on. well it goes right to the parts pile for a couple more weeks!!!!
  16. well since i brought this topic up and it looks like im going to make you alot of money i think i should get a FREE one.!!!!!
  17. well here it is, my buddy is selling his rst wing. well its a rst wing of a 2004. they guy keeps his truck mint. the wing doesnt have the stripes because he decided he was going to paint them on. so he rubber wheeled them off and lighty sanded it down. only 1 tiny area that has a paint chip but it will need paint to match your truck. he is asking B.O. im intrested in it but if i can seel it for a good price i will let it go!!! pm me or post up.~~~kyle
  18. what are you looking to get?? also the rst wing i thought would be $15 to me isnt. my freind was joking and he thought i new that. but i took him seriously... o well its for sale now ill put up a post!!!!
  19. anyone else?? this one ^^ didnt go ... still looking
  20. well the sports i used to play was football. i still play time to time with some freinds on the weekend but nothing for school anymore. also play golf, still trying to get better but i do like to play. and one thing i was really big into was paintball. i was on a local team we did one tournament and that was it. but we stil play but not as much as it used to be. it used to be like twice a week now were lucky if we get twice a month.(gets really expensive when you have atruck your tryning to make into a clone lol) and my last hoby would be WORKING i need to work to get money for the truck Lol
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