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Everything posted by cb2big4u

  1. No problem. Depending on how big you want to go with your amp I would do a 4gauge kit if going small side. 0gauge amp kit for anything over 1500~watts. Put a whole thru firewall and use grommet included in the kit or push through with your factory wires. Run power down driver side and rcas for headunit down passenger. Can run remote turn on lead with the power while your at it. If your keeping the back seat and like to hide the amp, you can liquid nails a piece of wood to the backwall of the truck and mount the amp there. Then of you do the rear seat fold down mod you can access or whenever you want. The crooks that want to take it won't know that though. If you have any questions feel free to ask. Sent from Rezound using Tapatalk 2
  2. Sub,box,amp, amp install kit. Then if u still have factory radio, the module that gives you rcas. Forget the number. Sent from Rezound using Tapatalk 2
  3. Different shocks with that button that makes it softer or stiffer tho right? Sent from Rezound using Tapatalk 2
  4. Truthfully I don't know of any reciever that is going to push that kind of power for under 1k. Most people that want power like that do a preamp that all the sources connect to and does your processing then you multichannel out (rcas or proprietary connectors depending) to a big amp. Even then its iffy to get that much power. Most good amps are going to get you 100-200~ watts rms. That's depending on ohm load. I'm sure if you piped a good 100-150 watts to those speakers, you would have nothing to worry about. To the point... Surround sound in the future. Invest in a nice 7.1 receiver. I would take this option. No surround sound ever. Get a 2 channel receiver ~300$ (don't know any that are going to have big power. Usually only 50-75w a channel) or cheap ~100$ receiver and multichannel out with 2 decent plate amps (another 150$/each but will give you that 200-250w rms). Only issue with this is most plate amps will need to be mounted on something. Either option, keep the strap across the positives and the strap across the negatives on the speakers that comes from the factory. This will allow you to go into one channel per speaker and you won't have to worry about crossovers because the speakers you chose have built in capacitor crossovers that cross the mid and tweeter at the correct level. So set your front crossover point on whatever option above you chose to 40hz (lowest safe frequency they go is 36hz) and you will be good to go. Sorry for the wall of text. Sent from Rezound using Tapatalk 2
  5. Looks good. Did u use the bypass for DVD viewing? Sent from Rezound using Tapatalk 2
  6. If your going surround sound you are really going to want to invest in a nice receiver. I do a base line system for people on a budget that is 5 Niles 8inch in ceiling speakers and a Integra 30.4 for around 2000$. This does not include sub or install of cutting the speakers in. Truthfully I would always do 7.1 if I had the choice or even 9.1 or 9.2. Not trying to sell you anything. Just to give you a view on things. If you just want to toss some speakers on an amp and play stereo then your budget is more reasonable. Home audio is a huge market and a very pricey one at that. Need to kind of know what you want to aim for as far as setup before can really give advice. Sent from Rezound using Tapatalk 2
  7. Your receiver is going to be the heart and soul of your system. Truthfully a half decent one is going to cost you close to a grand if not over and that's going to be for a lower to middle of the road model. You will want to buy some plate amps for your sub/s if you have some that do not have built in amps. Just FYI, the 15" speaker in that Vega is not a sub (didn't know if that's where you were going). Subwoofer will basically hook with rcas from the plate amp or sub (if amp is built in) to sub out on the back of the receiver. At that point (or can) receiver has control of crossover and level. You will just run the rest of your speakers off of your receiver. Center channel goes to center channel, left to left, ect... The question here is are you tryin for surround sound or are you just trying to play some music in the house? To me it sounds like the later and that changes reviever options. I would always go Integra for receivers. I am a dealer for them. They are very legit. Tried about every other brand marantz, denon, onkyo, yamaha, harmon/kardon, pioneer elite, ect... www.integrahometheater.com Sent from Rezound using Tapatalk 2
  8. I was a little weirded out the other day when I washed my truck. Sprayed the hood to get it wet and it foamed like it had a little soap on it. Like what your talking about. I didn't listen for fizzle. Wonder what the deal is... Sent from Rezound using Tapatalk 2
  9. I have plasti-crap on my bowtie right now. It has not had any issues for quite some time. Wanted to see what it looked like and now I am just to lazy to take it off and paint it right... I would only use it to see what something looks like. That's about all its good for. A whole car painted in it, sure, have at it. Your car! Sent from Rezound using Tapatalk 2
  10. Great idea and will work fine. One of the aftermarket eBay sets do like you are talking about with lows on the inside. Sent from Rezound using Tapatalk 2
  11. Now that you lowered your price. You sure that warranty is transferable... That makes you the same thing as a online sale. Hope you provide the buyer with a copy of your purchase. Sent from Rezound using Tapatalk 2
  12. There is free shipping on all products from there. They do have the new models and they have coupon codes that are always valid to lower price. I.e. buymore1 for under 300$ and buymore300 for things over 300$. They are not authorized retailers for americanbass so your correct that they don't offer warranty. Companies void warranty when you blow a speaker anyway. I purchased my ab xfl 15s from there and love them. Play them hard everyday. Just tossing this option up since you said lowest price guaranteed. Looking out for active members. Thanks. Sent from Rezound using Tapatalk 2
  13. Looks good. I have the same one. Loving it. A lot more water tight than my buddies. Sent from Rezound using Tapatalk 2
  14. Not to rain on your parade but if you buy two of these from carstereogiant.com and use coupon code buymore300 they come out to 324$ shipped. Seperatly though your spot on at 170$... Sent from Rezound using Tapatalk 2
  15. Bah edited. Whatever Sent from Rezound using Tapatalk 2
  16. In my case I used to shift the auto only because I had no tune at the time and when you shift manually it allows you to shift at a higher rpm. Little late. This was referring to the last page. ;) Sent from Rezound using Tapatalk 2
  17. **** yeh! Awesome. Sub forward port up working for you. I was contemplating doing that myself and did everything up instead. God that amp is huge. Sent from Rezound using Tapatalk 2
  18. Well thank you for your clarification. I guess it didn't happen and I could care less if he had anything between a 3.42 and a 4.52. I edited that part out. For something that runs a low to mid 14 stock, people are getting a lot of flack when they say they took one. Sent from Rezound using Tapatalk 2
  19. I can't view the vids on the phone so I can't comment on that. I will say that I ****ed with a tbss from a 55 mph roll before my tune and manually dropping second then bumping to third and I was right at his passenger door the whole way to my cutoff ~100. From a dig I'm sure he would get me by a little more since he would get better traction. If they didn't know how to drive then that's their issue. Kills a kill! LOL Grats. Sent from Rezound using Tapatalk 2
  20. Looking sweet bro. Good idea on the resin 45s. I might have to do that if I ever up to some power like your running. Going to do any dowels or threaded rod? Sent from Rezound using Tapatalk 2
  21. Good write up for people. I got a shit ton of knu kolossus in my truck. Very legit wire. It just helps givea better ground to everything and make voltage steady I guess. I know my ground from battery was a ****ing 8 or 10 gauge. I LOL'd. It has defiantly made a difference in light dimming. I have even heard people claim better idle to even gaining gas mileage. I did mine because I was running amps and what not. Always want to have a wire the same size if not bigger running from alt to batt and batt to ground that you do running from batt to amp and amp to ground. Makes sure nothing is bottle necking and getting all the current it can. Sent from Rezound using Tapatalk 2
  22. Glad your happy with it. How long do your pipes extend? Can always make those holes bigger one day to try it out! Lol Sent from Rezound using Tapatalk 2
  23. Box tuning is an art that goes into it when said box is designed. I like to use Torres box calculator then google sketchup for the cad drawing. When using aeros (pipes) most subs like something in between a 4"-8" one per sub. Then the longer you make said aero the lower the tuning frequency of the box gets. Or in a ported situation the bigger the slot and longer walls of the port the lower the tuning gets (preferably 14-16 sq in per cubic foot of box). This frequency where the tuning is, is usually where the box peaks and sounds the best depending on the car/truck its in. It can differ and be pretty musical throughout the spectrum but it still has a peak frequency. Your setup probably hits double kicks and higher notes very nicely. Anything in the lower portion of Hz (my favorite), leaves much to be desired more than likely. Just shedding a little light. No hard feelings or anything. Sent from Rezound using Tapatalk 2
  24. Tuning is going to be insanely high with such small ports. Sent from Rezound using Tapatalk 2
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