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Everything posted by 04silveradoclone07ss

  1. well since im in the market for a hood for my truck, i think ive seen them all except this company. its from stylin concepts and the price isnt bad. the company made my roll pan and so far that seems liek great quality. so if you want to get a nice hood this one seems good, im thinking about it, looks like the good mark one~~~tell me what you think~~~Kyle http://www.stylinconcepts.com/part.aspx/pa...7/categoryid/25 sorry i cant insert the link, im at school.
  2. well im posting of early in the game, but hopefully your mom picks number 2!!!!~~~Kyle
  3. welcome, im 17 and making a ss clone out of my 04 silverado...almost there!!! good luck on yours
  4. well i saw him again so i defintly know he lives by. i have a stack of those cards in my truck so next time i see him he will get one or get the wave over from me....i want him to join since the only ss guy i really know lives in va and only comes back home on leave...lol mike
  5. was it free handed or a stencil?? and was your other work done that way. i have been looking around for guys to do a tattoo for me and just watch their work, i rather have a guy copy a stencil then go free handed..
  6. well i will take a free post.... i wonder how you get the car out of the pool?????
  7. well it seems a little far, but sounds like fun. but for anyone that goes anyone want to get me a hat and ill just send you the money???~~Kyle
  8. o how i hate imports!!!! well i had to chage it and it was a bit*H. i loved it when chase said its a 5 min swap, for 2 hour while i was doing it i was saying "o ya chase 5 mins". well its so freaking tight under there theirs no room to move. the o2 sensor in the cat tucked up high, and its so tight to get a o2 socket up there. plus it was so rusted i had to get my torches out and heat it up. of course when i got it out there were no threads left, so i had to tap the cat. then after 30 mins, of tryng to get the o2 to grab it finally did and put it all together. then when i went go clear the codes i had another one come up, about a accesories input?? well i just tcleard all 4 and ran it back to work HARD and no code came up.....sorry about my rant but it was suck PITA. i had help with my uncle and he kept saying " i could have had your engine out of your truck faster then this damn sensor will go in"
  9. mine does this also, except its my pass side that shakes more. also which way do i adjust the bumpstops??
  10. not yet, I'm still waiting for someone to do it for me, every time i put a sticker on it goes on crooke'd...
  11. yes i have it, if i run into a problem ill give you a call, thanks~~Kyle
  12. will you guys do a drop on my truck??? looking for the hangers in the back and coils up front to be installed?
  13. ya they are defintly coming out more....hopefully i get my truck done so it looks like a ss, and they wont think im some crzy kid in love with ss's.. i printed out a bunch of those cards, i will be passing them out once i see them!!
  14. o great i go back to put that card on his windsheild and his not their, so i run to autozone to pick up a o2 sensor and what pulls in but a dirty black ss. still nice, anyones?? and of course i dont have the card anymore, but i see him walking in with his silverado ss hat. and of course all days i dont have my truck, im driving around in a beater 01 vw jetta, i see every ss around. i look like a tool in that car. when i see a silverado ss around here i get excited because you normally dont see them, but it was a nice day so they all came out~~Kyle
  15. i can do that!!!! ..........................................yeah right awsome video!!!
  16. just wondering if its anyone here, it was a beautiful red ss with chrome wheels. it was parked on read st. at a barber shop. it was defintly one of the cleanist trucks if seen. must have just been waxed. might go stop by and put one of those greeting cards on it..lol~~Kyle
  17. i already cleared it. i went like a couple miles and it came back on. so im just going to change it. as long as its after cat and i knwo which one it is i'll be fine, i hope. also the sensor for pre- and post cat are diffrent correct?
  18. well i need some help soon. at work we just got a 2001 jetta for a company car and it threw a code, i read it and it said malfunction,slow response. on o2 sensor bank 1 senor 2. my question is, is were is bank 1 senor 2??? im replacing sunday and want to make sure i change the right one. its on a 4 cyl. so isnt there only 2 sensors? 1 behind cat and pre cat? i think senosr 2 is after cat, just want to make sure...~~Kyle p.s- i know its not ss related but with this i make money to pay for my clone..lol
  19. 17 here, defiantly no kids or wife. kind of cant wait to be a dad when i grow up, want a son who will be in love with cars/trucks just like me!! but i think that cant defiantly wait!!!!
  20. just noticed you are from mass, what part??~~Kyle
  21. i know what your saying you have to know whats up so they dont "bend you over". also the 3 other units showing up is pretty funny. its like were i live. i got pulled over in my old truck, for having a loud exhaust(it was veyr very loud, old and rusty), i told the officer it just had a hole in it, its was a 1988 gmc jimmy p/u. well he went back to run my stuff and i had 2 other officer show up and like block me in, they thought i was going to run for a exhaust leak lol... well he just let me go with a "get that fixed". and conventialy i was next to a autozone so i said thats were i was going..sometimes cops are just on a power trip, your lucky you didnt get all 6 tickets
  22. well as of right now its not for sale anymore. i might use it. but if i sell it i will let you know...local is the best deal, no shipping.~~kyle
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