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Everything posted by NolletSSS

  1. Stock!!! lol did they actually look at your truck when they told you your class haha anyway man good luck it will be fun
  2. Hey L3THAL is available and I just asked 2 people to read it and they both said it read LETHAL so I guess thats another idea for ya
  3. Hey check here to see if the plates you want are taken Click Me and I like LETHAL as your plate but it says that its taken but LTHLSS is available.
  4. I have noticed this to, but there is another search function when you click on "my assistant". I just use that one as it will let you know how many posts are related to your search you are trying for. Hope that helps for anyone who didn't know
  5. Looks good Mike you had me worried on the first pics you posted few weeks ago. I cant wait to get mine now
  6. I think the 117 look the best and didn't you get your fastest times on 22's?
  7. Thats bad ass Chase! cant wait for the numbers
  8. Looks good Dylan. How long did it take the two of you to do?
  9. My computer was doing this as well and I think I know why. If you click on the main banner on top of every page (silveradoss.com) it takes you to silveradoss.com/forums/index.php?. My bookmark fore this site was set to that and I would just get that message download box. If you click on the silveradoss.com under the first truck in the top banner it takes you to silveradoss.com/forums and everything is normal. I just redid my bookmark and everything is fine. Yesterday I did notice that if you click that main banner at the top it would pop up that download message but today it seems to be normal so I guess the issue is resolved.
  10. I think one of the police officers can chime in here but if I'm not mistaken a mall parking lot is considered private property and running a stop sign doesn't mean anything. So even if he had written you a ticket you could have fought it. But then again I'm just going off of what people have told me and I could be wrong.
  11. Yea that really does suck and such a helpless feeling when it happened I bet. Glad your ok and hope you get it back on the road soon.
  12. Yea mine to is stuck at 30%. It will reset with both the steering wheel or the gas peddle but after the next start its back to 30% so Just go off your mileage and you cant go wrong. Mine was in the 80ish range last I remembered before the stupid 30% for life shananagens haha. Maybe a new PCM from a tune might fix it.....?
  13. Sorry man that really does suck....glad you and the family are alright. Keep us posted
  14. :cheers: way to go GIANTS !!!!!!!!!
  15. Well Lethal it looks like its your lucky day! I'll take one...so mark me down for the #3 spot ...I've been thinking about getting one for awhile now and this came up at the right time.
  16. If you go back in and read the last page (14 I think) the shop owner does post. The lady who owned the car apparently went thru her insurance company and not directly with the shop. It is a B.S. situation to be in and I bet the shop owner is now out of business or soon will be. Talk about a bad day........but the fault lies directly with the owner allowing employees to take joy rides in costumer vehicles.
  17. You my friend don't need any more freebies haha
  18. Ha ha yea man get a bigger wok. Thats cool that you got a new job. Do you think you will stay or are you still looking. Just every once in a while you have to go out and start your truck up so they can all hear what real horsepower sounds like.
  19. Hey I have a question for ya fellas. I bought the truck with a spray in liner already in it and it looks like crap. I like the looks of the carpet kits but from what I read they all sit in the grooves of the bed. Will a carpet kit fit right in a truck that already has a spray in liner? or can the liner that I have be taken out and redone? I have a taunue cover on so that helps me out on not seeing the bed, but I think the carpet would look good. By far tho the best looking bedliner I have seen is Brads (brobradh77)...it looks kick ass
  20. My dad has a 2000 with 52k miles on it. The last time I went up there to visit he was saying the same thing would happen. Just out of the blue the truck would die and every once in a while it would be hard to start. It turned out to be corroded battery connections. Cleaned them up for him and his truck has been going strong ever sense. Just another thing for you to check.
  21. Im with Brad on this one....stupid chargers
  22. Most of the entire U.S. for what I can see is rooting against the Pats. Yea my Chargers lost today but that still doesn't mean the Pats will win the big game. I hate the Pats, and I agree with Brad. Every time they take the field I wish a loss. I just wish they would have lost today. Maybe next year Chargers...maybe next year....thats the famous San Diego motto Plus the Pats still have a tainted season....cheaters
  23. Well congrats Kyle thats great about your promotion. Hope you get it all worked out with your truck and am looking forward to seeing the vids. Keep us posted...and yea hows your dad?
  24. Thats great news. Hope it all works out for you
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