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SSS'S in New England Attention

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What s the time???


In speaking with Matt .. PladdPezzPunk, he stated that he was going to get there around 8am to set up shop for us, and claim our land.


I think racing starts around 10am. So I will find us a meeting location, so all can meet up. Thinking around 9am, meeting and then we can all roll in to the track in a caravan style ...


There is a truck stop off of the MassPike exit Rt.90 (actually first exit in NY), the one for the track. We can meet there, or in downtown Lebanon Springs.


Like I said ... Bring stuff to eat ... I will bring the Grill and some general ammenities that we may need. If you all want, There is a Food Store around here that sells Picnic Packs!!!! 30 Hot dogs, 30 Burgers, 30 Sausages. Fairly reasonable too. I could get one of those for all of us. And we can just bring our own coolers for soda/beer/water. ....


Open for any and all ideas....



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its one of my friends birthdays on the 24th so I think I might have a few people there drinking like fish :cheers:


also im tryin to get one of my friends to come with his new Audi S4 and my other buddy with a RRRRRRRumble Bee (all stock) I kinda wanna see what hes got compared to me.



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This morning while on patrol ... I "Bumped", into Susan Mead. (By way of Bumped, I mean Stopped for Speeding)


If you don't know, Sue Mead writes articles for all of the Road & Track style mags. She always has a new vehicle every other week, with manufacturer plates on them in her driveway. (She live in my town)

Sue Mead - Bio

Sue Mead - Article/Ferrari


Long story short ... we got to BS'n about vehicles. She was driving a 2006 Audi TT Converitble. She was amazed at how "Quick" it was, without even noticing it. She was really impressed that I owned a SSS, especially after I told her that it was slightly Modified for more fun. (She said, "So you own the only one I see around here?") So, I also told her about our upcoming get together at Lebanon Valley. She wrote down the date, and said she would try to make it. Maybe a little side story about us for one of her mags. This is not etched in stone, but it would be a really cool little story to run.



BTW ... she got off with a written warning .... :D

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