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Everything posted by cb2big4u

  1. Just did the big 3 with 0/1 gauge knukonceptz ofc. Didn't do shit for my alternator whine. Putting in new rcas for my 4ch amp this weekend. Going to use the 2ch set for my sub stage. Also will be running my head unit ground to battery or where the amp grounds in hopes to take away alternator whine. If all this doesn't fix it then I'm at a loss... Sent from Rezound using Tapatalk 2
  2. Well we got Obama now... Sent from Rezound using Tapatalk 2
  3. Got my sub amp a little sooner than expected. Found what I was looking for on a deal I couldn't pass up brand new. Here's some pics. Hopefully will have this running next weekend as I already ordered wire and rcas. Sent from Rezound using Tapatalk 2
  4. Lol wood shops never stay clean. That's my grandpa's. He's got everything in that place. I went over there to do this box and he said, "shop looks good doesn't it"? I was thinking....righhhttt... Haha Sent from Rezound using Tapatalk 2
  5. Put some felt on it and tossed in the truck to see how it fit. Almost made me want to take the back seat out already. I messed one of my sides up with the carpet and it came put funny but overall it looks decent. I'll take some pics when I rake it out the truck to put the sub in it. My dumbass forgot that I need speaker wire to hook it up. I put the sub in the box and was going to screw it on and realized. Wait a second here. LOL Dont mind the dirty inside. Baby needs a wash and vac. Sent from Rezound using Tapatalk 2
  6. Box is done. Skeptical on how it came out in a way but then again its my first one. Just now painting the port black then I will try and wrap it on carpet. Sent from Rezound using Tapatalk 2
  7. Building temp box right now. Going to finish it tomorrow and then carpet. Sent from Rezound using Tapatalk 2
  8. It's like middle of the road. Supposedly these newer models arnt as stiff as the old ones and get low. Can't wait to hook it up! Going to try and make this box Saturday. First time making one but I have a decent design plan so far. This box will just sit on the back seat until the rest of system is ready. Sent from Rezound using Tapatalk 2
  9. It better not be cause im coming! And I only has a vmax. Sent from Rezound using Tapatalk 2
  10. A 13w6v2 would be better for a wifeys car. They are more sound quality oriented of the 2 with still very good output. Sent from Rezound using Tapatalk 2
  11. I was joking in my last post. I know its going to get loud. So what makes you say that the sub is more designed for sq than SPL? Sent from Rezound using Tapatalk 2
  12. Great looking set up. Sundown subs are awesome. Sent from Rezound using Tapatalk 2
  13. Lol is it going to be loud? I just picked out what I think was going to be decent. I haven't had subs in my cars for years. It might be too ****ing loud for me lol. Sent from Rezound using Tapatalk 2
  14. As soon as that tax return hits my pocket I think I'm gonna jump on some. Sent from Rezound using Tapatalk 2
  15. The temp system for this one until I can get the amp will be a 4.4 cube ft box for a single 15 with a tuning freq of 33.3 Hz and only getting around 600rms from bridging channels 3&4 on my crescendo c1100.4. Need to do my big 3. All wire will be knukonceptz because its so legit. Not sure on what rcas I want to grab but I will prob be making my own. Sent from Rezound using Tapatalk 2
  16. Will be taking the back seats out and doing around a 7-8 or maybe a tad smaller ft^3 box. The amp I got in mind is a crescendo bc2k. Really want the 3500 though. Dual 4 ohm 15, 91.3 db sens, 1000rms but so I hear that is underated. Wanting to atleast get a clean thousand to each. Decent sub for only 175$ shipped to my door. Sent from Rezound using Tapatalk 2
  17. Got my new American bass xfl 15 in the mail today. Another on the way and then soon to buy a beast amp to push em. More pics to come. Sent from Rezound using Tapatalk 2
  18. What are you hinting at here. Haha Sent from Rezound using Tapatalk 2
  19. I don't know if this little cold front is down more south than Tampa. But I know that water in Miami has to be cold as shit right now lol. Sent from Rezound using Tapatalk 2
  20. Damn that's a decent deal for a set. Could be out the door with tires and rims for like 1300 or less. Sent from Rezound using Tapatalk 2
  21. BBK= big brake kit Sent from Rezound using Tapatalk 2
  22. Thanks man. Lost my ass on this **** up but atleaat someone else is happy. Sent from Rezound using Tapatalk 2
  23. Got mine! Thanks Shawn. These are legit. Sent from Rezound using Tapatalk 2
  24. Sold. Sent from Rezound using Tapatalk 2
  25. Lunch bump. Will go lower. Pm me what's good. Sent from Rezound using Tapatalk 2
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