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Everything posted by 04silveradoclone07ss

  1. i have a 3" cat back from flowmaster, i kind of wish i kept a 2 or 2.5'' because the engine doesnt "exhale" so much with a stock motor, so there probablly some backpressure. so i guess i will just have to add more motor mods!!!
  2. i bet the new owner would let it go for less. just tell him the story about your dad, and that you want it back as a setimental peice. unless he is a di** he should cut a good break..
  3. well what do you do now?? making 6 figures then going for a couple years without making much of a profit can be very hard. what about like a quicky lube or something to that effect. all i know is that the labor rate is cheaper then hiring mechanics and its always bussy. we have one in my area that has a constant line to the door. seems good. i like the tranny idea. there will alwyas be a tranny in a vehicle and they will always need repair.
  4. yes please post pics, i was looking into this and wanted to see what it looks like on a chevy
  5. are you sure it was a ss? because regency has the same roll pan as that. and nice to see another sss.com member from mass
  6. so you all like the sss.com underneath th etruck and not inside it????
  7. thank you very much, i kind of feel that he didn't mean it in like a bad way, just the way that it could be interpreted i don't want to seem like the bad guy. and that means alot to me thanks onyx i haven't been here to long but i feel like we all look out for each other, thanks again~~Kyle
  8. this is how it went. yes i was selling for a freind while doing this i also wanted to buy it but was unsure. he wanted cash asap so i bought it from him(being the freind that i am), thinking i would get my money back by selling it here since i all ready stated i would sell it. then i thought it would look good on my truck so i stopped the sale. the "list" i have is of the people that showed intrest in it. so if i ever want to sell it i will know who to ask first. you can have the mods check my PM's im no shady kid i wouldnt do that to guys here. i havent recived one pm about it in like a week and a half. if you would like contact autoguy about it, thats the only person i every talked money about it with. i know he will at least clear me from being shady. and if there is anymore question please feel free to pm me. i dont want people to read things and get the wrong idea about me, im no 26cubbs! and it is your business if its posted on a public form so you can say/ask anything you want~~~Kyle A. and on to the next question, i was looking for the stock ss tailgate lip, i have one lined up if the person sells his truck. EDIT- and on a side note, me and autoguy were talking about this before i even posted it that i had it for sale, so techincally i havent talked money with anyone privatly since i posted it up for sale.
  9. not really, I'm deciding weather to use this or a stock SS wing. plus I'm not waiting for the best price. i already had a agreement with another member here for a low price, and i have been offered higher, but since he couldn't use it i will keep it but you can guarantee if i sell it and he wants it, i will stick to my word and give it to him for the price i said to him. I'm not a sketchy guy. if i wanted the highest price i would have ebayed it. plus if i do sell it i have a list of who wanted it and asked for it, so they will defintly get a pm if i do, would you like the list??? lol
  10. thanks i might just put it in the middle of the truck. this is what it looks like underneath, and yes i loved the ext cab joke, except now that im seeing more ss's around im glad to be the clone since no one will have that around here!!! lol
  11. ^^ i know what your saying about coworkers doing things like that. at work we do alot of police cars, fire trucks and ambulances and this one time i was under the hood doing the wig-wags on a cop car and my buddy decided it would be funny to blare the siren while my head was right next to it. needless to say i heard ringing for hours!!!!!
  12. says it wont work on another vecihle and you have to send it to them to unlock it?? is this unlocked, did you send it back??
  13. ^^^ dont worry your the first on the list. i have it in order of who contacted me, as of right now im going to use it.
  14. well here is something i tried to make. it would only be the outline of the truck and then the ss.com logo. all in grey to match the rims? looks good? i kinda like it.
  15. well i just got back from the sign shop. its didnt come ou tlike the logo perfect the S's all a little diffrent and the a is also. but other than that it looks great, got the truck also. what i was thinking of doing was putting the sss.com logo inside the sticker truck. does that sound good? from what i can tell it will look good, but i dont want the truck to take away from the ss.com. if i can get and example i will show you
  16. i have one, but im still deciding if i should use it or not, shoot me a pm and ill add you to the "i want it list" lol
  17. unless you have a code reader remove the fuse for the air bags first. if you unplug it the airbag light will come on maybe. at least i know it does on police cars.
  18. i know i wait so long to put on, then wait for the tint guy we have at work to come down he puts it on perfect and then when im scrapping this morning i see a little s then a i and so on, on the scrapper i was so pissed..lol well ill post pics soon and maybe if your guys like them i could get more.
  19. paint would be about the same price to paint the whole truck, since im having the truck done anyway!
  20. well i put on a sss.com sticker last night, and this moring my window was covered in ice i decide to scrap it, (forgetting about the sticker) and scraped off the sticker . so now i need a new one, the sticker was given to me by mike, gixxerider when he came up for a visit. so i decide to get one made at a local sign shop. i had the logo printed out and told the guy what i wanted, so i got a 24'' x3" logo. but i was also thinking about having this put up above the logo. i just want the out line of the truck since thats what mine will look when im done. its my logo for work that a freind drew, so what do you think? think it will look good. im going to have it made tomorow when i go pick it up.
  21. i hope its high, but defintly looks like a good mark. and mr. p did you find that info out the hard way?? lol
  22. could you please send me a pic of the volant? i was looking for one and this seems like a great deal. you can pm me or email me, my email is in my profile~~~Kyle
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