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This is my daughters dog Daisy she is a pain in my neck but my little girl loves her. This dog wants constant attention and is still in the chewy faze. Once she gets over her puppy years she will be a great dog.


This pic is too funny. She loves to sit on my head while I am at the computer. No matter how much I try to stop her.



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ive owned alot of dogs....yorkshire terriers,german sheps,miniature snouzers but my new fav. is boxers.....here is the love of my life!!


when she was a pup






here is a more recent pic of Bailey my boxer and Sadie my miniature snouzer....


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You can't miss with a Black Lab, period. Just remember with hounds it's a constant competition to see who's more stubborn, you or the dog. Also, chicks dig Labs.


If and when you do want a Lab, look for an "English" type lab from a reputable breeder. Too many breeders churn out too tall and too big Labs. The problem is the dog is bigger but the organs don't always support more dog. They're also more prone to have skeletal issues. Read the AKC standard on Labs and you'll see what I'm talking about.


Scout and Shelby are pictured below. The lone dog pictured is Shelby. We also have a Mini-Schnauzer, who despite my inital misgivings, I have come to really like.



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another vote for labs... but I say Chocolate > Black :jester:


This is Stuart (Stu for short) and Peetie




Stu is a BIG lab. American line... and mostly muscle... very much a protector and very territorial. Labs are known to be much bigger lovers than fighters, but I've watched this stud beat the tar out of a pit and a shepard stray who tried to wander into our yard... Hes like SUPER LAB or something when hes on duty, but a snuggly lover when its just him and the family:




Peetie (our english line) on the other hand is convinced hes not a dog... hes a person. Has no real interest in playing fetch or doing "dog stuff" hes content to sit in the patio chairs and drink a beer... damn does that dog love beer. Unlike his buddy Stu, Peetie would never fight... he'd rather just play with anyone or anything that shows up



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We have a Beagle/Bassett mix and she is a great dog. She is very smart and great with the kids. I'll get a pic up of her later on. Being a hound, she will run off on occasion tracking something, but she usually isn't gone long though.

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Montanss: If You have allready had German Shepard's, you should know you cant beat them! j/k


I put my vote in on the GSD! I have had two growing up, and when I moved out me and my fiance' bought this guy!


His Name is Thor! He is a pure bread White German Shepard akc registered. (he is 4 years old)


He is very active, Loves to Play Ball, Hike and be outside all the time!




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My wife had a white sheppard ... it was pretty awesome. Couldn't leave it alone though, needed lots of attention ( prolly an isolated problem, dunno about the whole breed ). Sweet dog none the less.

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I have a 100% pure blood White female German Sheppard and a 85% full blood Black male Lab. Both great dogs, and BOTH with their own strengths/likenesses. The German Sheppard is SO FREAKING SMART, and the Lab is very kind/easy going and LOYAL. :)





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