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ITS OUT !!!!!!!!!!!!&#


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Congrats...I saw it at Autozone tonight. I always knew Fords were only good for boat anchors, or in this case an SS anchor so you could do a really good smoke show. I knew who's truck it was as soon as I saw it on the cover, and my buddy (the manager) said hey check out this 11 sec SS. Good job. :thumbs:



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I just looked up your name in google and you started some flame wars on that AZLOC site....haha...some of those guys really wanted to take it to you with more than a lightning....Glad to hear you made the cover and I will be looking for it to hit the stands in a few days....congrats!!!

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Holy Mother of God! I haven't seen that much flame in a LONG while.


And I haven't even been through half the pages of that thread either!


First off, AZFASTESTSS, congrats on the article and particularly the cover! :thumbs:


Second, I'm not sure what all the hubub is about. "Well.. I'll race you but you have to remove the bottle" :icon_bs::dupe: BS!! run what you brung!!! If you wanted an easy 11's car, there are lots of them out there for a lot less $$. The fact that you took a 5000lb + truck that can haul (even in snow/ice) people, lumber, and a trailer that weighs much more than the truck is impressive!


Yes, the L is an impressive truck for what it is: Cheap ($ wise), single cab, FAST even stock, very easily modded for not much money and tons more speed..


JMO, but I don't get into this whole "L's rule all!!" mentality. I suppose that all fans have their own opinions, but it's all BS. I HATE the way most Fords and Dodges look, but if you show up in a 11 second Ram or L, I'm impressed!!! I don't care that it's a Dodge or Ford anymore, it now becomes a fast vehicle and that's what I like. Same with any Ford, Honda, Chevy, Suburu, Kia, etc around. Speed is what counts to me! :cheers:


I also don't care about "Well, you had to spend X dollars on this to make it faster than mine!!!" WTF? :icon_bs: Who the F*** cares? It's a F***in fast car and it's cool as hell!!!


Call me a brown noser, but AZFASTESTSS, you have one of the most awesome trucks I've ever seen!!

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yeah im going to try and find it tommorrow, i have to see all the dam goodies you got to get you 11.2 1/4. awesome job, i hope i can beat you some day!! When do we get to hear about the 10 sec pass??

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